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Bandit skin alternative: Zombification in 4 steps

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A suggestion to fix deathmatching. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

I don't like the idea of bandit skins much, it sounds too artifical.

I'd prefer humanity to be linked to, uh, actual humanity. The "zombie virus" turns humans into ultra-violent beasts who kill everything in sight without mercy or regret, unless it's one of their zombie-buddies. Half the players are exactly the same, except they have guns. So why make not make players turn into zombies as they loose more and more of their humanity? Makes sense to me. Also, more immersive imo.

An example (numbers are examples, no idea how the humanity system really works):

Bandit: 1 murder / day alive

No special skin.

There is no way to tell the difference between a survivor & a regular bandit. Bandits pick their targets carefully and try to trick or rob others without killing them.

Infected: 2 murders / day alive

Zombie skin.

This is the deathmatch/KoS mode. Other players will know that this player is likely to KoS. Giving those players an infected skin also helps immersion by explaining all the pointless killing...

Turning: 3 murders / day alive

Coughing, shaking.

Griefer protection. Time to take a break from sniping noobs. You prick.

Zombified: 4 murders / day alive

Player dies and gets replaced with a zombie.

Edited by SamSpam
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Severe negative effects for those who play a certain way? Seems harsh.

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I like it, it will make bandits resort to other ways to getting survivor's loot. Sneaking behind them and looking in their backpack, robbing, etc.

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no only, becouse you get shot lol

Let everybody play like he want, heres my alternative

Bandit: 1 murder / day alive

No special skin.

There is no way to tell the difference between a survivor & a regular bandit. Bandits pick their targets carefully and try to trick or rob others without killing them.

Infected: 2 murders / day alive

This is the deathmatch/KoS mode. Other players will know that this player is likely to KoS by having a bullet straight to there head. Giving those players an reason to open such a thread.

Turning: 3 murders / day alive

Badit Walks faster

Griefer protection, so if they die they can get there body back :D. Time to take a break from looting dead bandits

Zombified: 4 murders / day alive

Player gets perma Thermal Vision to spot easier and get even more kills.

Edited by Paddy0610
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This is NOT a good idea. Rocket mentioned that they got rid of the bandit skin because people are forced to be someone they probably dont want to be.

If someone wants to shoot other survivors (e.g. for fun or to get better equipment... its wayne why) he should be able to do so without any restrictions. 4 murders and character dies? Thats just stupid.

What if you ran out of beans and have to kill some survivor in the middle of nowhere. And what if that survivor got friend. You kill them to stay alive and get killed of 4 murders...

As rocket said. Bandits play a big role in dayz but the deathmeath going on is stupid as well. But once they implement some nice "end game content" (whatever) this deathmatch could find an end.

Once its getting harder to equip yourself (e.g. no hacking/duping possible) and the alt+f4 save quit isnt able anymore ppl will start to think twice if they start a gun fight WHEN there is enough end game content / things to do AND it is hard to get new equipment. But i think thats the way it will be (at least im hoping so lol)

Edited by Jacy
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I disagree. If you don't like PvP, just don't play the game. Go sign the PvE server petition and play the waiting game. PvP is a major factor in DayZ that will always keep you on your toes.

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simply, go be a carebear elsewhere OP, stop crying because you cant defend yourself, if you want a white knight go cry to your dady

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This is NOT a good idea. Rocket mentioned that they got rid of the bandit skin because people are forced to be someone they probably dont want to be.

An improved bandit skin is coming back. Fact.

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An improved bandit skin is coming back. Fact.

As I understand it though it's just going to be clothing like a Ghillie that you can choose to wear, not an enforced mechanic of gameplay style.

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As I understand it though it's just going to be clothing like a Ghillie that you can choose to wear, not an enforced mechanic of gameplay style.

That is disappointing, all clothing options should be available to all players bandit or otherwise.

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As I understand it though it's just going to be clothing like a Ghillie that you can choose to wear, not an enforced mechanic of gameplay style.

Nope, bandit & hero items are enforced.

This is one of the reasons why I like zombiefication better - forcing players to wear certain items just BECAUSE feels a little silly imo...

Edited by SamSpam

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I'm a bandit not a zombie, why would I look like a zombie because I shoot people? Bandit morphing seems more plausible than this.

Say hi to Bub.

Bub's humanity rating is higher than yours.


edit: How do i embed pics? -.-

Edited by SamSpam

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Say hi to Bub.

Bub's humanity rating is higher than yours.


Here's the thing.

Just because someone kills players doesn't make them a zed. That makes no fucking sense.

At least the bandit and hero skins will have no negative or positive effects.

Quit being a crybaby and go play Left 4 Dead.

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Here's the thing.

Just because someone kills players doesn't make them a zed. That makes no fucking sense.

Let's take 28 days later as an example:

The rage virus amplifies violent behaviour, turning infected humans into mindless killers. In that movie, it seems to turn everyone into a killer anyway - but in general, a virus like that would have a bigger effect on a violent person. So, it's not that far-fetched, imo.

