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A change that will make everyone happy

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As many of you know, there have been complaints against the KoS method of play. There has been talk of trying to combat this, trying to make it less prevalent, or trying to take killing out altogether. The goal of this mod is to make people feel a wide range of emotions, while still making this post-apocalyptic zombie survival game feel authentic.

This is why I propose a new method of dealing with players: Subduing

This system would involve being able to knock players out and tying them up.

Being behind a player would allow the scroll option of "knock out" which would put the player in an unconscious state for a set amount of time.

This alone would cut back on murders(or will when ammo doesn't refill itself) and create a helpless feeling for the individual who has been knocked out. However, I'm not done just yet; I would also like to propose the ability to tie up players.

If you've ever encountered an unconscious player you know that you can loot them or drag them around. With this new system a third option of "tie up" would be available, possibly requiring the use of a rope.

While a player is tied up they will not be able to move or stand. they will be stuck in a sitting position on the ground, unable to use any scroll wheel commands or shoot. Other people(who aren't tied up) would have the option to untie them, or possibly drag them.

The person who is tied up would be able to untie themselves, or work their way free, after a certain amount of time.

Of course a couple of glitches would have to be fixed before this would be effective.

Currently ammo refills itself, meaning players don't have to worry about conserving it. Which would make players less likely to use this method of dealing with players.

There is also combat logging. Players who are unconscious or tied up could just alt+f4 out of the game, log into another server, and then log in and wait for the timers to run out.

A possible solution would be killing players(leaving their bodies behind) or leaving players bodies for a set amount of time upon disconnect if they are in an unconscious or subdued state.

If anyone has any other ideas, problems, or anything else relating to this; feel free to post.

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You know it sounds alright, cept thirdperson plus the - on the numpad, makes it nearly impossible to sneak up on someone. PLUS the damn loud noise you make while walking!

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Tranquilizer darts...a lot of people would use these to steal gear from other players or to defend themselves against bandits/strangers.

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Tranquilizer darts...a lot of people would use these to steal gear from other players or to defend themselves against bandits/strangers.

That sounds a lot better than sneakin up behind someone, plus you could accidently knock your buddy out instead of searching his bag ya know?

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You know it sounds alright, cept thirdperson plus the - on the numpad, makes it nearly impossible to sneak up on someone. PLUS the damn loud noise you make while walking!

Yea, it would be nice if they took out third person; but I have been able to get close enough to people to hatchet them in the back on 3rd person servers.

I've also been able to loot their backpacks, grab a gun, and kill them with it.(You'd think you'd be able to hear someone opening your backpack)

I could see it being an issue though.

Tranquilizer darts...a lot of people would use these to steal gear from other players or to defend themselves against bandits/strangers.

I wanted to stray away from weapons with the ability to knock players out because it has a larger possibility of being abused. I'm not completely against it, I just wanted my post to sway towards an area where there isn't any real way to abuse this system.

The first thread has nothing to do with what I've presented

The second thread had nothing to do with the first part of my suggestion, and only loosely had to do with the second part.

The third thread loosely associated with the first half of my thread, has nothing to do with the second part.

The fourth thread is a question about if you can shoot someplace and not kill them, not a suggestion.

The fifth thread again loosely associated with the first half, and nothing to do with the second half.

It's like you didn't even read them, but instead mindlessly linked to them.

However, even if one of those posts were exactly word for word what I had written, I'm not going to resurrect and hijack a thread that's been dead for a month or more.

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Add more to a suggestion, don't create a new thread on the same subject.

As to mindlessy finding threads that have aleady started the topic of "Methods besides killing", yeah I simply linked a bunch. Make a new post, add more. Making brand new threads on the same discussion is what causes huge ammounts of redundancy.

Edited by Sumdum

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Rubber Bullets instead of tranq. Knock out without removing blood.

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Add more to a suggestion, don't create a new thread on the same subject.

As to mindlessy finding threads that have aleady started the topic of "Methods besides killing", yeah I simply linked a bunch. Make a new post, add more. Making brand new threads on the same discussion is what causes huge ammounts of redundancy.

Adding a single post to a thread that died months ago doesn't add to it, it takes away from it.

