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Ban some bandits.

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When I first started watching DayZ videos I figured I'd be a bandit as getting some weapons and ruining everyone elses fun sounded fine with me.

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Those "bandits" might have lost their friends and families to the hoards of infected, maybe they have nothing left to live for and just want others to suffer as much as they are suffering.

Those people make DayZ what it is, I wouldn't want to live in an apocalypse where people didn't senselessly kill others.

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But considering the risks involved, that's just not for me.

If you're scared of death, then DayZ isnt for you ... i fyou dont like to help people fair enough, but scared to take risks is no fun.

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Stupidest post I ever saw.

You are meant to kill other players in Day Z. There's nothing else to do. There's even a constant reminder of how many people you've killed on your screen, all the time.

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No thats Stupid, No rules say you cant be a bandit so leave them to do as they wish

No, there are no rules saying they can't.

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Today I tried being nice. Dude shot me in the head. I remembered why I KoS for gear or not.

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Going to quote Rocket here.

http://dayzmod.com/f...ers/#entry30707 (Only two reasons to kick somebody, everything else is abuse.)

http://dayzmod.com/f...entry67217' (Play smart.)

http://dayzmod.com/f...__40#entry67217 (Why the bad guys are doing better than good guys.)

http://dayzmod.com/f...ity/#entry67075 (Fix the problem, don`t ask others to.)

Please read these, and have a good day. :)

Edited by Tarkastio

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I'm incompetent for surviving ? You crazy ... All my survive time is up than 4 hour ... And yes bandit is a part of the game, but DayZ try to be a simulation, bandit, kill for stuffs in this situation, not for fun, they kill for fun ( in dayz )

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When you die, you die... get over it and start again... but yeah when you have high tier weapons, a few vehicles then there really aint much else to do apart from hunt and set ambushes.. keeps things exciting and no 2 firefights are ever the same :)

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I'm incompetent for surviving ? You crazy ... All my survive time is up than 4 hour ... And yes bandit is a part of the game, but DayZ try to be a simulation, bandit, kill for stuffs in this situation, not for fun, they kill for fun ( in dayz )

Well it would depend, if i had spare ammo, was bored i would take pops at people for fun... and then not risk everything i had by looting while some OTHER sniper/bandit was watching over you're fallen corpse, Banditry as everyone mentions is a style of play, either counter them or roll with them... either way you will have to improve!

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This post is barely coherent. Please take a 6th grade english class.

While I agree that it's hard to understand anything through all the tears, perhaps English isn't his/her native language? I mean, it is possible...

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I'm incompetent for surviving ? You crazy ... All my survive time is up than 4 hour ... And yes bandit is a part of the game, but DayZ try to be a simulation, bandit, kill for stuffs in this situation, not for fun, they kill for fun ( in dayz )

There's plenty of people that kills other people for fun in todays society, don't you think they would increase in numbers if there was a zombie apocolypse?

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Do you think it's normal there are some bandits only for fun ? They find a weapons and instant kill you ? I mean : I died 2 times today, a bandit go near me and shoot me ( this is normal ) but it's for fun, no for stuff. Bandits is for stuffs, nothing else.When a guy kill me for my stuff, I said : Okay, it's only for my stuff. When it's for fun : WTF ! ?

Do you understand ? They paid the game and played it not for stuff, only for kill ... Not for survive, they just want kill ... And we can see their names ...

The whole point of this 'stuff' is to use it to kill. This game isn't about collecting trinkets to show off.

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Yesterday, I found 3 guys down in cherno, 1 with an M16, the other two with flashlights (hey, it was night time, prolly why right?)

M107... my first triple kill, I cried with joy, then logged to another server to kill mor....

What? What would they have I need? I have everything. When I run out of MEAT and water, ill go hunt for it, towns are now pointless. ENd game is killing for fun and NOT looting. Do I need another compas? Do I need another set of NVGs? Do I need more range finders?

Hell, I have two accounts, each with EVERYTHING (one rocks an AS50, the other a M107). Sure, once the free ammo bug is fixed, ill have to run into towns to look for m107 clips, that will reduce my life span DRASTICALLY. But I hope to hit 100 murders before then. I am trying!!

Know whats odd? I watched a guy shoot someone else with an AS50, I then killed him, and got a murder (not a bandit kill). There is no damn way he wasnt a bandit, he was sniping from my spot.

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I'm incompetent for surviving ? You crazy ... All my survive time is up than 4 hour ... And yes bandit is a part of the game, but DayZ try to be a simulation, bandit, kill for stuffs in this situation, not for fun, they kill for fun ( in dayz )

Yes, it's a good simulation of what it would be like trying to survive in a world where people like to kill for fun. That's why DayZ is so popular.

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