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Can't Play - Afraid of Hackers

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In reply to the OP. You should be afraid. Yesterday i lost my 22 day character, having survived prior to that 4 mass teleports and used Alt-F4 to survive. But yesterday i was killed by a nuke. So i spent 4 hours gearing up only to be killed buy mass teleportation again. Tonight i was killed a 3rd time due to hacker going amok in cherno with nukes.

This is alpha, but its kind of getting to me now. I really love the game/mod/alpha, but even i do have limitations. I will certainly play more, but if this lasts over a longer time i think i might struggle working up the motivation.

Edited by Tordenskiold

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Take a look at League of Legends. It is pretty much a clean game. On a very rare occasion a hacker will find an exploit, but Im pretty sure in the thousands of hours I have playedt he game I have not been in the same game as a hacker. Now I know tonight for sure I will have a problem with a hacker.

The problem with DayZ is that it's a mod builting around scripting ... so they cannot really do much to fix the problem until they have a standalone game :(

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The problem with DayZ is that it's a mod builting around scripting ... so they cannot really do much to fix the problem until they have a standalone game :(

They can let admins ban these little script kiddies from their servers for a start. Us admins can then pass a blacklist of known script kiddies between each other.

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My character was 36 dayz old and when it got killed I got all my gear and even more back in 5 hours!

because you found hacked gear lol

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I've actually killed 8 hackers in the past day.

I also checked my logs today to see 23 hackers and 15 of which using hacked weapons.


Edited by Food

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You know what? Why is there so many complaints about hackers? I've played for about a month now and have never seen one! Are they all in the Veteran servers or something?

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I've actually killed 8 hackers in the past day.

I also checked my logs today to see 23 hackers and 15 of which using hacked weapons.


Lies. There is no such thing as a rampant hacking problem in DayZ, as so many forum posters will tell you.

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The hosting sticky says you can kick players for being disruptive, are you not allowed to ban them too? If not, that does suck.

You can ban them but they can dispute the ban here. If you cannot provide proper proof your server will get blacklisted from the Hive rendering it useless.

But its not like this game has decent observation tools, we literally have to run around with Fraps or something and try and catch them in the act. Its all becoming less and less worth the time and money and basically becoming silly.

Server hosting companies should start advertising: "Scripter's want YOU, to run a DayZ server!"

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I've actually killed 8 hackers in the past day.

I also checked my logs today to see 23 hackers and 15 of which using hacked weapons.


What exactly are you checking to find out who's hacking I would love to be able to kick these guys as they log in, but have been unable to locate the correct log file with the info?

Edited by Femme Fatale

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