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You play to much dayZ when... (REAL stories please!)

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You all know those threads. Right down some real reasons why you think that you play to much Dayz. Here are mine as an example:

-Yesterday I was at a party and drank a lot of vodka. I always asked my friends to pass me the "Solnichniy"-Vodka. The infamous vodka is actually called "Stolnichnaya" and isn't named after a town in Chernarus...

-I live in a rural area. It fields out of town often look like the fields of Chernarus. When I drive by some huts, I often find myself asking what interessting loot there could spawn. Or how I could cross the treelines to get there...

These are mine. This game is so influential! Share your REAL reasons too =)

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haha, I used to get extremely xcited whenver I saw a barn in the distance.

I live in Oregon, and Chernarus kind of looks like most parts of Oregon believe it or not.

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I like eating canned sardines, and everytime I eat them now I just eat them straight out of the box like I'm playing I'm in DayZ lol.

I now buy way too often Heinz Beans. xD

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I make zombie noises when I am angry, and my family thinks im having seizures.

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The wife and I were driving into town and saw a bicycle leaning against a wall of a house. We both said "Lets steal it".

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The wife and I were driving into town and saw a bicycle leaning against a wall of a house. We both said "Lets steal it".

I've never seen a game that makes bikes look so much exciting and tempting ^_^

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When all your dreams are about playing dayz and when you wake up you cant remember if you actually lost that ghillie suit or not

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i live on a military base, stationed here. a few times driving around at night and I see someone i think in my head...."friendly?"


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I have startet checking the treeline whenever iam out walking, in fear of a sniper or a bandit, hoping to spot a heli crash whenever I look over a field (which is often since I live on the countryside). And my daybag is always packed with at least one sodacan, some first aid gear, a waterbottle, matches and a knife. (Though it was packed like that before I startet playing. So guess I am just paranoid -_-)

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I live in a pretty big city, but where I live I'm pretty much in the woods . I look out onto forest, so when ever I hear people partying in the woods ect I'm like OMG BANDITS!......Or if im driving out to the country and I see barns/shacks ect I wonder what loot could be inside if this was Dayz. I was on my friends horse farm and Came across a bunch of atv's and other gear stashed away under camo netting * my first thought was * SCORE!!! lol. But i know what you mean . You differently loot I MEAN LOOK at things differently that's for sure .......then reality kicks in lol

Edited by :VADER:

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You hear a helicopter outside and freak out.

Or you're on top of the Eifel Tower replica and King's Island (Amusement/Thrill Ride park in Mason, Ohio), see power lines cutting through forest and think "Those must lead to Stary"

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Me and my friend are always making zombie growls.

Also when I first started playing I'd go for walks late at night and I was noticeably apprehensive of buildings, corners, hiding spots. I kept scanning.

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I keep hitting the numpad keys and the numpad enter to look around in other games.

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I live on the outskirts of a rather big town and there is loads of cows around and when I woke up the other day, they had broken out of their fold, standing right in front of my window right beside my bed and I immediately thought "8 meat!". I started scanning the tree line near by, for potential dangers, as I suddenly came to my senses and realized that I've been playing to much DayZ.

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^ That

When I was playing Mirrors Edge I found it quite irritation that I couldn't look around while pressing "alt".

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I freaked out then I saw a hopper on the side of the road, then realised it was a guy fixing his bicycle wheel.

Also freak when I saw a crawler in a field, then realised it was something doing push up's.

Have also confused a runner for a walker.

All this was only after playing for a day or two.

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I saw a cow in a field the other day.

My first thought was: "Shit, i dont have any matches!"

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Oh geez, it's happening to me.

I use Mumble when I play DayZ and have my push-to-talk button bound to left ctrl.

Last night while playing split-screen Rainbow Six Vegas 2 with my dad, I would feel an instinct to push the ctrl button - which of course doesn't exist on a 360 controller - before talking to him.

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