I could see your argument if there were any threads on a similar topic that were still being discussed in late july, in fact I would not have posted this topic if it had met that criteria. I also would not have posted this if there were any threads, regardless of age, that suggested concepts that matched both of mine.

Unlike you, it seems I have a set of standards when I post. That's fine, but your argument isn't valid unless you can find a thread that's actually recent and has something to do with both areas addressed in my topic; otherwise I suggest you leave, but if you don't I don't care I'll ignore you either way.

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I think these CoDers get more kick just killing people instead of this more role-playing option. Makes you more angry to get shot and killed, right? Even now you can tell people not to move or you shoot and steal their belongings, but still people just SoS. And I can see people just SoS even if there would be option to knock people out or tie them down.

Edited by kalev

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I like this idea, might stop the people from killing. Being able to knock them out and tie them up, or use a tranquilizer gun, and it doesn't take affect after a minute or 2. I like this idea, someone should work on this as soon as possible.

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I think these CoDers get more kick just killing people instead of this more role-playing option. Makes you more angry to get shot and killed, right? Even now you can tell people not to move or you shoot and steal their belongings, but still people just SoS. And I can see people just SoS even if there would be option to knock people out or tie them down.

I would be more pissed if someone tied me up, took all my crap, and then just left me.

With no respawn button, my only option would be either to continue on or find some zombies and kill myself.

And sure you can tell people not to move, but I've been able to spin around and kill people before they had a chance to shoot me.

Besides the reason people don't do that in the current stage is because if you try this someone is just going to DC.

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I would be more pissed if someone tied me up, took all my crap, and then just left me.

With no respawn button, my only option would be either to continue on or find some zombies and kill myself.

And sure you can tell people not to move, but I've been able to spin around and kill people before they had a chance to shoot me.

Besides the reason people don't do that in the current stage is because if you try this someone is just going to DC.

Just like they are going to DC if someone is trying to tie them up or knocking them out.

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Just like they are going to DC if someone is trying to tie them up or knocking them out.

I already addressed that in my original post

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Rubber Bullets instead of tranq. Knock out without removing blood.

Even better - M203 Bean Bag round.

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As many of you know, there have been complaints against the KoS method of play. There has been talk of trying to combat this, trying to make it less prevalent, or trying to take killing out altogether. The goal of this mod is to make people feel a wide range of emotions, while still making this post-apocalyptic zombie survival game feel authentic.

This is why I propose a new method of dealing with players: Subduing

This system would involve being able to knock players out and tying them up.

Being behind a player would allow the scroll option of "knock out" which would put the player in an unconscious state for a set amount of time.

This alone would cut back on murders(or will when ammo doesn't refill itself) and create a helpless feeling for the individual who has been knocked out. However, I'm not done just yet; I would also like to propose the ability to tie up players.

If you've ever encountered an unconscious player you know that you can loot them or drag them around. With this new system a third option of "tie up" would be available, possibly requiring the use of a rope.

While a player is tied up they will not be able to move or stand. they will be stuck in a sitting position on the ground, unable to use any scroll wheel commands or shoot. Other people(who aren't tied up) would have the option to untie them, or possibly drag them.

The person who is tied up would be able to untie themselves, or work their way free, after a certain amount of time.

Of course a couple of glitches would have to be fixed before this would be effective.

Currently ammo refills itself, meaning players don't have to worry about conserving it. Which would make players less likely to use this method of dealing with players.

There is also combat logging. Players who are unconscious or tied up could just alt+f4 out of the game, log into another server, and then log in and wait for the timers to run out.

A possible solution would be killing players(leaving their bodies behind) or leaving players bodies for a set amount of time upon disconnect if they are in an unconscious or subdued state.

If anyone has any other ideas, problems, or anything else relating to this; feel free to post.

explain the method of implementing this mechanic because when you say "to knock out players" that heavily implies a melee aspect to the game that is nearly non existant (hatchet/crowbar)

so please regail us in the method to put this in the game

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explain the method of implementing this mechanic because when you say "to knock out players" that heavily implies a melee aspect to the game that is nearly non existant (hatchet/crowbar)

so please regail us in the method to put this in the game

The mechanic to put a player in an unconscious state already exists. Implementing it so that it only appears as a scroll wheel option when behind a character would be childs play for Rocket.

Nice try though, being a smart-ass doesn't work when you're stupid

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