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Players 30+ years old

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For those who havent got teamspeak yet, can wholly recommend installing it, its free and means you can join us in game to chat, direct channel is way too small a range and trying to meet other players in the game without Teamspeak is alot harder..

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just joined yr Fogeyz site and waitin approval......

45...UK based player ....been around since Op Flashpoint! (gaming since Spectrum in 83 with my paper round money!)

Active on Steel Fury tank sim forums and play a lot of Invasion '44 mod and Red Orchestra 2 etc

just lost all my best stuff (tents etc) as DE101# seems to have stopped :(

steam tag.... tigershuffle (as i am on most forums)

Edited by tigershuffle

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36 years old here, UK based, been gaming a loooong time, playing Dayz roughly about a month or so, been playing solo, but now i'm looking for more people to play with as it seems group play is where the fun is. I'm just about to register on the Fogeyz website and i hope to be speaking/seeing some of you ingame.

Of course that is after i figure out how to use Teamspeak.

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36 year old coastal hermit here

Would be interested in teaming up if there are any other 'old farts with guns' (a Rogue Spear clan from ions ago) on Aus/ NZ servers.

I'm not familiar with areas in the northern half of the map so less experienced in those areas and no huge stash or vehicles to share.. sorry :P

Generally a medic, friendly, but kill if being killed at.

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I'm a 38 year old who's been playing DayZ for a couple of months now and gotten good at the "lone survivor" thing, but it has got a bit boring. I am looking for some folk to play with; just registered on your Fogeyz site too, hope to see you on there.

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Just registered on Fogeyz as well due to the overwhelming reponse to my Topic (Thanks Sula and DazTroyer for caring).

I'm 37 and in Brisbane, Australia. Used to play with OSS (OldSchoolSnipers) on Delta Force - Land Warrior (if anyone can remember the days on running hill sniping with the M107).

Looking foward to having a game/chat with the you guys.

Unfortunately, EU servers ping out for me, so it's US and ANZ servers for me.

Edited by Beetle34

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Just whipped up my signature this arvo.

Thought the old guy might be good as a Fogeyz signature.

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just joined yr Fogeyz site and waitin approval......

45...UK based player ....been around since Op Flashpoint! (gaming since Spectrum in 83 with my paper round money!)

Active on Steel Fury tank sim forums and play a lot of Invasion '44 mod and Red Orchestra 2 etc

just lost all my best stuff (tents etc) as DE101# seems to have stopped :(

steam tag.... tigershuffle (as i am on most forums)

Didn't know we made anyone wait for approval??? :huh:

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Due to keeping most of the topics safe from anyone just viewing we request they sign up to the forum. It was set to send me an email and then I would approve it straight away, I have now set it to auto but if it gets abused I will have to turn it back to admin approval.

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I'm not quite 30, but only a year shy. Can I get in on this too? Would be nice to play with people closer to my own age!

I'm located in the PST (West coast of Canada), so might not get to play too much with those of you in Europe.

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If you want to be on the list consider yourself on it. The idea of the list is that everyone can contact everyone else on it and invite them to play dayz. There's a link the list of players before it was last updated further down this thread. As to the new forum and teamspeak being used by some of the people on the list, I don't know anything about it or their rules. You'll need to speak to them. :thumbsup:

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For those who havent got teamspeak yet, can wholly recommend installing it, its free and means you can join us in game to chat, direct channel is way too small a range and trying to meet other players in the game without Teamspeak is alot harder..

If you looking for a good teamspeak server whit space for 500 Dayz players B) ,, use this IP *UF* Ultimate Fight.

We can setup the rooms for Dayz players like, Dayz room 1, Dayz room 2 to make gameplay whit teamspeak the best way to play ;)

And if are Dayz players that whant to know whats arma, on that *UF* have 2 servers running to experience arma.

Sula,, for u, becose u are the kick off 30+ Dayz players are u channel admin, if u like.

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Hola gentlemen,

I'm 41 YO male, 6'2", GSoH... No, wait. This isn't the dating site I was looking for.

Ahem, anywho, been playing mainly solo on low pop GB server with some duoing with a mate in spain. I'm UK based and looking to get together for some group fun.

Steam name is same as my forum name if you want to add me.

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36 M Philippines. Played Arma 2 before DayZ even came out. Had experience with Takistan/Fallujah Insurgency and Domination game types with @ACE and @ACRE mods. Had the awesome opportunity to play with ex-military servicemen. Very organized :)

Please PM me here with your skypes and state your age so I'd make a separate DayZ contact category :) I've been a lonewolf on starting DayZ and engaging in Scavenger/Survivor tactics and no banditry. I always end up either getting shot or blown off by most players because I've been yelling friendly all the time when I enter structures. Sadly, I did commit about 3 murders. Two murder victims were payback kills - meaning they killed me first then I hunted them. One, though, was a kid named Joshua (sorry Joshua, if you manage to stumble across this post. I'll promise to help you out next time.), which I really felt bad for cause he cutely whimpered, 'What the hell?', as he died. I could only blame my early experiences in DayZ and I couldn't really trust anyone I meet ingame anymore. Now I'm always on the edge... I may still call out 'friendly' from time to time but now I'm more observant of player activity and gear setup.

