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Died by a hacker for the first time, your worst loot loss?

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So this was my first time dying from a hacker, it was quite an interesting experience! Basically I'm in NW Airfield I kill an animal for meat. I carefully approach the dead body. Suddenly someone teleports in front of me and boom dead. All in one second! Lost my SVD Camo, Ghille, NVGS< and M4A3 CCO. Well that was interesting, I kinda laughed actually it was like playing slender, this also happened all at night xD So I ask what was your worst loot lost to a hacker? Again death is no trouble for me. Just unfair though.

Edited by shypatrick

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Bizon PP-19 SD, FN FAL AN/PVS-4, M4A1 Holo, SVD CAMO, AS50, ghillie suit, boat, tents, all the medical supplies you could need/food, and night vision goggles.

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Bizon PP-19 SD, FN FAL AN/PVS-4, M4A1 Holo, SVD CAMO, AS50, ghillie suit, boat, tents, all the medical supplies you could need/food, and night vision goggles.

and the normal font

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I've only had one encounter with a hacker, and that was when he teleported everyone in the server (around 30 players) and mowed them down with an LMG. I had recently acquired an AS50 through raiding tents alone, surprisingly not dying. I didn't really lose anything else of value, except maybe my valued box of matches, :P.

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So this was my first time dying from a hacker, it was quite an interesting experience! Basically I'm in NW Airfield I kill an animal for meat. I carefully approach the dead body. Suddenly someone teleports in front of me and boom dead. All in one second! Lost my SVD Camo, Ghille, NVGS< and M4A3 CCO. Well that was interesting, I kinda laughed actually it was like playing slender, this also happened all at night xD So I ask what was your worst loot lost to a hacker? Again death is no trouble for me. Just unfair though.

What server were you on? The same thing just happened to me at US 420...

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What server were you on? The same thing just happened to me at US 420...

US 10 Chicago :(

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Yeah and then he continued to kill me when I re spawned on the coast....

I lost my ghillie suit today from that hacker!

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Lost tincans 2 wiskey bottles and a empty gearpack:D

I realy don't care losing any gear and not coming to forum whine about.

You all should whine and annoy ROCKET about cheaters who are tools of hackers, instead crying and whining a like panseesss..type in caplocks(EPEENING) what pixels you loss who cares i don't.

Edited by peetgamer

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I dont leave coast at all since i know hackers will just drop me into the ocean after running 30 minutes to NWAF

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The amount of duping has made gear come as fast as it goes. The cycle is pretty consistent.

Spawn -> find dead dupers body -> get armed to the teeth -> get killed or forced to alt-f4 by a hacker

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So this was my first time dying from a hacker, it was quite an interesting experience! Basically I'm in NW Airfield I kill an animal for meat. I carefully approach the dead body. Suddenly someone teleports in front of me and boom dead. All in one second! Lost my SVD Camo, Ghille, NVGS< and M4A3 CCO. Well that was interesting, I kinda laughed actually it was like playing slender, this also happened all at night xD So I ask what was your worst loot lost to a hacker? Again death is no trouble for me. Just unfair though.

they could have just logged in there

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they could have just logged in there

That must be a very lucky coincidence if it was then! :/

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I got eaten by the floor once when i had a broke leg and lost most of my groups survival gear, though I'd consider my "worst" to be when I ran for like an hour to meet up with a friend of mine who just got Dayz so I could show him how to play just to have some griefer noob snipe both of us near the light house when we had nothing but a makarov, i find crap like this far more annoying because of how retarded it is.

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That must be a very lucky coincidence if it was then! :/

you were in NW airfield

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you were in NW airfield

Not exactly, well by the walls. In a field. Either way. Whats past is past, I'm just happy I found a revolver and 6 rounds with it when I spawned in Elektro :)

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4 as50's, 2 helis, 4 bus's, hatchback, uaz, 2 offroad trucks(white), 2 military offroads, dirt bike, ural, v3s, van, 4 l85's(heat vision), bizon, m107's, plenty of assualt rifles. I don't even know if that's all. And it was all like an hour or two ago. Everything in our clan..

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That must be a very lucky coincidence if it was then! :/

They were most likely a hacker. My clanmates and I use US10 as our home server and, like all semi-popular servers, hackers are common. The Admin is very good at getting rid of them in a timely manner though.

Sorry to hear about your loss

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Was yesterday actually, after a couple of days looting/killing people I got sniped.

AS50 + 8 NATO mags, M4A1 CCO SD + 7 SD STANAG mags, M9 SD + 6 SD mags, 3 NVS, 4 GPS and a cayote backpack.

Died in a fight 5 vs 1, killed 3 of them before they killed me with an AS50/L85 AWS.

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Lost tincans 2 wiskey bottles and a empty gearpack:D

I realy don't care losing any gear and not coming to forum whine about.

You all should whine and annoy ROCKET about cheaters who are tools of hackers, instead crying and whining a like panseesss..type in caplocks(EPEENING) what pixels you loss who cares i don't.

You cared enough to post in the thread, and cared enough to tell everyone in it off.

You know what I hate? The people who whine and complain about the whiners and complainers. At least the whiners bring something to the table to discuss.

Edited by PunchClockVillain

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