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Nope, bandit & hero items are enforced.

This is one of the reasons why I like zombiefication better - forcing players to wear certain items just BECAUSE feels a little silly imo...

So you think it's silly to force players into wearing a face wrap and whatever the hero thing will be, but you don't find it silly that you want to force players into wearing a zombie skin?

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It's actually completely logical. It's funny watching the bandits squirm at this.

So if the virus is a rage virus like 28 Days Later...then Zombies are just normal humans that hate other humans because of a virus. No superpowers. Nothing separating them at all except for red eyes and bulging veins.

What are bandits? Normal humans that hate other humans.

But what if everyone on the island is infected by a virus just like 28 Days Later? What if the people who act more humane toward each other are actually the people who are resisting the virus and the people acting like bandits are unwittingly succumbing to the virus. And then when it's too late, WHAM, they turn into zombies.

Total. Fridge. Brilliance...

Best idea yet. Take my damn beans!!!!! Take 'em all!!!!


Okay, here's an idea. Humanity is your ability to fight off the zombie virus. The more evil you are, the more you turn into a zombie. Think: The Walking Dead where everyone is infected except instead of dying making you a zombie, being evil turns you into a zombie (see: REC)

  • Humanitarian - Really high humanity level. Survivors and humanitarians have lowered panic response around them. Names look blue to survivors and humanitarians. Green to everyone else.
  • Survivor - Slightly below 0 to high humanity level. Calmed by humanitarians. Heart beat increases around anyone with a lower humanitarian level.
  • Bandit - Low negative humanity level. Don't respond to humanitarians anymore. Veins bulging from their necks. Skin losing color. Heart beat increases around anyone with a lower humanitarian level. Killing them doesn't count as a murder.
  • Turning - High negative humanity level. Eyes turn red. Veins bulge from their skin. Skin loses all color. Heart beat increases around anyone with a lower humanitarian level. Killing them doesn't count as a murder.
  • Zombifying - Really high negative humanity level. Face is replaced by a zombie face but zombies will still attack. Panic response to everyone with a higher humanitarian level, but no panic response to zombies. Killing them doesn't count as a murder.

Edited by BazBake

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It's actually completely logical. It's funny watching the bandits squirm at this.

So if the virus is a rage virus like 28 Days Later...then Zombies are just normal humans that hate other humans because of a virus. No superpowers. Nothing separating them at all except for red eyes and bulging veins.

What are bandits? Normal humans that hate other humans.

But what if everyone on the island is infected by a virus just like 28 Days Later? What if the people who act more humane toward each other are actually the people who are resisting the virus and the people acting like bandits are unwittingly succumbing to the virus. And then when it's too late, WHAM, they turn into zombies.

Total. Fridge. Brilliance...

Best idea yet. Take my damn beans!!!!! Take 'em all!!!!

Oh yes, it makes so much sense that a virus which has wiped out almost the entire world can be resisted simply by not killing anyone. I guess all of the infected that spawn in were murderers as well, am I right?

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I don't like that idea,

what if a guy is attacked on three occasions and kills the aggressor on the three occasions? Is that fair to turn him into a zed?

I've killed three guys with my character, I had no choice what so ever, kill or be killed. So i'd turn into a zed?

That would drive alot of players away from the mod/standalone game.

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Yeah, I just countersniped a guy who was plinking away at me. I was pinned down in a hangar with one door, and he and his friend were behind their truck shooting at me with .50 caliber rifles. They must have been zeroed wrong or something, because they couldn't hit me at about 500m, and I scored some solid hits with my DMR. One of them died, the other bandaged up and drove the truck away. Later on that day, I was checking a deer stand and a guy was up in it. I panicked and shot the crap out of him. He had a ghillie suit and an FAL. Am I supposed to introduce myself to this guy and hope he's friendly? That's two kills in one day, bandit mode engaged. Then I'd be flagged for KoS, so even people who would have worked with me otherwise will kill me on sight, turning every encounter into a deathmatch. I'll have to hide in the woods for a day or two in order to lose my security status. I don't see how a rule like this can suspend my ability to play the game based on a fuzzy logic like you propose.

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I don't like that idea,

what if a guy is attacked on three occasions and kills the aggressor on the three occasions? Is that fair to turn him into a zed?

Those shouldn't be counted as murders at all. Search for "bandit/survivor/humanitarian" I had a new idea for a murder system based off of threat.

  1. Threat tags: drawing a weapon, raising a weapon, or swapping out an item raises a threat tag. (think an immersive PvP tag)
  2. If you're either unarmed or your weapon is lowered for four seconds, your threat tag goes away.
  3. Harming someone who is not a threat costs humanity.
  4. Killing someone who is not a threat is a murder.
  5. Bandits are always a threat.

Under this system, you would never have gotten a murder in the first place. So instead of attacking bandit IDs because a broken system gave you a murder, ask for amnesty and a better murder system and recognize that bandit IDs are the only way to make sure banditry isn't easy mode.

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