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Battleye's a joke...

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Don't mean to flame the threads here but I'm so fucking done with every server we (4 other friends) try to put a camp on no matter what server we get we always seem to get a god damn script kiddy that abuses the game. Battleye's a crappy anti-cheat engine might as well not have Battleye on the servers at this point. My friends killed or well you could say tried to kill a guy on US 317 which he should of he put a good 2 clips of NATO rounds into this guys chopper and it never went down including shooting the guy flying it. Then I was teleported to it and died in the water along with everyone else....it's pathetic. Battleye needs to go and I say we start a rebellion against it for a new far better anti cheat engine. I have full respect for dayz and the members who made it but this crap needs to go. I'll be honest with you all I've thought about using hacks but I'd never use them on players if anything I'd just spawn weapons, vehicles and clothing that isent in the game but never would I screw people over like god mode or spawning people all in one location. I don't want to get banned and I don't quite know how scripting works so like I'd ever do that anyways.

Edited by Resausk
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Don't mean to flame the threads here but I'm so fucking done with every server we (4 other friends) try to put a camp on no matter what server we get we always seem to get a god damn script kiddy that abuses the game. Battleye's a crappy anti-cheat engine might as well not have Battleye on the servers at this point

Please dont speak of things you know nothing about, you clearly have no technical understanding of video game anti cheat systems based on the above comments.

Read this http://dayzmod.com/f...u-need-to-know/

And you will have a somewhat better understanding.

EDIT: apparently the thread is gone, wow i am surprised.

Edited by Suspenselol
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I agree. I've never seen battleye kick a hacker. I've only ever seen it randomly kick people who were playing the game innocently.

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Please dont speak of things you know nothing about, you clearly have no technical understanding of video game anti cheat systems based on the above comments.

Read this http://dayzmod.com/f...u-need-to-know/

And you will have a somewhat better understanding.

Linking a nonexistent thread,. nice.

"Sorry, we couldn't find that!"

Edited by Detta

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Please dont speak of things you know nothing about, you clearly have no technical understanding of video game anti cheat systems based on the above comments.

Read this http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/55030-hackers-what-you-need-to-know/

And you will have a somewhat better understanding.

No it's a crappy anti-cheat engine. And your link doesn't work. I've seen better.

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Please dont speak of things you know nothing about, you clearly have no technical understanding of video game anti cheat systems based on the above comments.

Read this http://dayzmod.com/f...u-need-to-know/

And you will have a somewhat better understanding.

I thought the whole point of battleye was to kick hackers and ban them?

Well apparently battleye fails at that.

No technical understanding needed.

Edited by lian442
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Lol, do you guys have no idea what Arma 2 is? People had no reason to cheat in it, the Arma 2 engine is ill-suited for Day Z and the gay little kids hacking it. This is an Alpha, get lost and wait for the standalone if you're tired of hackers.

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Battleye is useless. It's stupid that they even require it. If people are going to hack and not be either kicked or banned, what the fuck is point in having an anti-cheat?

And yesss, you're so right... My group has been chasing vehicles for the past 3 days. We'll get the vehicles, hackers will take them, we'll get them again, hackers will take them again. It's ridiculous honestly... I wish a legitimate player would fuck my group up and take the vehicles instead of some pussy script kiddy porting them across the map.

Lol, do you guys have no idea what Arma 2 is? People had no reason to cheat in it, the Arma 2 engine is ill-suited for Day Z and the gay little kids hacking it. This is an Alpha, get lost and wait for the standalone if you're tired of hackers.

Stop sucking dick. The only reason you'd state an opinion like that is you just started playing, you're a script kiddie yourself, or you're just wanting to disagree with someone.

Edited by Tsyn
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The Link is under review. Be patient. It will be back soon.

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Lol, do you guys have no idea what Arma 2 is? People had no reason to cheat in it, the Arma 2 engine is ill-suited for Day Z and the gay little kids hacking it. This is an Alpha, get lost and wait for the standalone if you're tired of hackers.

So alpha means we can all hack and the anticheat is supposed to be crappy?

Your logic amazes me!!!

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No it's a crappy anti-cheat engine. And your link doesn't work. I've seen better.

I was hoping i didnt have to spend another 20 minutes trying to find the best way possible to explain how this works, because if memory serves me right, mad people that have 0 clue what they are talking about, rarely listens anyway.

I am gonna quote some of my posts on this subject, read them if you like. If you dont, please stop talking.

Before you read these, i had to answer the post slight fruther up fro mine. Bypassed every week? How about

Punkbuster - BF3 - Top-selling hacksite, hack has been undetected for 8 months

VAC - CS/CSS/Source games - Top selling hacksite, hack has been undetected for 4 years

VAC - MW2/MW3 - Top selling hack site, Hack has been undetected since release of the game(s)

Battleye - ArmA 2 - Public hacks, has seen banwaves every 6-10 days since Day Z release.

Excuse me if I am wrong which I don't think I am (I work in software development).

If my medical software company hired EMC for security, which we do and we have a breach of patient information which is federal violation EMC would be responsible for the breach and to fix the security hole.

Why would Bohemia contract out to protect their intellectual property and not have them responsible?

Hog wash.

They are "somewhat" responsible for security, they work alongside bohemia. But, a security company can only do so much with what they are given. Let me elaborate on your example

If your medical software company hired EMC with the task of securing your 50 computers which are stored in a shed, outside the business, with no lock on the doorhandle and only a simple windows login to access all the files, EMC has no way of changing "source" in this case, move the computers to a safer location, putting a lock on the door, and increasing the login on the computers.

All they can do, is try and make sure no one gets away, once they have breached.

Who would you be mad at, if you wer breached?

They have done shit stop smoking their cocks retard.

