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Intel on HUGE CAMP!

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Dear, Fellow Bandits.

I infiltrated a big clan with one friend.. Eventually I started killing the clan.

The amount of gear they had was horrendous.

Anyway, if you want lots of gear here it is!




PORT : 2802

MAIN CAMP : Skalisty Island. (had a helicopter last time I checked, and like 12 tents)


VEHICLES : They park there ATVs at Krutoy Cap, and they have 4 boats. (a pbx and, 3 fishing boats)

SECURITY : They always leave at least one person at camp.

GEAR : A hospital, A Tent full of Car Parts, A Tent full of guns and ammo, Ghille Suits..ect.


If you happen to steal there helicopter save it so they don't restart the server also save the tents if you flatten them.

Also, please record it and send it to me if you succeed.

Skype : Hydrilex

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1 Guy already going to get the stuff better hurry up!

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Yah fucker don't trust the guy it's a trap and if you add him on skype he is an annoying little fuck

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  On 8/5/2012 at 4:14 AM, AlkwardzzSeaturtlzz said:

Yea and your a hacker thats cool >.> moderators can u take this down please

LOL? Hacker, Spam moar. Mad that your camp is going to get raided?

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  On 8/5/2012 at 4:15 AM, Stealth Fox Is Stealthy said:

Yah fucker don't trust the guy it's a trap and if you add him on skype he is an annoying little fuck

I'm not even going into the game, this guy is going to kill you guys hopefully seeing i don't have the time.

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  On 8/5/2012 at 4:17 AM, Stealth Fox Is Stealthy said:

And no Heli either

Don't Discourage people, and this guy has no way of getting onto the Island.. NEXT.

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  On 8/5/2012 at 4:21 AM, Deerosa2000 said:

You do know that you can just swim there now right?

You don't lose your gear? :o

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  On 8/5/2012 at 4:22 AM, Deerosa2000 said:

you lose your gear still.

^^^ Answer your own question.

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^ Well we will be cleaning the server when the owner gets back and yea you are in the game cause u spawned a heli and made me do circles so i couldnt ban u

Cool. Video will be up soon

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Last night I swam to and from Skalisty, did not lose any gear whatsoever. still had my coyote pack and m4a1 sd cco and dmr. soooo, yeah, he could get to Skalisty.

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Lol the LGM guys there are idiots, the admin just sits there speaking into global chat with mic accusing everyone of hacking

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  On 8/5/2012 at 4:52 AM, NeonPromise said:

Lol the LGM guys there are idiots, the admin just sits there speaking into global chat with mic accusing everyone of hacking

So now I'm getting thrown under the bus? If you want me to prove to you that people have been hacking, I can upload FRAPS'd videos of them on our server.

@Hydrox aka All T's:

Get the fuck off DayZ. People like you are ruining the experience with your trashy gameplay. I'm inclined to turn to other games because of you. You're probably the only person that gives a shit about our base anyways, seeing as you were the one that spawned a military truck on the island and ran over all of our tents. And guess what, most of the items are from people like you (again) that fuck up the game and spawn items.


"- Their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc."

There is a ban reason right there for you buck-o. 'Malicious Talk' comes from you quite a bit. You admitted to hacking on other servers with your "scripts" at one point even.

Edited by sonicscream

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  On 8/5/2012 at 4:40 AM, SpartanxApathy said:

Last night I swam to and from Skalisty, did not lose any gear whatsoever. still had my coyote pack and m4a1 sd cco and dmr. soooo, yeah, he could get to Skalisty.

Whether you lose gear or not is dependent on server settings. Because you didn't lose gear doesn't mean everyone who goes there on this server won't.

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Bandit sharing info to others on a camp?

Sounds like I'm in Survivor HQ.

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  On 8/5/2012 at 4:38 AM, AlkwardzzSeaturtlzz said:

^ Well we will be cleaning the server when the owner gets back and yea you are in the game cause u spawned a heli and made me do circles so i couldnt ban u

Cool. Video will be up soon

Cool, Ban that user. Cause, it's sure as fuck not me.

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  On 8/5/2012 at 5:02 AM, sonicscream said:

So now I'm getting thrown under the bus? If you want me to prove to you that people have been hacking, I can upload FRAPS'd videos of them on our server.

@Hydrox aka All T's:

Get the fuck off DayZ. People like you are ruining the experience with your trashy gameplay. I'm inclined to turn to other games because of you. You're probably the only person that gives a shit about our base anyways, seeing as you were the one that spawned a military truck on the island and ran over all of our tents. And guess what, most of the items are from people like you (again) that fuck up the game and spawn items.


"- Their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc."

There is a ban reason right there for you buck-o. 'Malicious Talk' comes from you quite a bit. You admitted to hacking on other servers with your "scripts" at one point even.

I'm not saying there isn't hackers, just annoying when that guy who wax speaking on mic in global communication or whatever was accusing like 5 different people of hacking, was annoying lol.

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  On 8/5/2012 at 6:20 AM, NeonPromise said:

I'm not saying there isn't hackers, just annoying when that guy who wax speaking on mic in global communication or whatever was accusing like 5 different people of hacking, was annoying lol.

That is what happens when you play with the "elite". People believe that they are so great that when they do end up dying, the first thing that comes to their mind is that they are hacking and to construct some sort of proof in their brain that COULD be proof... even if it is a newbie with a crowbar on the coast. Not saying that this is what they(the people above) are actually doing. Just my experience playing with several different groups of people.

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  On 8/5/2012 at 4:22 AM, Deerosa2000 said:

you lose your gear still.

No you do not. It's a server side script that can be turned on/off to my knowledge.. On our server, if you swim out there, you do not lose your items. I've tested this multiple times as I was looking for the helicopter spawn. My vilayer server came to us with the script turned on apparently. You do not lose your inventory, or your backpack. It's just a pain in the ass swimming out there. If you do it from Krutoy Cap, it really doesn't look that far...but it's deceiving because you go like .5km/hr.

Edited by KField86

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At first, this most likely wasnt a trap, but now, defiinetly.. There must be intense security there now, so impospru to get anything

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Honestly I just went there killed 'Mark' who I think was their guard, looted his AS50, found the camp there was like 10+ tents surrounded by sandbags and barbed wire, I don't think there is anyone there and the tents are still full of loot. Also there is a small camp consisting of around 2 tents on Krutoy cap.

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