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sebas (DayZ)

m14 AIM or the FN FAL?

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now i found a m14 AIM and a FN FAL at a crashed heli, i also took both with me but since they almost got the same stats i thought when i find a new weapon which one shall i drop and which shall i take with me?

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FAL ammo is only at crash sites

m14 ammo is the same as DMR and is found everywhere

if you plan on living past the time you use the FAL ammo then m14.

tbh m14 is prob better gun too anyway

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If it's a standard FN FAL, stick with the M14 AIM. The ammo is much more common, and it has an optic.

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FN Fal is cursed. I let my brother play with my character. He accidently shot it.

Didn't end well :P

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FAL is a one shot to players and zeds but the M14 has a scope.

Take your pick.

I'd go with the FAL

FAL, Does high damage, Also sounds boss, Noobs will shit themselves before you get to them.

they both do 8k damage the m14 got 100m more range and a red dot, so it would be more a personal favorite

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FAL is a one shot to players and zeds but the M14 has a scope.

FAL isn't a one shot on players. FAL does 8k damage, same as M14.

Edited by krtshv

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M14 aim trumps the FAL. The FAL is one of the worst guns really... unless you find the NVG scoped one and even then... i'd take the M14 over it.

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Fn fal will have every zombie in cherno chasing you

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The FAL is awesome, so is M14. It entirely depends on how many mags you find at a crash site, 4+ go with the fal (burst will out drop people fast.) otherwise go with the M14 due to DMR mags being so common. The effective range is almost the same, sound is also near enough the same.

Edited by Tracker

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M14 aim trumps the FAL. The FAL is one of the worst guns really... unless you find the NVG scoped one and even then... i'd take the M14 over it.

Explain to me how it is one of the worst weapons in the game?

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Fal is okay, more a novelty because of the ammo. Unless you use certain techniques, then it's not a problem. M14 is just good all around, except for the sound. Unless you see a lot of players, both will put you in trouble with the zeds. I leave both at camp, the only gun for me is the M4 CCO SD.

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M14 aim trumps the FAL. The FAL is one of the worst guns really... unless you find the NVG scoped one and even then... i'd take the M14 over it.

funny thing is i didn't like that scope cause if u ain't playing in night u got no use of this gun and if u play in night and u unscope u get Ur night even more darker for 2 sec

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M14 AIM any day over the FN FAL.. Case closed.

M14 AIM -

- Better Scope

- Ammo is easier to obtain (DMR AMMO)

- Contains a high rate of fire like the FN FAL plus is able sniper with

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They both have exactly the same damage... 2 shot player body kill.

It whether you want that scope on the m14 that gives you that 100m extra effective range or the burst fire on the FN fal which makes killing players at close range easier. That is of course, not regarding ammunition rarity.

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Both are the exact same damage. M14 wins as the ammo is common, and it has a red dot sight.

There are some folks that enjoys great iron sights that FN FAL has to offer.

But yea, since you can not convert DMR mag to FN FAL (people asked for it many times), then M14 probably wins in the long run.

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I love my FN FAL. But, as it has been said many a time, it lacks a scope.

But that doesn't desuade me. Between the burst and the almighty 8k damage per round, you have a better time in closer range firefights, and can put 2-3 rounds into a person before they can even react. The death it pumps out makes people stop and die, or drive drive drive.

Also, the sound makes people flee in terror. Sure, you'll aggro a few zombies, but any 7.62x51mm gun will cause that.

Also, I love the sights. The gun is like a Lee Enfield with more rounds and a MUCH higher fire rate. Sadly, the Enfield was nerfed... But I would rather have a FN FAL over much less for the role I give in small squads. (Other weapons I enjoy are the M4 variants, and AKM, so you see where my bias lay)

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Picked up an M14 AIM last night. Got a few kills with it, really like the RDS scope especially compared with having none on the FAL. Used to like the FAL, but going onwards, I'd pick the M14 AIM any day! :)

But you're going to need a bit of range for it to really shine. If you're running in Cherno alot, you'd most likely be better off with the FAL :)

Edited by denned

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