SugarFreeBrowny 8 Posted August 6, 2012 Like the title says, what is the nicest thing you have done?Mine personally happened yesterday. I hopped on DayZ and ran towards Elektro. While I was running through the woods, I noticed this bull square off in the distance. I decided to investigate and slowly creeped forward towards this unknown object. As I got close I thought I saw wheels and what looked like to be a vehicle. It turns out it was a van and I got right next to it and hop in to see if it running. The engine and wheels were yellow but everything else was good to go. The van was full on gas so I decided to pull out and head to Elektro, however on my way I ran into a survivor being chased by the infected and as I got closer he began to scream, "Let me in! Let me in!" I stopped the van and yelled for him to get in.As he got in the vehicle he began to tell me that his friends were in desperate need for help. They were back in Cherno and had got into a gunfight with another group. One of their friends had been killed and the others were trapped in the apartments. There had been a group in a helicopter harassing and shooting up people in Cherno and Elektro and some how the man I had just picked up convinced me to turn around and head back to Cherno. I whipped the car around and motored my way to Cherno as fast as I could. I kept hearing gun fire as I travelled and it got louder and louder as we closed in on Cherno. When we were not too far out of Cherno, we saw the helicopter flying back to Elektro. We knew this was out time. When we got to the apartments I drove past them and whipped through the field and back around to get in front of the apartment and be able to make a quick get away.As, I sit there the man I had just found running down the road starts to yell to his friends to get in and one by one they ran out of the apartment and got into the van. One had a hard time getting in and couldnt find an open seat as 3 friends had poured out of the apartment. Once everyone got in, we drove towards Kamenka. One of the friends in the group I was saving had been killed and spawned in Kamenka. As we drove down to Kamenka the group kept telling me thanks and that I would be rewarded for what I had done with beautiful guns and everything I could need. As, we picked up the friend in Kamenka I informed that group that I did not want the weapons and that they could have the van. We headed north for a short time and I got out and left the van to man that had just been screaming for my help a moment ago. They gave one last thank you and tore off into the north running over a sheep on the way. I trecked my way back to Cherno to then give a man who had been shot and lost much blood a blood transfusion so he could survive.So tell me yours! I love to hear stories of good happening the DayZ community. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThatGuyCalledReptile 314 Posted August 6, 2012 Get tired of murderer bandits.Become a survivor.Run across the map to heal some guy.Give him food.He gives me M249 ammo.Cheers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Magnum Opus 26 Posted August 6, 2012 Picked up some noob that was about to die in the middle of Elektro with some awesome chopper landing skills. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 23 Posted August 6, 2012 Saw a guy crawling across field far off any major city. He said "Help me, my legs are broken. Help me please". I told him "Sure hold on". Shot him in the head and put him out of his misery. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nicraM 137 Posted August 6, 2012 KoS.Even if I am unarmed, and someone tries to help me. I tell them that when I find a gun I will kill them.I make no qualms about it. It is what I do. The only reason they aren't killing me is because I have nothing or nothing they want. If I had a DMR on my back and a coyote, they would try to put me down, 9 times out of 10.So, why wouldn't I want to do the nicest thing possible and either, KoS or tell them their fate? 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Magnum Opus 26 Posted August 6, 2012 Haha, madball. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mindtrucks 28 Posted August 6, 2012 Avenging a newly met friendly player who got picked off by a chickenshit sniper right after we were done looting Elektro for starter gear. It felt so good. Here's the story if you wanna read it: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Takas 91 Posted August 6, 2012 I saw this survivor and his friends and I shot them, all of them, without distinction. I didn't even hesitate. This is a crazy, forsaken world, a living hell. I help them escape this nightmare. I put their souls to eternal rest. They call me a bandit, without moral, gory, but I will do it anyway.Because I am the only one capable of doing what has to be done.Because I am the hero Chernarus deserves, and the one it needs right now. So I'll hunt them, because I can take it. Because I am not the villain. I am a silent guardian, watchful liberator. The Dark Knight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bairhanz 1 Posted August 6, 2012 (edited) I was on the east hospital roof in Cherno and I saw some guy trying to loot the tents. He was out of direct com range so I just kept watching him. He got closer, still didn't see me, and I typed friendly in chat. He starts spinning around freaking out and I stay all cool. He eventually sees me, takes a shot and misses and I type in chat again "Woah bro, I'm friendly." He says his bad, goes on his way. I eventually climb down and creep toward the tents since it seems like he hasn't touched the medical loot and I need supplies. I ask if he's still there and if he would give me a transfusion. 