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Spawn with a hatchet?

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All this talk of 'authenticity' - it's a God damn game, and it's supposed to be FUN - for EVERYONE.

If it's authentic, why can't I break a plank off of a fence and use it as a weapon ? Or climb a tree ?

Let's add the need to piss and shit too. And when I get hungry why can't I eat my shit, and drink the said piss when I am thirsty.

Heck, let's add special 'Dance Party' key presses to time our breathing too !!


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One of the few items that you do still spawn with is a pair of legs. I find it's quite an effective strategy to use them if you aggro a zombie while unarmed. Even when I do have a gun, I only use it if I've been hit enough to cause bleeding and can't shake the zombies that are tailing me quickly (very rare). Even dodging around un-enterable buildings to break line of sight is enough to lose zombies half the time.

Stop raging and expecting the game to hold your hand while you learn to walk, please.

And it isn't supposed to be a fun game, if you'd have even read the thread you'd have seen the quote where Rocket described it as an 'anti-game'. It's a post-apocalypse survival-sim. It's designed to be hard. It's designed to fuck you over. Deal with it or don't play it, lol.

Edited by mZLY

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One of the few items that you do still spawn with is a pair of legs. I find it's quite an effective strategy to use them if you aggro a zombie while unarmed. Even when I do have a gun, I only use it if I've been hit enough to cause bleeding and can't shake the zombies that are tailing me quickly (very rare). Even dodging around un-enterable buildings to break line of sight is enough to lose zombies half the time.

Stop raging and expecting the game to hold your hand while you learn to walk, please.

And it isn't supposed to be a fun game, if you'd have even read the thread you'd have seen the quote where Rocket described it as an 'anti-game'. It's a post-apocalypse survival-sim. It's designed to be hard. It's designed to fuck you over. Deal with it or don't play it, lol.

If you actually bothered to read the thread before commenting, you probably wouldn't look like such an ass.

I've read pretty much every thread Rocket has commented on, have you? Yes, this is an "experimental mod", but the standalone will no longer be an experiment; It will be its own game in its own genre of "authentic" survival horror. I'm sure plenty of things will change and hopefully, the "user-friendly" level of play. For those of you who read user-friendly as noob-friendly, don't. It's about being intuitive. There is NOTHING intuitive about this game other than the standard FPS aspect of aim and shoot.

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Not sure if trolling or retarded.

Improving the inventory system make the game more user-friendly. Spawning with a weapon would make it more noob-friendly. That's the difference, study it carefully.

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Not sure if trolling or retarded.

Improving the inventory system make the game more user-friendly. Spawning with a weapon would make it more noob-friendly. That's the difference, study it carefully.

Did you know how to immediately equip and use a hatchet that you picked up off the ground without ever having played the game before or reading game guides?

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You know what, this reminds me of when MOST people posted on the forums when they REMOVED the spawn with weapon feature, IMO I don't see the problem in starting with a Hatchet or a crowbar, all these people saying GTFO BABY need to grow up, this mod will still have the feeling of "OH SHIT, I have zombies chasing me what do" even if you start with an axe, all it will do is give you a chance at the start, the number of times I have been fresh spawned and had zombies glitch their way to me and follow me untill the end of the earth is frustrating, An axe to keep them off my back in a legit way would be fine, It may promote more PvP in starting areas... but lets face it, you go to cherno/ elektro on a server with a decent population you are as good as dead by the sniper on the hill with a 50 cal anyway... this is a survival simulator and an axe is not too much to ask. Cheers for reading :P

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Did you know how to immediately equip and use a hatchet that you picked up off the ground without ever having played the game before or reading game guides?

No, knowing the mod was in alpha and ARMA has no mellee combat therefore it was bound to be buggy, I Googled it. Really, I'm sorry for your complete inability to think, but stop blaming DayZ.

