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Not bitching, but I have what seems to be a major issue.

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I understand this is alpha, however, I am quite frustrated. I played for about 30 minutes this morning, got to my safe place and logged out. I came back this afternoon and signed in. I was taken to the character selection screen. WTF? Okay, whatever. I come to terms that for some weird glitchy reason, I lost all my gear. I select my gender. I spawn and collect a side arm and a primary. I start scavenging for resources. I met up with a buddy after some time. I disconnected In Solinchnya and left for a while again. I just recently came back and signed back in. This time, I spawned in Electro with nothing. WTF?? I wasn't even taken to the gender select screen, I just randomly spawned in Electro without my gear again. This makes two attempts of logging back in and losing everything. I've been playing for over a month and never had this happen once. This worries me. I don't want to go scavenging again just to lose it all through whatever odd glitch I'm having right now. I'm going to try a different server now.......

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Are you sure you weren't playing on a server connected to a private hive?

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the first time you should have left the server and come back; you would have gotten your stuff. as of now, all i can suggest is that you restart the game; you could have been disconnected from the hive, causing this to happen.

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You logged in the same server? If so, You got a Debug Forest killer on the loose.

There is no more Debug forest....Debug plains maybe....but running out there...yeah good luck.

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Well I did log back into the same server which is when I realized I lost all my stuff. Then I relogged a second time and lost all my stuff again. This is all the same server. Tried a new one and no luck.... oh well.. I'll chalk it up to DayZ alpha state....

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I understand this is alpha, however, I am quite frustrated. I played for about 30 minutes this morning, got to my safe place and logged out. I came back this afternoon and signed in. I was taken to the character selection screen. WTF? Okay, whatever. I come to terms that for some weird glitchy reason, I lost all my gear. I select my gender. I spawn and collect a side arm and a primary. I start scavenging for resources. I met up with a buddy after some time. I disconnected In Solinchnya and left for a while again. I just recently came back and signed back in. This time, I spawned in Electro with nothing. WTF?? I wasn't even taken to the gender select screen, I just randomly spawned in Electro without my gear again. This makes two attempts of logging back in and losing everything. I've been playing for over a month and never had this happen once. This worries me. I don't want to go scavenging again just to lose it all through whatever odd glitch I'm having right now. I'm going to try a different server now.......

:facepalm: For me ... thats Bitching.

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I understand this is alpha, however, I am quite frustrated. I played for about 30 minutes this morning, got to my safe place and logged out. I came back this afternoon and signed in. I was taken to the character selection screen. WTF? Okay, whatever. I come to terms that for some weird glitchy reason, I lost all my gear. I select my gender. I spawn and collect a side arm and a primary. I start scavenging for resources. I met up with a buddy after some time. I disconnected In Solinchnya and left for a while again. I just recently came back and signed back in. This time, I spawned in Electro with nothing. WTF?? I wasn't even taken to the gender select screen, I just randomly spawned in Electro without my gear again. This makes two attempts of logging back in and losing everything. I've been playing for over a month and never had this happen once. This worries me. I don't want to go scavenging again just to lose it all through whatever odd glitch I'm having right now. I'm going to try a different server now.......

it pretty much means that the first time you played, you played on a private hive and can't find it anymore.

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:facepalm: softiness ??? ... ok keep bitching.

bitching??? ... ok keep being softy.

Ok, I am above this! :) You win!

Edited by a. james

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bitching??? ... ok keep being softy.

Ok, I am above this! :) You win!

*pointless argument* and that didn't reset your stuff? hm. don't know what to tell you then :bandit: i don't know what the hell that is but i wanted to put it in somewhere

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Every time you encounter something that isn't supposed to be in a server or something serious and weird happening, DISCONNECT. The server is broken and will take you down with it!

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