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Things you have learned from playing DayZ

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Great video.

Yeah it seems like alot in day Z is about Beanz.

Things i have learned

-Always crouch when zombies are close, zombies seem to have extreamly good hearing

-Ladders are sometimes a bigger threat then zombies and players.

-Stay away from the coast if you want to live

-If you freeze you will automatically get a cold in a matter of seconds

-For some reason a person can't melee

-Enterable buildings = loot

-Night sure is alot darker then any night i have experinced.

-Zombies can be killed without shooting them in the head

-Its a zombie apocalypse but none seems to get infected by their bites or blood.

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I forgot one of the most important things. The thing 80% of the players with good gear do to surivive usually involves Alt + F4.

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I learned that Leroy Jenkins lives in Chernarus now.

Whenever I'm leading my group to the edge of a forest, I stop ~10 meters from the edge. One of my buddies (usually the ones who play MMOs the most... hmm) always, always just sprints right out into the open field.


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-Forget crouching when near zombies: go prone and you'll rarely if ever be spotted. You can even "fast crawl" and they won't ever see you unless you manage to bump into one.

-That being said, NEVER EVER crawl down stairs or steps. That's a good way to break a leg.

-Gunfire means one of two things: Either someone else is distracted, or you're in deep s**t.

-Speaking of shooting, if you do any of it, finish up and get out of the area ASAP.

-Approach towns from the side. Always take a look at the treelines before you go in.

-Never completely trust anyone that you didn't meet outside of the game.

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That my literary genius is unsurpassed, yet not always universally appreciated.


Prose-Marshal Palli 'Artistic License' Treponema

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There are some dicks in the world, but most people are content to not shoot you and let you go on your way.

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Drink your mtn dew immediately, or someone will kill you and not know what it is.

There are some dicks in the world, and I seem to run into all of them.

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the old Alt + F4 trick... It will close your active window/application.

ALT + F4 does not work in arma games when you're in the "game". You have to go to a menu.

Lots of people had problem with selecting their 4th soldier (F4) while looking around (ALT) so they patched it. Which just makes it faster to click the "abort" button anyway.

Unless it's enabled in DayZ (Haven't checked)? Which would be a weird move by the devs.

Anyway... I've learned to let the Zs come close and then just move a bit back when they try to attack.

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