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You know what, this reminds me of when MOST people posted on the forums when they REMOVED the spawn with weapon feature, IMO I don't see the problem in starting with a Hatchet or a crowbar, all these people saying GTFO BABY need to grow up, this mod will still have the feeling of "OH SHIT, I have zombies chasing me what do" even if you start with an axe, all it will do is give you a chance at the start, the number of times I have been fresh spawned and had zombies glitch their way to me and follow me untill the end of the earth is frustrating, An axe to keep them off my back in a legit way would be fine, It may promote more PvP in starting areas... but lets face it, you go to cherno/ elektro on a server with a decent population you are as good as dead by the sniper on the hill with a 50 cal anyway... this is a survival simulator and an axe is not too much to ask. Cheers for reading :P

I never have the feeling of "OH SHIT, I have zombies chasing me what do"

Or any kind of feeling when zombies are chasing me, other than "hmm, where is a door/raised area?"

Because all it takes is walking through a door or stepping on a raised platform to lose aggro.

This mod needs to make it harder to survive, not easier. It's already easy, it needs to be challenging

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No, knowing the mod was in alpha and ARMA has no mellee combat therefore it was bound to be buggy, I Googled it. Really, I'm sorry for your complete inability to think, but stop blaming DayZ.

You keep trying to attack me for some reason, even though I've stated almost 10 times that this isn't about my personal experience. I've never played ARMA, and a lot of people playing DayZ can say the same thing. I didn't know ARMA didn't have melee, because let's be honest.... 9/10 FPS have some sort of melee. Maybe i'm wrong for assuming, but wouldn't it be nice?

So you didn't sit there for 10 minutes trying to figure out how a simple hatchet works? Do you often have to google how to play a game because there are no instructions? That's from a lack of intuitiveness and is a pretty major problem with any game. Do you at least see what i'm getting at? Being told how to equip a weapon via in-game prompts and it letting you try it out with a shitty crowbar or 2x4 or even a disposable hatchet or something isn't going to make the game more carebear. Just make it a temporary weapon, like 5-10 swings before it breaks or something. Anything.

I never have the feeling of "OH SHIT, I have zombies chasing me what do"

Or any kind of feeling when zombies are chasing me, other than "hmm, where is a door/raised area?"

Because all it takes is walking through a door or stepping on a raised platform to lose aggro.

This mod needs to make it harder to survive, not easier. It's already easy, it needs to be challenging

Cool, another guy that didn't read the thread. Not only do you not lose aggro, zombies continue to chase you inside buildings and will block doorways while swinging at you from across the room. Where do most people spawn? On the coast near small towns that ONLY have residential buildings with 1 entrance and exit.

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Cool, another guy that didn't read the thread. Not only do you not lose aggro, zombies continue to chase you inside buildings and will block doorways while swinging at you from across the room. Where do most people spawn? On the coast near small towns that ONLY have residential buildings with 1 entrance and exit.

Nope, I've been in the thread a while and I've read through it.

I've run into many one-door buildings, it isn't hard to go into prone when you get in there, then sidestep the zombie on the way out.

The only building that makes this relatively difficult is the log cabin with its narrow entryway. All you do then is kite the zombie around the table and then go out the door.

Even when I have a gun, I prefer the above method over killing the zombies; I always seem to have a player within range to hear my gunshots, and it conserves ammo(or would, if ammo didn't refill itself).

I have never had a zombie not lose aggro when going through a door. Sometimes you have to run in and to the right or left to break LOS, but most times that isn't necessary.

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I think it's fair to say at this point that anyone who doesn't get it doesn't want to get it. Spawning with some form of basic (non-firearm) weapon wouldn't break the game and make it too easy. Right now the starting situation is based almost 90% on luck when you first get in. I did fine my first spawn because I got lucky, while my friend didn't because he didn't get lucky and instead had a zombie on him in no time.

The fact that his arms don't work to push, punch, or pick up a rock didn't make him feel like the game was "hardcore," it made him feel that there was a missing feature. The fact that when I found my first hatchet I then spent a minute or two figuring out how to equip it and use it didn't make me feel like I was in a super survival horror game, it made me feel like I was in a mod that had to work with a game that had virtually no inventory system to begin with and they hadn't gotten around to cleaning it up.

