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Absolutely disappointing playerbase

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Someone says this in every single game I play. I guess that means im the constant and therefore im the problem. Sorry guys, I ruined the game.

Usually someone does say this in every game I have played too. Some ONE. Everybody that plays DayZ pretty much recognizes the fact that it is the shittiest gaming community out there at this point. I like the game/mod but I feel that the community just ruins a lot of what could be awesome about this game and everyone has to admit that hacking is indeed a very large part of this community at this point, and almost condoned. A lot of the replies to almost ANY thread are of the "GTFO U SHITBALLS GIRL" variety, it's...something else. I am not sure if it is immaturity or what, but holy shit are most of the people that play this game shitbags.

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This is the face of the PvP "Hardcore" community, now do you understand why games haven't been made for them anymore? The sickening level of biggotry, exploiting, and overabuse of basic level mentality (even rocket said to cut the tears are delicious shit out) has done nothing but a massive amount of harm to the industry as a whole. This kind of attitude is exactly why they go ignored, and they lack of knowledge on how to act in public flourishes in an online forum catered to them. Combine that with an "always must win" mentality, and it makes sense that they DC under fire.

So yes, THIS is the face of the ultra elite, super hardcore that apparently everyone wants to be. Still feel like it's worth it?

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Exploit (v.): "take advantage of somebody: to take selfish or unfair advantage of a person or situation, usually for personal gain."

Cheat (v.): "to deprive of something valuable by the use of deceit or fraud."


Yeah, I'm going to have to call BS on the people defending this as an exploit as opposed to a cheat. Good to see my generation is getting better at lying to themselves about their dishonesty.

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another pvper who doesn't go for headshots and bitches about people exploiting something rocket is already working on.

Nothing against you personally,but rocket already has stated something is in the pipeline to fix this. and till than my advice is to just go for headshots, however that won't stop players from leaving to make their bodies auto-hide which I don't really see an issue since bullets could damage some or all the equipment and hopefully will be added to encourage risker types of banditry.

Edited by Orthus

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This community has some unpolished turds among us that is for sure. I do not really consider hackers or exploiters a part of community because of how detrimental they are to the game and the entire experience. Hacking in battlefield is an annoyance because he is always gonna have an edge over you. Hacking in DayZ and you can do whatever the hell you please to another player. Only time will tell if this user base devolves into something similar to b/ or maybe the exploiters and hackers will eventually be weeded out and knocked out of the game for good.

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That may be the case but we're all still here, aren't we? There's gotta be something good about it.

The game is amazing, the community is not.

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When you get shot by a player, don't you go into shock? i always seem to. Alt-F4 during a fight should condemn you to a 5-minute nap when you log back in. So if you cap a dude and he vanishes, it should be possible to punch his name into DayZ Commander, watch for him to log back in, then give him a few whacks with your axe while he lays there senseless.

Truth be told I've only every killed a dozen or so players in DayZ, and none of them logged during the fight. I don't generally find myself fighting heavily geared dudes, though.

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Something missing from this post:

Why the hell were you shooting them to begin with? If you had a makarov and they were 'geared', that screams that you shot first.

Shut up already...

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I don't know why people think this is special for this game. I own a 360, PS3, and a PC. I play them all online and let me tell you, this BS is all over. 75% of all players I've come across in online gaming have been complete scum.

Even if you take away hacks and every known exploit, they find a way. If they can't, expect them to do anything to get the win.

The only thing this mod shows us is that if you give the players a cheat button 9 out of 10 people will use it. You have to force most people to play legit or they will take advantage of anything.

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The only thing this mod shows us is that if you give the players a cheat button 9 out of 10 people will use it. You have to force most people to play legit or they will take advantage of anything.

Yeah, absolutely true.

Me and a friend tried playing completely fair, never using abort even if we are about to get massacared by zombies.

Yeah it was honestly hard not to press abort when u had great gear.

Edited by redreversed

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Something missing from this post:

Why the hell were you shooting them to begin with? If you had a makarov and they were 'geared', that screams that you shot first.

Because geared people camping the coast are always friendly, right?

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Besides, half the fun of DayZ is dying; having to start down south with a starter weapon and trying to make do in high traffic cities. That's 75% more fun and exhilarating than just camping up north with a 50 cal.

