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To the hackers,

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Why do you feel the need to instantly kill everyone on the map. I can understand you using various hacks to make your game easy because your bad. But I don't understand why you want to download a script that instantly kills everyone on the map.

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to watch your tears flow

edit: some like the rage essays kids write too

Edited by Buffjesus
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Because it pisses people off. That's why they do it. It's the entire reason behind hacking, because they know it makes their game easier, and yours harder...and at the same time, making legit players rage. Been that way since the dawn of time, not changing any time soon.

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Because the hacks that make their game easy still didnt work and they got killed so the carebear got all butthurt and took out his/her rage on the whole server.

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to watch your tears flow

edit: some like the rage essays kids write too

exactly this.

i have only been hacked out twice and both times sure i felt the need to come here and describe it all. but somehow i was able to hold back, which meant the hacker wasnt finding his report on the forum. shame for him

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I was on that server too just then. It's pathetic.

It's also why any game that lets people be total dickheads claiming that makes it realistic, is a complete fail. There's nothing realistic about it at all. In real life weenies like that wouldn't even try it on.

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Yeaa tbh ***ers are pretty high on my list of worlds top tossers, somewhere in between David Starkey and Michael McIntyre (both accomplished and critically acclaimed tossers)

I dont so mind the jokers, the hackers who know that its all easy, and are just bouncing around doing silly shit and not killing peeps.

Its just even those ones are kinda ruining the development process, sooo i still think its out of order.

[Don't try to bypass the word filter, it's there for a reason - 4L4N]

Edited by 4L4N

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to watch your tears flow

Its not a big deal for me. I am organizing a pickup from my clan tonight. Already got more than enough to rekit the whole clan. I can just dupe everything and Ive lost nothing. I feel sorry for lone survivors though. I just don't know why they do it. Anyone can download CE and inject a script. But there is no point behind doing this. If they were cheating than fair enough. But instakilling everyone is not really cheating. There is no end result behind it is what Im trying to say.

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They do it and return to these forums, to reap in the thread creation spoils.

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Weird sociopathic kids with a strong lack of any base emotions that think it's absolutely hilarious mass kill a whole server and waste about 10 hours of 50 peoples time. I honestly don't mind the hackers when they're doing funny shit like running around as animals or whatever, but when you get these semi-retarded-just-enough-IQ-points-to-use-a-PC kids with their moms credit card going from server-to-server mass killing, it just infuriates me.

I'm playing on a passworded private hive server until the hacker epidemic is over, which will probably be never due to the openness of ArmA. Maybe standalone Dayz will have better anti-cheat.

Edited by ZakTurbo

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Some men just want to watch the world burn.

oh damn didnt see you had a similar post haha

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