15 minutes later, I'm on Skype with like 4 guys total and we're having a jolly good time. Edited August 6, 2012 by Bairhanz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ty5142 315 Posted August 6, 2012 I was heading to Cherno whilst hearing shots from the city, after scouting for a few minutes there were three groups of about eight players duking it out in the middle of the city. I headed further into the city where the military tents were, no zombies whatsoever as came into the camp to find a survivor trying to bypass the fight but was shot in the leg. He had no weapons of any kind as I rounded the corner of a tent he yelled friendly and told me this was his first time playing the game. I quickly got over to him and gave him morphine and a blood transfusion many thanks were given and just so he wouldn't get lost i gave him my only map as I know the map without even looking at it and a revolver with ammunition as well as some well needed food. We separated after exiting the north east side of town and that was that. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
T.G. 48 Posted August 6, 2012 I had a chicken follow me for a little while in berezino the other day. Eventually I grew attached to it and decided to defend it from zombies while waiting for my group to form up. Of course as soon as my "friends" show up they kill my pet chicken, so the nicest thing I have done lately is not murder them in a blind rage for fowl vengeance. With friends like these who needs chickens. 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
--_Archangel_-- 18 Posted August 6, 2012 Yesterday I was browsing the forums and came across the Wasteland Medic thread in the Survivor Camp subforum, and had a quick read through the OP. Upon seeing a name I recognized in the list of Whitelisted medics (someone who plays quite often on the same server as me, at usually the same times), I contacted him on Steam with the intent to just say hi, and maybe offer the aid of my well-geared survivor group, but as we got chatting, he tells me that his medic camp was recently raided by bandits, and that he had lost his vehicles that he used as ambulances and was about to give up on this server and start again somewhere fresh.As he was describing it, it all sounded a little too familiar.The UAZ filled with guns and meds that our group liberated from a camp just the day before had turned out to be his. I took a quick vote from whoever in my group was online at the time, and we all agreed to give it back to him.So anyway, after a couple hours of drama, including a hacker stealing my groups chopper and a long corpse run for me, I finally get to deliver the medic's ambulance back to him, with a few extra items inside for goodwill.I spend a lot of my time anti-sniping noob snipers on the coast, but this was totally different, felt like I was really contributing to something better. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vtmz 17 Posted August 6, 2012 I always help on /r/RedditRescueForce. Basically it's a subreddit where people ask for help and tell where they're located. Ex: [N]Morphine [L] NWAF. I've rescued a total of 14 people. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ankhenaten 111 Posted August 6, 2012 On 8/6/2012 at 5:55 PM, Takas said: I saw this survivor and his friends and I shot them, all of them, without distinction. I didn't even hesitate. This is a crazy, forsaken world, a living hell. I help them escape this nightmare. I put their souls to eternal rest. They call me a bandit, without moral, gory, but I will do it anyway.Because I am the only one capable of doing what has to be done.Because I am the hero Chernarus deserves, and the one it needs right now. So I'll hunt them, because I can take it. Because I am not the villain. I am a silent guardian, watchful liberator. The Dark;dr; asshole :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