Exactly. I hate to say it, but I play call of cherno now. I got tired of heading north, finding weapons in barns, gearing up, and getting sniped by someone out in BFE. So now, I don't invest much time in my characters. Run in, get basic gear, try to flush out snipers. If I die, I'm retooled in less than 20 mins.

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Its ok bro i engaged 3 guys 1 with as50 and others with m4s. I only had 1 clip in my AKM and i took down 1 guy and he alt f4ed before he died. The as50 guy alt f4ed behind a tree and the other guy stayed in while we fought to the death. I ended up charging in with my axe for a honorable death.

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If you have a bunch of gear that it took you hours and hours to get, you're lying if you're just gonna sit and die if you have the option of not dying and keeping all your stuff. E-honor is a unicorn, learn to shoot.

Edited by JohnnyDerp

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Haha, this is what always astounds me when people Alt+F4. It's just like... nigga, what are you doing playing this game?

I think it's more about loot denial than surviving the encounter. They just want to be spiteful and the loot to the guy that got the drop on them. It's not like they don't have a tent full of replacements waiting for them.

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At least you have the right to complain about the hackers.

What? I can't call Rocket a bitch then? ...Too bad.

Yay, it's so FUN to post on a topic and try to sound tough and all-mighty! YEAH!!@!@!

And why is that? Because I play a "MOD IN ALPHA STAGE" of a "SANDBOX GAME" that requires you to shoot virtual players!.

SHIT WAIT... GIRLS CAN'T PLAY THIS GAME BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO BALLS! Because you know, you need "Balls" to play this game....

I need to have "balls" to shoot a virtual puppet whose being controlled by someone on the other side of the screen...OMFG THAT'S SO HARDCORE, I'M A SERIAL KILLER!!!!

Oh wait, I'm being a jackass in the most perfect sense of the word aren't I? ... Well, that's how HARDCORE I AM FOR SHOOTING "PEOPLE" ON-LINE!! SUCK IT! IN YOUR FACE! BOO FUCKING HOO!

"Ohhhh I worry about the future of online gaming :("

Yep, I'm an asshole, and I don't care....BECAUSE I SHOOT PEOPLE ONLINE AND HACK THEM TO DEATH, WOOHOO!!!!

...Bitches be crazy.

Edited by Dinosaurs_Will_Die.

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Exploit (v.): "take advantage of somebody: to take selfish or unfair advantage of a person or situation, usually for personal gain."

Cheat (v.): "to deprive of something valuable by the use of deceit or fraud.

So, using 3rd person view to look safely around a corner without actually having to stick one's head out is an exploit?

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Gear isnt even that hard to find. My friends and I play man mode and fight until death every time. Use the headlights when driving at night, light campfires in the middle of a city. 0 fucks given.

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If you have a bunch of gear that it took you hours and hours to get, you're lying if you're just gonna sit and die if you have the option of not dying and keeping all your stuff. E-honor is a unicorn, learn to shoot.

So are you telling people to learn to shoot or to log out to protect your precious items? Make up your mind sissy

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Gear isnt even that hard to find. My friends and I play man mode and fight until death every time. Use the headlights when driving at night, light campfires in the middle of a city. 0 fucks given.

Game would be more enjoyable if everyone did this. Seriously.

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A little bit of an overreaction. The community is no different than any other. In fact, with so few 'rules' or 'structure' compared to other games, I don't see how the DayZ community fares any worse than others.

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Gear isnt even that hard to find. My friends and I play man mode and fight until death every time. Use the headlights when driving at night, light campfires in the middle of a city. 0 fucks given.


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A little bit of an overreaction. The community is no different than any other. In fact, with so few 'rules' or 'structure' compared to other games, I don't see how the DayZ community fares any worse than others.

Oh, haven't you heard of all them dickheads shooting other people???? THEY'RE GONNA SHOOT YOU, BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY'RE HARDCORE TO THE TEETH!!

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I have to agree, in 15 years of online gaming, this is by far the worst community I have ever seen.

I hope your joking. Get on Xbox live and listen to the 13 year olds rage at one another, or just as good go play LOL.

No matter the game, if there is a way for people to cheat they will take exploit it sadly.

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