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Block Off Private Servers*

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Hello Survivers, this is my proposal :

Okay, so i use ARMA OA to get into DayZ servers (I get errors with Six launcher for some reason..) and i have the option to show passworded servers on the server list (DayZ Servers) and there are just a HUGE MASSIVE amount of them... and i know what they are for.. admins (From the passworded servers) create them to Loot and only give the password to friends, is that fair? while i'm suffering trying to get loot risking getting shot at, or getting eaten by zombies.. other players are just Looting NW Airfield with their "Friends" on the server.... That's basically Cheating.. they can just get EXTREMELY good loot and get onto a "Full" server and just kill everyone.. i think we could "Block" Passworded servers like we did with the servers that Don't have Batteye Protection (To make it harder to cheat, and dosen't save character progress in those servers aswell).

What would happen if this actually was provided?

*Will make it harder for people to get shot by a random spawned guy with a Damn Ghilie Suit with a AS50 from nowhere..*

*Will make it harder and more "realistic" for people to get Loot (The fair way anyways)*

*Will make people actually appreciate their gear (Because if they die they can't just go back to their servers and loot all over again..)*

*Will even bring down PVP a tad, since big part of the Admins/Admins Friends won't have a way to get easy Loot anymore = no good weapons = less player deaths (This is actually an indirect result)*

*Will not only make it fair, but some players might get "Sick" or "Bored" of the mod, since he got soo much good gear. = Nothing more too do than kill players... ( After some time he will get sick of it and just stop playing, indirect result aswell)

Overall Result :

Less PVP (Indirect), a more "realistic" way to get loot (Since they can't get into their servers and just loot with no dangers of dying, because if they want to get loot that actually stays on all the servers, he has to go to a "Normal" server), Survivers will actually appreciate their loot aswell, they will have too shit their pants when trying to loot places like NW airfield, Stary Sobor and so fourth etc and etc..

Direct Solution :

*Block Passworded DayZ Servers* (Does not save the gear and Loot gain there (Not even the Zombie Kills and Murders etc..))

I hope you guys understood what i am trying to propose/explain here (Sorry for the bad english D:)

Cheers and Happy Surviving

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I dont think getting rid of these servers is a good idea, but I think pass-worded servers should have a separate character. This would stop the problems you mention but still allow people to have fun the way they want.

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I dont think getting rid of these servers is a good idea, but I think pass-worded servers should have a separate character. This would stop the problems you mention but still allow people to have fun the way they want.

True, True, Yeah they could maybe add a system that creates a diferent character for passworded servers? i don't know if it has the same result.. but anyways yeah that could work aswell! since what they really care about is getting loot and going to big cities/towns like Cherno/Elektro/Stary and killing everyone for loot or sometimes just for killing.. that's what i'm trying to stop

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I dont think getting rid of these servers is a good idea, but I think pass-worded servers should have a separate character. This would stop the problems you mention but still allow people to have fun the way they want.

Running a passworded server is not allowed by the DayZ dev team, you should report said server in the proper section

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Huh???? I thought passworded servers couldn't connect to 'the hive'???

If you can carry items from a passworded server to a public server, then that's the nail in the coffin for this game for me.

Edited by Anti

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Running a passworded server is not allowed by the DayZ dev team, you should report said server in the proper section

Well... O.õ i did not know that it wasen't alowed (I wasen't really sure if not) anyways, it would be WAAY easier if they just re-write the "Block off servers without Batteye" to "Block off servers with Password Protection" it would be way easier and pratical (Players would still be able to have "Fun" in their passworded servers, but their characters progression (Like getting Loot and etc) in those server don't get saved by the database) so they can spawn in, play around, kill each other with.. i don't know, AS50's? BUT those AS50's won't be saved onto "Other" Servers

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I was always under the impression that as long as the server was running a private-hive and not connected to the main hive that you see most servers running then you could password it?

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I was always under the impression that as long as the server was running a private-hive and not connected to the main hive that you see most servers running then you could password it?

Sorry? What?!

Well let me try and figure out what you'r impression is.. if a server is not connected to the main "hive" and is private you can password it? Also..

#Lady Kyrah, were do you report passworded servers (used to loot) to?

Edited by Danielvandijk

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The server report section.

If it's a server connected to the public hive and it's passworded, take a screenshot and report it.

If it's not connected to the public hive, it's still not okay but there isn't a lot the dayZ devs can do about.

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The server report section.

If it's a server connected to the public hive and it's passworded, take a screenshot and report it.

If it's not connected to the public hive, it's still not okay but there isn't a lot the dayZ devs can do about.

Ok, so technically the public "Hive" is the one were you're status is actually saved to? I mean like i know a server that's really common, you can get in (I don't since my ping is WAY to high there anyways (Like 350)) (It's passworded) and you can just leave that server and go to another server with the loot gained, like if you had for example looted at a "Atlanta Server"

That's basically being connected to the public "Hive" and being Passworded aswell, right?

