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Are tents already safe to use?

I found one but i am not sure if i should trust putting my stuff in it. Because i heard things about tents eating items after server restart.

So i dont really know what to do now?

can anyone answer?


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Don't know what everyone is complaining about. Tents working fine in for everyone of my squad.

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As long as you save should be fine, we've turned so many tents into firewood tents the past week not seen a problem.

Don't know what everyone is complaining about. Tents working fine in for everyone of my squad.

Everyone is bitching about the duping tents are doing at the moment, it doesn't even take any effort. Edited by decapitator

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Watch out for bear traps when finding other's tents. I broke my leg last night looting one. Had to be a bear trap.

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working fine for me too, all my new tents are saving all the time

Edit: made 6 after the patch

Edited by Paddy0610

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Tents are still broken - eating stuff after server restart etc... I wish I could be wrong but I have tried pitching tent on several servers and result after server restart is zero items in the tent.

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thats only half of the story.

1. Pitch a tent

2. put one item in (whisky bottle)

3. wait for server restart

4. tent should be empty and have a bit different allignment

5. now you can fill it, without loosing stuff nxt server restart


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Tents are still broken - eating stuff after server restart etc... I wish I could be wrong but I have tried pitching tent on several servers and result after server restart is zero items in the tent.

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Watch out for bear traps when finding other's tents. I broke my leg last night looting one. Had to be a bear trap.

Tents are their own bear traps, quite alot of people died looting/ building tents.

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Just be careful when setting a tent up, I have broken my legs 2 times while setting it up.

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Tents are their own bear traps, quite alot of people died looting/ building tents.


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thats only half of the story.

1. Pitch a tent

2. put one item in (whisky bottle)

3. wait for server restart

4. tent should be empty and have a bit different allignment

5. now you can fill it, without loosing stuff nxt server restart


Yeah I had that problem before that after server restart tent started to save items - but now I might be just super unlucky but that trick didnt work :/

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thats only half of the story.

1. Pitch a tent

2. put one item in (whisky bottle)

3. wait for server restart

4. tent should be empty and have a bit different allignment

5. now you can fill it, without loosing stuff nxt server restart


So basically you're saying, on the FIRST server restart after the tent was pitched, it will "eat" your items, but after that it will work fine? Gotta try that...

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I found out that you have to save the tent indeed when you put loot in out. Me and my friend both pot items in our tent, but i put them in first and saved after. He didnt save so all his items were lost when we got back to our tent. Dont know if the server restarted but so far so good if we just remember to save it after use.

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How long do they stay up after you die? I'd search but I'm headed to the hospital to due to my father-in-law having emergency surgery and wanted to ask before I went out.

Thanks in advance!

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According to the wiki theyre permanent aslong as the owner is alive. If the owner is dead it's got 7 days of inactivity before its gone.

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I started playing Dayz a few weeks ago.

I build up my own camp with tents barbed wire etc.

A few days ago a servershutdown was announced so i packed my tents and tried to change the server..

New server found ,rebuild everything but realised i forgot a tent.

The next day i logged into the old server to get the last tent but..everything was gone - tent , wire etc .

Mhh kay...a few days later i returned and ...everything has returned 0_o

The packed tents the items etc.

Okay a funny bug but today i logged into the new server and all tents are gone.

I thought tents can only be removed by the player who placed the tent so...are the constructions just bugged or is it a serverside problem?!- and will the things come back?

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Its indeed 7 days after death, but im not sure that they stay if u keep using them. A friend of mine died, and he had pitched the tent. But we totally forgot it and kept using it. But then after a numerus amount of days(dont know how many) it was just gone. Even though we kept on using it..

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thats only half of the story.

1. Pitch a tent

2. put one item in (whisky bottle)

3. wait for server restart

4. tent should be empty and have a bit different allignment

5. now you can fill it, without loosing stuff nxt server restart


Do u have to save the tent ? if so when ? after u initially put it down and put 1 item in it ?

Edited by Vipala

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yeah ...seems to be bugged....after two server restarts the missing constructions came back

The Item - tent dublication is kinda hilarious but ok...

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I was wondering about tents myself. I hadn't seen any but then I came across two of them, set up in different places. I could loot them (there was nothing in them) but I couldn't take them, and I figured they "belonged" to someone else. Are the tents you can take with you folded up when you find them or something? Are they in a bag or something?

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You have to save your tent every time you used it. Otherwise the server could eat loot after a restart

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Tents are somewhat bugged.

If you find a packed up camping tent in a supermarket or elsewhere, you can pick it up and take it with you. As soon as you pitch the tent it's your's forever. Only you can pack it up again, others can still loot it or destory it.

First time you place it, any loot you put inside it will usually dissapear forever after the next server restart. After that, any loot you place or save inside it should survive any following restarts. If you pack up your tent and change it's location, after next restart you tent will appear both on the original location and the new. I'm not sure if both tents work or the two copies, somehow messes up the database. If someone flattens your tent, tents will be restored after next restart, either with or without the saved gear.

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