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Lingor Island to be the next official map release? Clearly the people want it!

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After playing Lingor Island it is nice and a breath of fresh air but I think a map actually designed for DayZ would be the best bet.

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  On 8/4/2012 at 5:04 PM, Golgo82 said:

Where exactly are those "people" you are talking about?

980k unique players

only 180k in past 24 hours

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people only like it because it makes the game too easy and when I say people I mean filthy call of duty casuals

it's like playing on easy mode or using cheats

Edited by badger05

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  On 8/4/2012 at 9:42 PM, badger05 said:

people only like it because it makes the game too easy and when I say people I mean filthy call of duty casuals

it's like playing on easy mode or using cheats

On the contrary I found Lingor Island to be much more difficult. You'll find almost no cover from the forest, the zombies seem to be much more numerous, the map is smaller so more pvp encounters, and its also difficult to get yourself oriented due to there being many, many coastlines,

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I've played Lingor Island, it's terrible for DayZ.

To many houses with no loot, waaaay to open, people spawn at military spawns etc.

Chernarus is perfect for DayZ, Lingor Island is the complete opposite.

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  On 8/4/2012 at 10:18 PM, jdz said:

I've played Lingor Island, it's terrible for DayZ.

To many houses with no loot, waaaay to open, people spawn at military spawns etc.

Chernarus is perfect for DayZ, Lingor Island is the complete opposite.

No, Chernarus is NOT the perfect for dayz, neither is Lingor.

Chernarus has way too many non enterable houses, many small towns are near useless and just a place to be killed ( and they are up north as well), still feels too small for dayz, it's a bit too predictable after just like playing the game for 3 days and overall it can be improved, a lot IMO. Good starting map, but that is it. More of a urban feel to the map would be a massive improvement ( and i mean just like having a proper western styled town)

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the game is in alpha. I don't expect anything like that from them. They are currently experimenting on what works and what doesn't. The least they want is an extra map. Maybe when the full game is released

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I think Lingor island is a good map. It's smaller, but there are more cover and hiding places, you can enter a town, go through buildings, and no one will find you. While in chernarus if you go to cherno or electro you will probably get sniped because there are only a few enterable buildings with loot and snipers just keep eyes on them. I just started playing lingor today, and i have never had soo much fun in DayZ before.

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They should continue to develop for one map, two maps just means more effort will need to be put into fixing bugs and things of the island map.

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Lingor Island is balls...

It is just a tiny little TDM map compared to Chernarus. The art of survival has been removed in favor of PVP...to each his or her own, I suppose. :rolleyes:

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Lingor Island seems to be very linear and small. It also seems to be made pretty carelessly and looks feeble. And the jungle theme doesnt fit. Just my opinions tho.

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I always up for a new map, maybe server with those mentioned new maps will have separate databases about equipment/location so anyone can switch between chernarus and other maps without problems.

  On 8/5/2012 at 6:40 PM, Shaimou said:

And the jungle theme doesnt fit.

Do you think that jungles will be spared by the infection? :)

Edited by Andrej Dudev

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lingor island is much better because the cities are more realistic with enough different enterable building types for your immersion to not disappear the moment you start actually looting. Also less of a hiking simulator and more about post apocalyptic conflict/coordination, dayz is already completely PVP once you stop being inept at it, so lingor island just improves the only excitement that dayz has to offer.

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  On 9/14/2012 at 8:56 AM, SillySil said:

The trend changed when the game was taken over by hackers. You are going to ignore last month because the overall trend for the last 6 months was different? YOU seem to be quite a politician.

Are you a tad bored today Sillysil? It's just you seem to have taken one of my comments and felt the need to reply to it over a month after I posted it. You have asked if I am going to ignore the last month but it was longer ago than that when I made my post, rendering your comment redundant.

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  On 9/14/2012 at 9:05 AM, Fraggle said:

Are you a tad bored today Sillysil? It's just you seem to have taken one of my comments and felt the need to reply to it over a month after I posted it. You have asked if I am going to ignore the last month but it was longer ago than that when I made my post, rendering your comment redundant.

You're right I'm sorry. Didn't see this was thread necromancy. Saw this on the first page.

Edited by SillySil

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Lol, no probs, I've done it myself before and got flamed by the whole forum.

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i was on lingor for 15 mins, i got fully kitted out and killed 3 people in that time.

its just deathmatch, which in turn is fun.

but for true survival i would love a chernarus map bigger i mean 4x bigger with a larger city but still takes hours to get to one side to an other

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I have tried out Lingor, Utes and Takistan and still have to say Chernarus is better suited for Day Z.

Lingor has more enterables and military loot spawns but i was very disappointed in the Prison. There i was thinking Walking Dead and all i got was more barracks overlooked by Sniper Hill.

Roll on Chernarus Plus

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I've played both Lingor and Takistan in the past few days and I have to say that Lingor is absolute crap, it feels like some kid threw it together in like 5 minutes and I don't think you'll catch me on Lingor again anytime soon.

Takistan however has a lot better feel to it, a little too open for daytime play especially when the zombies seem to pull from further away and spawn in massive amount for such small villages but apart from that the couple of hours I played in night were really good fun.

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