As for needing to google how to equip a weapon, if this game is supposed to be so hardcore and 'authentic' then part of that will be basic usability. If I charge into a building because a zombie is chasing me (not realizing that they'll start walking), I shouldn't have to fight with an interface to equip a melee weapon. For that authentic feel I should be able to pick it up and use it right away. I realize that this is a game so that won't always work, but my point is that even the need to google something like that suggests that there should be some sort of basic information in game, maybe in the mission objective notes or something along those lines?

As Rocket has said, bug fixing and cleaning things up aren't glamorous and don't make a mod appear on magazine covers initially, but it does improve the user experience and improve the odds that more people will stick around so that he'll get a chance to make money from this.

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I think it's not a good idea to start with an axe, but as someone said, a way to push zombies away from you will be a good starting point, you'll not make any damage to them, but will let you start running away from the zombie.

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Difficulty for the sake of difficulty is not intuitive. It isn't actually difficult, the mechanics just suck.

That is what this is about. I KNOW you can run inside buildings to lose aggro. I KNOW you can sneak around infected most of the time. I KNOW that you can easily get headshots. I KNOW how infected move and how their aggro works.


This isn't about "whoring" out to a larger market, it's about making the game playable from the beginning without getting frustrated. Like I said, not everyone like's getting raped by infected while they hide in a corner every-time they spawn and try to loot a building. How are you going to know how to use a hatchet the first time you pick it up? It goes onto your toolbelt and you spend the next 5 minutes figuring out how one of the 5 basic game mechanics works because it isn't intuitive.

While there aren't many relative statistics to gamer type per se on this particular issue, it's easy to see the distribution of games. Most games are just watered down re-hashes of tried and true content. How many games do you see that punish the gamer adequately for dying or punish you beyond reason for trying to play the game? I can't name a single one. Mainly because that's counter-intuitive for wanting people to play your game... Punishing them for playing it? Here's a link with some random statistics:


Your changing your argument, yes its not intuiative, mainly because everything you are doing is hacked into a standalone game that doesn't support it. Also Arma by itself has a steep learning curve and is not very usr friendly. These factors really don't matter for a game in this stage, as hopefully the inventory system that currently exists is going to be totally scrapped, I'm not saying stop complaining its Alpha, go ahead and complain but complain about the right things in the right places. If you want an "Easier" start complain about it but don't say you want it easier because of the poor interface or glitches, they are things that will not be connected later. If you want a better inventory or UI then make a post about that seperatley.

The underlined section above is what upsets "hardcore" players. The game should not be balanced at all thus it will be exponentially more difficiult for under equiped or new players because it is set to be difficult for players that are experianced and fully equiped. There is no Noob area, training ground, or practice field. Your thrown to the wolves from the start and its sink or swim with everything at stake. Thats what makes the game exciting.

And the game is designed to frustrate you, look at the player numbers, total uniques and alive characters/bandits. There are over 250 thousand players that rage quit and have never come back, (or they are hacked dup ID's)

after 1.6 something you no longer lost food/water when logged out. So now there should be alive characters for every unique ID unless people quit when they are dead and never come back...

Yes you used to die if you didn't play... Imagine that bitch fest. (This game has already been dumbed down and made easier)

Did you know how to immediately equip and use a hatchet that you picked up off the ground without ever having played the game before or reading game guides?

I bleed out the first time I was bleeding because I couldn't figure out how to bandage my wounds, it sucked, I watched in frustration as my character bleed out and I couldn't stop it. These scenes or experiances have their own value in and of themselves, not only will you learn from them but it lets you experiance what in this scenario thousands of other people did, their immenent doom.

Have you been forced to jump off of a roof yet? I've had to do this multiple times sometimes its worked sometimes not, but it always feels authentic, I always get that cornered rat feeling where I know I'm dead if I don't act so I turn to desperation.

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That's how I died the first time, jumping off of a shed that was 3 feet off the ground. I broke my leg, attracted infected, and they began to eat me as I tried to crawl away.