svenbreakfast 231 Posted August 6, 2012 Pretty much just not pulling the trigger every chance I get, tempting as it may be. If I go around a corner and suddenly somebody is in my face all bets are off, or I might fire a warning shot.In terms of "oh look there's some poor oblivious schmuck over there". I feel like PKing without sport is just being a boring person. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nukelarity 1 Posted August 6, 2012 Probably the most nicest thing that I've done was help someone get their revenge back from a group of people who were just killing people at spawns and leading newbies and false believers to a trap.The story was really, i spawned in at Cherno, crap gear; Enfield, Maky couple of medical items and food items, and this guy who i spawned next to and made friends with just kept getting killed by this group of four people were asking people to join them on a trek to the NW airfield. So i decided, ill help this guy get his revenge. after Finding out more of the story, he was just killed for his gear which was some high end items, and that the group of four were sitting at a spawn point for newbies or fresh spawns and killing them. After reaching Balotta which was where the group met, i passed my newly formed friend my Enfield and we went to go pick off the group of four one by one.2 of em headed to the hangers we both killed them off with some scratches, and the other two were in the ATC tower which almost killed my friend, after the firefight i ended up spending most of my healing items for the guy to live and told him he could keep their stuff and that i didn't want it and we both headed our separate ways.The funny thing about this was that the group of four who were killing people were giving both me and my friend shit for killing them and how its "bad" in their eyes, after they said that on a public chat an uproar of people just started yelling and giving them shit, probably one of the best parts of the day that i had on dayZ.(on a side note sorry this has bad grammar, really my deepest apologies) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LGN Severant 7 Posted August 6, 2012 Freed a guy who spawned in a hospital, then told him to stay the fuck away from myself and my clan, because we'd shoot him on sight..I was a fresh spawn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Private Poptarts 23 Posted August 6, 2012 (edited) 1.Spawn in the coast and troll a noob by throwing a bunch of zombies at himHe dies and I do, tooOffer to show him the basics of DayZ2.Tried to take down a griefer on the elektro hills, got a shot or two at him and he disconnected. I still haven't got the hang of CZ yet. Oh, and he came back later and shot me :: D3.Offered taxi services for the public Edited August 6, 2012 by Private Poptarts Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dingus (DayZ) 429 Posted August 6, 2012 Not killed someone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CarloNord 29 Posted August 6, 2012 I think the best I did was when I passed through the Electro office building, found a makarov and two corpses, one with a m1014, which I used to either kill a guy or a zombie, it was a while ago and I can't remember which though I think it was a person who shot me first. Anyway I ran out of ammo so I took the AKS-74 and went west, just as I left the city I found someone how had literally just spawned. I told him I didn't have anything I could spare, so I told him to head to the office building as there was ammo and weapons there. He thanked me and we wished each other luck. I was killed shortly after by two guys who I tried to be friendly with. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pareidolia 0 Posted August 6, 2012 I logged on one time freshly with no gear. I noticed someone else who had just spawned as well with no gear being chased by a zombie. I ran in and took the zombie off his back and lost the zombie running up a hill. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Someonerandom 5 Posted August 6, 2012 ive killed almost all the people that ive encountered u shouldve shot me first lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Erik (DayZ) 61 Posted August 6, 2012 This thread made me feel guilty... :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SugarFreeBrowny 8 Posted August 6, 2012 I understand DayZ is a kill or be killed world but teamwork is still possible under so many different circumstances. People always want to do whats best for them and in DayZ this correlates to not losing gear and supplies that one has spent time finding. However, all of the stuff you find in DayZ is replaceable. You can always it again and it will always be there as long as this mod continues and with 1,000,000 players, I don't think this mod is going anywhere anytime soon. So, why not try and have a valueable experience by meeting new people and seeing how you can help each other. I understand the desire for the kill and it will happen. Not every encounter is going to end up beautifully, but why not try? You can get all the stuff again. That's why I gave away my van and let them have it.Im just disappointed at times with the lack of friendly people in this game. It's not meant to be a deathmatch scenario all the time but it seems like most of the time it is. This game has so much more potential than it already has but the community ruins it. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greeny0604 1 Posted August 6, 2012 Pick up a man and drive him to the airfield, after he had died losing a DMR and some other things. :) I didn't know I would meet up with him, didn't know him before. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites