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Price of Youtube Fame

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If you dont like hackers then you never had to buy Arma, Its kinda of open source simulator. You can script in it what you want.

Thats the goal for this simulator. People creating their own missions, mods etc.

That people abuse it by hacking and destroying others fun is collateral damage.

Normally with Arma they make their servers private to prevent this.

That DayZ made it more mainstream, Also invited a lot of more script kiddies.

Its still in alpha. And not rocket is the one that needs to prevent this but Battleye.

they get payed for securing Arma.

DayZ is a free mod and its still alpha so dont expect too much of it. Dont attach to gear.

But atleast Bad publicity is also Good publicity. you earn more subs and views this way.

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Most of you know who I am and this is what I deal with daily no longer can I enjoy this mod, I am followed and stalked by the worst kind of gamers and heres just the latest of it. I find it funny how people with sad lives find the need to make others miserable to cheer themselves up. And also thanks rocket thank you for adding hatchets and beartraps instead of fixing scripting and also not allowing people to ban from servers they pay out of their own pockets. It makes my life miserable so thanks again. Don't forget to tell this guy how much he sucks at life.

My fellow Devildog

You stream, give the position of your camp on youtube, and then you seem surprised when you are stalked / hunted by people.

You come to cry when somebody use YOUR mistakes (youtube fame, that makes me laugh) against you.

Stop streaming, and you'll be able to play again freely.

Also, meta-gaming is not cheating, even if I find stream-sniping very lame, it is not considered cheating.

I hope this event taught you a lesson.

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If I see more than 2 vehicles at a camp, I'm destroying it.

Most likely because I want other players to have a chance instead of the hoarders and dupers out there.

Also you are a bit self centered, implying that most people know you when you don't even have that many views.

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I never heard of him either, Although i now know hes a whiney bitch.

OP, Getting gear and building a camp is part of the game yes. But finding other peoples camps and blowing the holy fuck out of them is also part of the game. A game thats fucking broken and fullof hacks and arseholes, you might have noticed this is you weren't so self-obsessed. So what are you crying about?

Also actual fucking LOL at 'Youtube fame'.

Edited by Never

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Also actual fucking LOL at 'Youtube fame'.

If the person, who blew up his camp, blew up his camp only because he is making videos and uploading them on youtube, it is of course "youtube fame" that destroyed his camp and not a random gang who found it randomly. I dont understand why you are all so mean to eachother in this forum.

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Hackers ruin the game, people quit the game becouse of that I think. You spend tons of time just so some hacker can come and destroy eveything. They better come up with some protection soon. And also community has gone to shit if I may add, just a bunch of "bandit" noobs. But that's why we got to keep playing, so there is at least some good people in the game. To bad friendlies are almost extinct.

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If the person, who blew up his camp, blew up his camp only because he is making videos and uploading them on youtube, it is of course "youtube fame" that destroyed his camp and not a random gang who found it randomly. I dont understand why you are all so mean to eachother in this forum.

My LOL at that has nothing to do with DayZ.

Just the very idea of 'Youtube Fame' is sickening.

That suggests people are getting famous for playing computer games. Not making them, playing them,,, We are fucked as a species.

Edited by Never

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My LOL at that has nothing to do with DayZ.

Just the very idea of 'Youtube Fame' is sickening.

That suggests people are getting famous for playing computer games. Not making them, playing them,,, We are fucked as a species.

You dont get it do you? Off course people are getting famous for playing computer games. Especially if they are playing DayZ and writing in a DayZ forum. It is equal to all other amusement media. If people watch it and like it, then of course the person who is making the media gets famous. Or do you say that for example "gronk", "FPSRussia" or other very big youtube names arent famous? And why you get so angry about what he said? I'm not a fan of him but I watched one of his videos. If you're watching youtube dayly and playing DayZ, there is a high chance to know him.

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Sigh, the community really has gone to crap.

Love your vids Devil. Too many children are playing this atm, heaps of hackers and idiots.

I did see the video a few hours ago and thought it was a bullshit/troll video. Guess it's real then? I guess it was bound to happen at one point, but I do totally agree that it's a kick in the guts when a hacker/stream sniper goes to this length on a private server for some griefing.

Keep up the awesome work, I'll continue watching your vids and I'm sure your squad will recover in no time.


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Amazing I guess this community has gone to shit then by the looks of it

must have made someone mad there lol

find their server, find their camp, rape them a couple and then destroy their camp

thats what i'd do :D


and make sure to record it. Revenge on Youtube is so bitter for those whom have to take it.

But, tbh i'd rather have you ragequit over you getting admin powers, and go rageban if someone stumbles across your tents.

