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Dropping DayZ like a bad habit.

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Yeah but a ladder? That's game making 101...

Alpha can have all sorts of bugs, I don't see why it'd be a surprise when it happens. I've never been killed by a ladder though.

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So your complaining about hacks, yet, your using a hacked weapon. LOL

YUP. Why is there something wrong with that? I have been told many times that this is not a bannable offence. Its not like im the one hacking them.

Im not complaining about about duping meat. Nor am I complaining about duping tents, or duping weapons, or server restarting to get vehicles back..

Im complaining about logging into a server and dying. Day 8. 30 so hours of game play.. and a bug makes you die. Or a hack. Who knows. Thats my beef!

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Here you go..

"Thank you for taking the time to participate in the on-going development of the DayZ project.

Please feel free to return if and when you have the time and motivation."

I'm thinking of starting a Wall of Fame Stickie , send me your ID and I'll add you to the list.


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