The frustration should come from lack of "skill" or lack of caution in a situation that caused unforeseen circumstances, things you can improve on; Not from being unable to improve because there literally is no option.

It's the same argument from a different approach, seeing as the other approach was calling all the trolls to scream and cry "CAREBEAR!!!" at the top of their lungs.

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It could be a problem for new players. but I personally can deal with it.

Arma 2 itself is not a game for everyone, so i expect this for DayZ.

Otherwise, there is Left 4 Dead or COD Black Ops

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For me is no diffrence to start with or without weapon, so who care if someone have start gun or not? If you all remember where best weapon spawn and easy get what you want and change junk weapon to something better in few minutes. Let the rookies at least have chance to get use to game.

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That's how I died the first time, jumping off of a shed that was 3 feet off the ground. I broke my leg, attracted infected, and they began to eat me as I tried to crawl away.

The frustration should come from lack of "skill" or lack of caution in a situation that caused unforeseen circumstances, things you can improve on; Not from being unable to improve because there literally is no option.

It's the same argument from a different approach, seeing as the other approach was calling all the trolls to scream and cry "CAREBEAR!!!" at the top of their lungs.

Without weapons rookies are getting used to the game 90% of the game is movement/stealth rather than fighting/shooting. Without a weapon the instant DM is reduced as newbs don't farm newbs for ammo/equipment and they are exposed to the skills they need to master. Firing your weapon is a last resort when it comes to PVE as it alerts others and initiates PVP, it also increases the PVE and then your just wasting resources.

The frustration does come from something that you can improve on, your ability to stealth and or run from Z's, thats what people have been saying this whole thread. Managing aggro to conserve your resources and avoid other players is the largest part of the game outside of shooting other players.

The UI complaints I get as I said but it is a disassociated issue.

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Zombies don't run fast; they run barely faster than the player, and when they catch up to the player they have to stop to attack. Unless you're walking backwards, a zombie won't be able to hit you while you're running.

On top of that, all you have to do is run into a building to lose aggro. Sure they'll walk in, but they won't be aggroed to you anymore they'll just walk around like "hurr durr what did I come in here for again?"

Why would you wash up on the beach with a crowbar?

Not to mention, it'd be replaced as soon as you found a hatchet

why would you wash up on the beach with a backpack, a flashlight and a bandage

Edited by Dimes123

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why would you wash up on the beach with a backpack, a flashlight and a bandage

Apocalyptic scenario happens, you're gonna grab a bunch of supplies and put them in a backpack.

Seems like most of those things washed out in the water.

Flashlights and bandages are things that people usually reach for in survival situations, a crowbar not so much.

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Flashlights and bandages are things that people usually reach for in survival situations, a crowbar not so much.

Its not picnic. Dont tell me that in zombie apocalypse you move outside without any simple weapon like hammer or crowbar. I could just piss myself in pants having only bare hands.

Edited by Dalegor Dobrutro

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Its not picnic. Dont tell me that in zombie apocalypse you move outside without any simple weapon like hammer or crowbar. I could just piss myself in pants having only bare hands.

You think you could keep ahold of a heavy blunt weapon while trying to fight the strong ocean currents to get to the shoreline?

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You think you could keep ahold of a heavy blunt weapon while trying to fight the strong ocean currents to get to the shoreline?

And you think that crowbar is so heavy? And who say that player character must be some castaway? Maybe he just walk by the beach somewhere else?

Edited by Dalegor Dobrutro

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I don't know what about you, but I kind of like to sneak around in the first few minutes searching for weapons. but that's just me...

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And you think that crowbar is so heavy? And who say that player character must be some castaway? Maybe he just walk by the beach somewhere else?

I know the crowbar is heavy enough to keep you from swimming against the ocean currents.

If he walked from somewhere else then there is absolutely no explanation for why he only has a bandage and a flashlight.

A crowbar would just make it more wierd.

It makes more sense for him to have had supplies and most of them had gotten washed away in the currents.

Your english isn't very good btw

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