I have a team I shoot zombies whats wrong with placing a tent and putting in stuff you pick up? I don't think anything so what some people have more success than others doesn't give people a green light to hack

I have a team, i shoot zombies, and nothing is wrong with placing tents.

And nothing is wrong with finding, looting, stealing and destroying tents / vehicles.

Also, pretty much selfowned if you publicly announce your name / what server you play on...

but sure, blame rocket, its all his fault!!!


i know what server you played on 2 days ago.

Took me a few minutes, including grabbing your name from one of your Videos.

All I need is my browser.

It sucks though, seems its not polling all servers / not giving back all players logged.

But I know of better ways to track you down if i needed to, and there's no need to involve hacks.

I suggest to

a ) change your name

b ) change your name daily or put an overlay if you stream/record videos

c ) change servers instant

or just go your ragequit all the way, like a boss

Edited by Azrail

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I LOL'd at most of these replies this community really is shit lol

Get over it ... You got a tape and it clearly shows a hacker ... so what'cha you gonna do?... Nobody else found your camp ... Good Game then .... stop complaining and crying in the forums about the community ... this is getting even more embarassing than your "overwatch" videos ...

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this community really is shit lol

i see, mr. "i am so famous on youtube and you are all trash"

we give you advice what you could do about it,

and all you do is whip your ass with it.

a "famous" youtuber is expected to be somewhat mature....

what i see here looks like teen behaviour at best.

and you claim to be a former marine, makes it all the worse.

maybe this was all staged and you did it to gain more subs...

anyways, i smell some troll.

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I LOL'd at most of these replies this community really is shit lol

Honestly bro, stfu, no one cares that you lost your shit, plus this really makes you look like a butthurt 10 year old. Real mature.

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Haters gonna hate, that's one lesson I have taken from youtube, Instead of saying stop crying and all your other trolling comments how about you take the real message out of this and thats for all the people that post content on youtube this is what will happen when someone takes it too the next level. Well last time I post my opinion or anything for that matter on these forums, I'll keep doing what I do you guys enjoy yourselves.

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Haters gonna hate, that's one lesson I have taken from youtube, Instead of saying stop crying and all your other trolling comments how about you take the real message out of this and thats for all the people that post content on youtube this is what will happen when someone takes it too the next level. Well last time I post my opinion or anything for that matter on these forums, I'll keep doing what I do you guys enjoy yourselves.

Your camp would've been destroyed eventually and you would've lost your gear. It's an alpha. You are an alpha tester on a free mod that you don't pay to play. Suck it up, and don't start crying about some non-existent YT fame.

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Haters gonna hate, that's one lesson I have taken from youtube, Instead of saying stop crying and all your other trolling comments how about you take the real message out of this and thats for all the people that post content on youtube this is what will happen when someone takes it too the next level. Well last time I post my opinion or anything for that matter on these forums, I'll keep doing what I do you guys enjoy yourselves.


Never gonna give you up dawg ... you lost some digital vehicles and guns ... i mean wtf ... ok it was a hacker ... but who cares ... you lost ist ... thats it ...

actually you did the right thing ... i haven't seen the video yet of you running around at the coast again but i guess this was fun for you ... have some fun even though you are trying to take it to "the next level" ... lol ... whatever that is

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Yeah we could all just goof off all day on the game. I mean that way nothing ever gets tested. Who the hell do you think are the people that find the bugs within the game? Noobs camping cherno sniping people with an AS50 or the people who have put it all into the mod to play it seriously. I think it has been stated enough times that comments like yours are just spam at this point. Everyone who plays the mod no matter what level they play it on are testing and the one people who have been ignored and get spouted at are the ones who have tested it the most. Meanwhile devs listen to the noobs who have 30 hours played in Cherno, killing zombies and goofing off about how to fix the game. Sums up the entire problem actually right there.

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Haters gonna hate, that's one lesson I have taken from youtube, Instead of saying stop crying and all your other trolling comments how about you take the real message out of this and thats for all the people that post content on youtube this is what will happen when someone takes it too the next level. Well last time I post my opinion or anything for that matter on these forums, I'll keep doing what I do you guys enjoy yourselves.

If you go look at forum topics, anyone who says anything about the mod or hacking pretty much gets yelled at by the same dudes who sit in here and type all day dude. Every post I have made has gotten this kind of crap man. Some of the same guys that are on here are the ones who commented on mine. Maybe they are Dayz devs response team. lol

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I find the amount of envy and hate directed at the OP disgusting to say the least.

Because he's a known youtube gamer he deserved every bit of it right?

Hackers are rampant and destroying DayZ when it's not even out of alpha stage yet. There's much more going on here

then "lulz you've lost your shit, deal with it"

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