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Price of Youtube Fame

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Most of you know who I am and this is what I deal with daily no longer can I enjoy this mod, I am followed and stalked by the worst kind of gamers and heres just the latest of it. I find it funny how people with sad lives find the need to make others miserable to cheer themselves up. And also thanks rocket thank you for adding hatchets and beartraps instead of fixing scripting and also not allowing people to ban from servers they pay out of their own pockets. It makes my life miserable so thanks again. Don't forget to tell this guy how much he sucks at life.

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Just look at yourself. You should just stop criny about a alpha. You are an alpha tester. You gather gear and weapons. You care too much about the game and are too attatched. I hope this helps you. I support this guy blowing up the camp. Dayz should be about player interaction Not too much about weapons and gear.

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Just look at yourself. You should just stop criny about a alpha. You are an alpha tester. You gather gear and weapons. You care too much about the game and are too attatched. I hope this helps you. I support this guy blowing up the camp. Dayz should be about player interaction Not too much about weapons and gear.

So you support hacking thats amazing fully supports my view on how this is going down hill...amazing

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Amazing I guess this community has gone to shit then by the looks of it

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So you support hacking thats amazing fully supports my view on how this is going down hill...amazing

Its not a game yet. Its still in alpha. Just report some bugs, before you leave. that's the best you can do.

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Amazing I guess this community has gone to shit then by the looks of it

In my oppionion you are just mad that you wasted your time gathering weapons and gear. While you could have teamed up with someone and ran around shooting zombies.

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In my oppionion you are just mad that you wasted your time gathering weapons and gear. While you could have teamed up with someone and ran around shooting zombies.

I have a team I shoot zombies whats wrong with placing a tent and putting in stuff you pick up? I don't think anything so what some people have more success than others doesn't give people a green light to hack

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Its just the nature of the game.

You can't blame someone for their style of gameplay.

Also, maybe dont show your camp/server on YouTube.

Also, try censoring your IG name.

Sucks to see this happen though.

Edited by consepts

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Damn fuck hackers :( he just jealous because ur team and gameplay was awesome :))

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Its just the nature of the game.

You can't blame someone for their style of gameplay.

Also, maybe dont show your camp/server on YouTube.

Also, try censoring your IG name.

Sucks to see this happen though.

LOL I have taken precautions to censor changing IGN weekly editing out camp locations and chatter, it doesn't matter and determined enemy will always find you but yeah just seem to have a big bullseye on me for these hackers its pretty sad if they would just play legit I would be up for the challenge

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Not being a dick, but you didnt once censor your name in any of these videos.

A logical thing to do with YouTube fame, would be to maybe censor your name, especially when you have 20K people watching your videos, and probably 3/4 of them play the DayZ mod.

All they would need to do is find your home server and BAM.

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LOL I have taken precautions to censor changing IGN weekly editing out camp locations and chatter, it doesn't matter and determined enemy will always find you but yeah just seem to have a big bullseye on me for these hackers its pretty sad if they would just play legit I would be up for the challenge

We've lost two camps bigger than yours, and multiple vehicles to hackers.

And none of us are that mad or crying about their YouTube "fame", because it's an alpha.

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Not being a dick, but you didnt once censor your name in any of these videos.

A logical thing to do with YouTube fame, would be to maybe censor your name, especially when you have 20K people watching your videos, and probably 3/4 of them play the DayZ mod.

All they would need to do is find your home server and BAM.

Yeah those were all different servers we move around a lot and I release video 2 weeks after I record so If we have moved servers since then I leave it in

We've lost two camps bigger than yours, and multiple vehicles to hackers.

And none of us are that mad or crying about their YouTube "fame", because it's an alpha.

Congrats I guess?

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Thanks, I'm a shining example to people like you who cry about gear that they probably duped anyway. The one positive thing about hackers is them destroying vehicles, and allowing them to spawn around the map rather than having someone hoarding them all for absolutely no reason. Learn what an alpha is, cry if it's still happening in the full game.

Edited by Chris Redfield
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Would say I feel sorry for you. but after reading your replies to other members who clearly just giving some advice I am happy this happened to you...

Yes hackers suck but it's part of Alpha life...

All I can say to you is...

"It's time to nut up or shut up"


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Pretty much, no one is forcing you to pay for a server either. We pay for one, and the frustrations are understandable but there are ways to protect your server e.g we have several members FRAPSing at all times, and we tend to take the server down if there are no admins online to police the server.

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Don't the tents just come back anyway? Just curious. I see all these "I blew up a camp" threads and videos, but currently in Day Z, don't they just come back at the server restart?

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If anything that video that was uploaded to the tube might benefit you. I've never heard of you before but after seeing that video I checked out some of ya vids and will sub. So really this video can't do much but help you.

Edited by Uncle-Thugs

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I lost you at:

Most of you know who I am

Go take your ego elsewhere. You lost your camp to a hacker, boo-boo. Suck it up, you're playing a free mod that's in alpha-testing. There's a million other games you could be playing right now.

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I dont know what exactly you came to the forums expecting. But im sure as shit you didnt expect these response's.

It dosnt matter if your the biggest youtuber or if your huge hefner! someone is always going to fuck with your shit! If your camp was found try hiding it better next time! friends and I have spent around 4hours placing tents in exactly how and where we wanted them also if you find our camp you are more then likely to only find the one tent not the others!...

If you are getting fed up with your camp being destroyed then tough shit someone will do it! Or you will have lots of people trying to get on youtube by chasing you and running in front of you!....

Now for hackers!!!! Get ready to press F9 to start recording as soon as you get teleported spin round see there name tag's then email battleye the video link and GUID if you know it! Everyone should have a screen recording device ready to capture just in case! keep fraps running ready or when you start to see a few people die rather close together press record!

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I lost you at:

Go take your ego elsewhere. You lost your camp to a hacker, boo-boo. Suck it up, you're playing a free mod that's in alpha-testing. There's a million other games you could be playing right now.

+1 This!

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Give me some beans...

We get their Helo & Ural

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