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1 makarov shot brings down a helicopter...

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So I normally play this game solo, I have a few bros who play it with me on occasion but they are hardcore into the wow arena scene and are often doing that. Soo the vast majority of the time im wandering about doing my solo thing. An interesting thing happened earlier today on us server 1581 its a daytime server and normally has a population of around 30-40 people.

I was doing my normal daily sweep down through elektro when i start hearing the thumping of helicopter blades. This has happened a few times before a group of 5 guys managed to get a chopper up and running on the server and they frequently buzz the major cities and snipe down anyone they see and move on. I had an ak-47 with no ammo and was out on the roof of the hospital looking for a camping bag. So i had no where to run. I looked up at the helicopter and first off noticed it was full of guys.. then i noticed something else.. a stream of blood coming from what appeared to be the pilot. As they were flying around and circling back around to take me out I figured i didnt have anything to lose. I pointed my makarov at the helicopter looking with dismay at my ammo counter of 1 round. I waited for them to get close strafing side to side avoiding the incoming gun fire.. i pointed at the pilot and let the round fly... nothing happened at first.. i then noticed my murder count went up by 1... shortly afterwards the helicopter spins out of control and flys into the buildings to the north of the hospital and i see.

Douche 1 has died

Douche 2 has died

Douche 3 has died

Douche 4 has died.

I only got the one murder onto my debug monitor. It took me a couple of minutes after i got done laughing and about 5-6 other nearby people started laughing over direct communication that i put together what had happened. My one round must of been a clean headshot on an already wounded pilot that had forgotten to bandage himself before they started flying. I was streaming at the time this happened to so an audience of 62 saw it happen. Currently in the process of editing the video and putting it up on youtube.. ill link it in this thread when its done :P

Dat makarov... killer of giants :P

I know where you live....GIVE US THE VIDEO.

Edited by bohdan77

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I think it's time we all find OP in real life and vent our collective frustration/disappointment.

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Makarov- Killer of giants indeed, OP...killer of giants indeed..

Me when I realize that OP's proof was destroyed in a tragic kraft dinner accident:

Edited by Caz
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OP thinks if he stops posting here that we'll forget. We'll never forget.. not until we get what was promised.

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OP thinks if he stops posting here that we'll forget. We'll never forget.. not until we get what was promised.


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I'm starting to loose hope.



Sir, I've noticed that you seem to like this anime. My question is, what is the anime that I see in your posts?

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Sir, I've noticed that you seem to like this anime. My question is, what is the anime that I see in your posts?

so i am not the only one wondering ;D

Edited by aru_azif

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"one elephant with a sword brings down helicopter..." video coming soon.

We'll probably get that video before we get OP's vid.

Edited by denkart

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Dude, OP, you can be my partner in DayZ anytime.

"Bullsh*t, you can be mine." - Maverick, Top Gun

Edited by Chandler
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What the OP forgot to mention was that the one shot that killed the pilot made the heli crash onto 50 other survivors all shambled into one spot an staring upwards in disbelief. After looting all bodies he found a box of chocolates. A Delorean appeared out of nowhere and the box of chocolates was used as fuel, then the OP disappeared into thin air.

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Sir, I've noticed that you seem to like this anime. My question is, what is the anime that I see in your posts?

PM me or post in the anime thread in off-topic.

This is for OP's video.

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PM me or post in the anime thread in off-topic.

This is for OP's video.



My shitty photoshop. Pretend that the "My lil' Makarov" is a DVD case.

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