Recently, I've been teaming up with a few good folk but their interest of the game died down a bit so I'm back to lone-wolfing. Lemme know if you guys wanna team up. I play at mostly GMT+0 , +12 or +8 servers. Cheers.

Edited by asin

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ORIGINAL LIST OF PLAYERS OVER 30 YEARS (Plus also add anyone else who has expressed an interest in being on the list. I'll add then if I ever get the software to work again so I can edit it.)


Also, Daztroyer has a teamspeak server for talking during the game. Contact him for its ip address. :thumbsup:

Dwayne - yes. Remember if people don't work well together they just don't have to contact each other again. Age is no guarantee and we can't get on with everyone, especially the very young and immature. I've had my fill of them lately, I'm afraid.

Also, I have to disagree about teamspeak. Personally, I find it can be great but can also be messy and noisy. Some people didn't like it when I spoke but I felt driven to speak because chaos was everywhere and not many people seemed have an objective or to be aware of the more experienced players' tactics and the risks around them. So, big groups can be challenge. Skype is great for small groups of say about four or five, in my experience.

Edited by Sula
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Great. But remember, if you don't use teamspeak and don't want to, there are plenty of players on that list with skype addresses! :thumbsup:

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We've made a good deal of headway when it comes to TS comms. Sula's quite correct. It was chaotic, frustrating and very noisy when we first started.

Now there are many of us with admin rights and we've set up a variety of channels that allow the group to split up. For instance, those on different servers, those on different areas of the same map or on separate missions, rescues, etc can simply hop to a different channel. It keeps the noise to minimum and it's a piece of cake to pop into another channel to check in with another group.

We've also begun to get to know each other and our playstyles. Most recently we scored a chopper and flew around the Lingor map all night hitting heli-spawns and picking folks up. We've also had a few death/injury-free looting missions :thumbsup: !

We're avoiding, and will continue to avoid, being uber-organized. We've really not had the need to get all 'clanny'. Throughout the time playing together we've just seemed to mesh. The primary goal is to have fun with a mature, but cool and groovy group of people.

By all means if you don't want to use teamspeak that's totally cool. I'll start keeping my Skype running in the background (azrael.72) I'm in the Eastern US and can play UK servers without a problem and I'm on (lately every day) around noonish - US EST.

Feel free to PM me here with any questions you might have regarding rollin' with the Fogeyz :D .


Edited by Azrael72
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Sorry, Azrael, I hope that didn't sound like a harsh criticism. I've been telling people I talk with that one of the things that's especially nice about your teamspeak group of people from the list is, you're not regimented and controlling but more friendly and welcoming, especially to those who are less experienced. :thumbsup:

Its' good to hear you're making such great progress. Your team has certainly convinced me of the benefits of teamspeak, though I'm still not entirely comfortable with larger groups on teamspeak. The individual rooms for groups sounds like an excellent solution. :)

It's not that I have a great love of skype, I don't but I want to add balance and be helpful to those who don't have or want teamspeak. (Sometimes I feel I'm downloading program after program just to speak to, for example, medic after medic, who use some obscure program to talk to people. But you have to when someone is going out of their way to help you).

People on the list, who don't have teamspeak or skype, can still contact the others on it to ask if they would like to spend some time in dayz - via steam or via the personal messages system at this forum. So there should be lots of choices.

If anyone still feels a bit isolated, or shy about contacting people on the list do let me know, and I will introduce you to someone. I'm sure Azrael would be happy to help those wanting to learn more about the teamspeak group, and as I have been doing, I can provide help too - though the details are in the links above! :)

Edited by Sula
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Hi , I would be interested in this sort of thing!!! 40+ uk player (family man) just started with Dayz learnt some hard lessons.......... Gillie suited player runs into a hanger at Balota Airfield followed by a ton of zombies, says "friendly don't shot" I reply "friendly" and help him kill the zombies all very nice, he then turns on me and starts shooting oh well lesson learned. I would like to team up with some like minded UK mature players as being solo in Dayz is kinda hard, EVE online since 2005, bit bored with EVE these days, RL comes first. TS3 and vent, casual player.

nomistseb (steam user name)

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I'm not quite 40, but working on it :-). I'm in the states, but will logon tonight for the first time and see how this goes. Maybe I'll find you sometime.

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I'm interested. 32 and from Florida. I'm brand new to the game and still learning but would love someone to play with. PM if interested.

Me too...I'll put {Fogey} in my username as well....steam is 'greatbignow'

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You don't have to use "fogey" in your username. That was just one suggestion. Of course, using it is a nice big advert to everyone else that you're easy to shoot.

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Further reminder - as I keep being asked - if you want to find the list of players over 30 the link is in the above page or the one before, in a post of mine. As is the link for the fogey's forums, which will give you the teamspeak server address too. :thumbsup:

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