I have seen no security.

New plan, setup said "anti-cheat" company.

Agree I can protect your product.

Sign contract.

Sit on my ass.

That is what I am seeing, fucktards.

EMC would never agree to support your scenario. We have our product in data center protected by bullet proof glass.

Just like Battle Eye shouldn't have accepted to support the Arma engine.

Just proving my point more.

Thats not the point. You are in the first place, comparing 2 completely different form of systems, that in no way relates.

In the video game industry, anti cheat systems are contracted to handle a mandatory peice of software on the side, to look for memory injections, manipulation, altering of game files etc etc. They do this mostly seperate from the company that contracted them, unless something big happens.

They do not have access to change game mechanics, rewrite code, remove features, add features or anything within the game. They are solely developing the anti cheat client. It is like this with all anti-cheat systems.

The core of the problem, as the battleye representitive said, lies with Bohemia and their very open multiplayer engine which worked FINE until Day Z. Battleye is doing what they can, with what they have got, and its definatly not an easy job.

EDIT: The link i posted in the first place is back up, go read that. I dont feel like "reposting" much of it lol.

Edited by Suspenselol
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Battleye have the worst customer service ever.. I have sent 6 emails all asking for a reply and 3 days after the first one i have received nothing not even a change to the status of my battleye!!!

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Fight fight fight fight kiss kiss. ^


There was a thread explaining everything but it got removed for some reason. I'll try to explain from what I remember, but I may be slightly incorrect here.

Arma 2 is basically scripting. Spawn a helicopter. Spawn a crate full of goodies. Spawn some goats over in the hills. Yadda yadda. This makes it really easy to hack. What battleye does is that it detects illegal scripts. If you have an illegal script then it's goodbye to you.

At this point I may be incorrect: Hackers can get past it. Battleye upgrades. Hackers get nuked. Hackers upgrade. Hackers bypass it. Battleye upgrades. Etc. Though I may be wrong.

So another anti cheat wouldn't do the job as battleye is specialized in illegal script detection. (Again, might be wrong here aswell)

At the end of the day, the thread on hacking needs to come back nao! :D

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Massively off topic post coming up.

I'm sure you guys could find some way of insulting one another which doesn't just fall into the standard internet style of yelling "faggot" and telling everyone to suck a dick.

These things are subject to diminishing returns. The more a phrase or style is used, the less of an impact it has. Infact, it gets to the point where rather than insulting the other guy, you actually just highlight your own lack of creativity, making yourself look like a total cockjockey in the process.

Come on guys, the attempts you're making at insulting one another are pathetic. Get creative, or stop... One or the other.

On topic:

The problem with any anticheat is the fact that it'll nearly always be behind the times. Like the dude above me just said... All the people who're keeping battleye running can do, is react to whatever the hackers/scripty bastards are doing. The current scripts which arebeing used, they'll be phased out eventually, there will be a time where there are fewer people doing all sorts of crazy shit, and then it'll slowly build again as new scripts get writen and distributed.

Every game will have people who wanna find some way of dicking with people.

The best way of coping with both the insults thing, and the hacking thing, is just to chill your beans about it, and not fly into a fuckoff rage over every little thing. The hacking issue will always be around, just folks are totally unsubtle about it in DayZ. The insulting thing is just lol. Stay cool about shit and you'll be able to deliver a killing blow.

Edited by Dramatic Exit
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Battleye is useless. It's stupid that they even require it. If people are going to hack and not be either kicked or banned, what the fuck is point in having an anti-cheat?

And yesss, you're so right... My group has been chasing vehicles for the past 3 days. We'll get the vehicles, hackers will take them, we'll get them again, hackers will take them again. It's ridiculous honestly... I wish a legitimate player would fuck my group up and take the vehicles instead of some pussy script kiddy porting them across the map.

Stop sucking dick. The only reason you'd state an opinion like that is you just started playing, you're a script kiddie yourself, or you're just wanting to disagree with someone.

Ha, by your language you prove that you're just the little kid you accuse me of being. You're a fool, go back to school.

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So alpha means we can all hack and the anticheat is supposed to be crappy?

Your logic amazes me!!!

Never said anyone should hack, nobody should. It's pathetic that so many people are doing it. I'm saying that the people blaming Battle-eye/Bohemia/Rocket are idiots and don't know wth they're talking about. Most the people hacking are kids that get off trolling others ingame or got fed up with getting owned. A lot of people would rather cheat than practice, I loath such people, any real gamer would.

While the game is a mod, their is very little that can be done to stop the hacking going on. That's all I said, maybe you should get your eyes off your moms breasts and pay a little attention to what people are writing.

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Battleye have the worst customer service ever.. I have sent 6 emails all asking for a reply and 3 days after the first one i have received nothing not even a change to the status of my battleye!!!

What did you send in your messages? I bet I can tell you why they didn't respond.

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I was playing on ES1 as a retarded script kiddie teleported everyone on the server to the NW Airfield (I was just looting Krasnostav).

At least BattleEye kicked us out of the server early enough before this son of a b*tch had a chance to kill me.

Edited by Son of Liberty

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Have to agree that Battle eye is a sad joke.

I know how cheating works and I have been on the giving and the reciving ends of cheating.

But ARMA 2 cheats have been around day one. These are the same cheats - summon vehicle / teleport / thunderdome / summon items. Same cheats you would see in Arma 2 long before DayZ.

This game got a lot of publicity and got popular very fast - I am guessing it will fade just as fast. On bright side of things we will see less cheaters.

Edited by bobbykotick

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I want to choke faggots like you. You don't understand fucking anything. I bet you take in the ass by some Redditfag.


I understand plenty. I understand enough not to argue with clueless pricks like you.

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