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Also be aware that there are some servers that autolock when certain number of players are in the selection menu (last menu before you load to the game).

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Ok, so technically the public "Hive" is the one were you're status is actually saved to? I mean like i know a server that's really common, you can get in (I don't since my ping is WAY to high there anyways (Like 350)) (It's passworded) and you can just leave that server and go to another server with the loot gained, like if you had for example looted at a "Atlanta Server"

That's basically being connected to the public "Hive" and being Passworded aswell, right?


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Also be aware that there are some servers that autolock when certain number of players are in the selection menu (last menu before you load to the game).

Nope there are mostly Passworded servers with only like 2 poeple or mostly a locked Clan server... yeah there might be servers locked for that reason but 85% are for Farming and etc...

#Lady Kyrah : Thanks good to know!

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Nope there are mostly Passworded servers with only like 2 poeple or mostly a locked Clan server... yeah there might be servers locked for that reason but 85% are for Farming and etc...

#Lady Kyrah : Thanks good to know!

You have basically confirmed what I have written so no need to start your quote with "nope" :)

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You have basically confirmed what I have written so no need to start your quote with "nope" :)

Correct, "Basically"* i actually Corrected* you're post, as i said a Massive part of the Locked servers are for farming and that the chances of the server being locked because of the number of players on the menu is possible, but slim

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I would like to have a password protected server or something like that just so I can play in a single-player world, I don't want it to be connected with my public account and share items, just a offline account that I can play Day Z on by myself when my net is running badly or if I just don't feel like being careful of other players around.

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I would like to have a password protected server or something like that just so I can play in a single-player world, I don't want it to be connected with my public account and share items, just a offline account that I can play Day Z on by myself when my net is running badly or if I just don't feel like being careful of other players around.

There was some offline "hack" but it was cancelled later (think it was from Kronzky or such).

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There was some offline "hack" but it was cancelled later (think it was from Kronzky or such).

Yeah I remember that, looked really promising. I just hope Rocket and the great team he has will be willing to add that feature in themselves :)

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I would like to have a password protected server or something like that just so I can play in a single-player world, I don't want it to be connected with my public account and share items, just a offline account that I can play Day Z on by myself when my net is running badly or if I just don't feel like being careful of other players around.

Yeah, but i mean like Rocket and his team need to block off servers that are password protected (Locked) from the public "hive", so they can do whatever they wish to, but it won't actually save there caracter's status gained on the server to the public "hive" so they can't just create a server, password protect it, and farm like crazy..

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Its not just private servers people Will just kick everyone but there friends from servers I went on one and it had a clan on it and I got kicked almost right away

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Its not just private servers people Will just kick everyone but there friends from servers I went on one and it had a clan on it and I got kicked almost right away

Yeah... see what i mean? then we ask ourselfs Why do clans always have good gear?!? well haha... looks like they've been on a private server farming like hell on earth and going on full server and just unloading on everyone... for the case of being kicked by a server that is NOT Locked/Password Protected, and the admin just kicked you because it was a "Farming" server for his clan.. or something, then you should get the name of the server and the admins name (or just the servers name), and report for admin abuse!

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Right now there are 43 passworded or locked servers. Why post a screenie or report them...everyone can see them including the Dayz mod team. It's not hard to figure out what is going on with these private loot bins...my question is when is it going to get fixed?

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All servers have the ability to be passworded, there is no way for a mod to detect the security of a server. Sorry.

Edited by Luke G

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This topic is so useless, because if you folk had researched better you had known, that nearly all passworded servers are PRIVAT HIVE SERVERS. So you can throw your whole argumentation into the litter box. At this point I didn´t say, that I support passworded Hive Server, but you can now QQ more about Privat Hive´s and Clan´s who just wanna have some fun on their own server (I do that as well). Finally I just wanna say go Guru Abdul/ConanHun --> Rocket your server rules are shit and now just this is left: Cheers

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I agree that most locked servers are "private hive". On private hives you get a whole new "character" in each individual server and so you would not be able to bring that back to the regular game. Its not obvious to most players which servers are private hive, so prehaps some clear identification of these in the menu would make this more obvious.

However their are some admins that do lock up their public server. Its not hard to tell which these are, as they are sometimes locked (usually directly after a restart so that the clan can farm the heli crashes) and at other times they are not. Its cheating, but its fairly apparent that at the moment at least, there is little to no policing of the rules that admins are supposed to adhere to.

Taking the OP point that you shouldnt be able to take gear from a locked server to a regular server, as its an unfair advantage. I would like to also suggest that you shouldn't be able to take gear from a server that allows 3rd person view to a server thats locked to first person only. 3rd person gives that advantage of looking round and over cover without exposing yourself. collecting good gear with that ability is way easire than playing in 1st person constantly.

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