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Stop nerfing the mod goddamnit !

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I noticed that after each update,the mod gets even more nerfed;i mean:less loot,not mags reloading,no more winchester mags :D,and more oriented-semi-realism that really kills the fun

As a bandit,i really don't see a reason to go north anymore,since there are no more valuable items or bonuses and especially no survivors to entertain me ! but only tin cans :D

As far as i'm concerned,this mod needs some kind of secondary goals to keep it alive,because right now it's just a walking simulator.

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I'm pretty sure the mod is not meant to be tailor-made for your preferences.

Why you didn't comment ? :D :D

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"and more "gay" realism that really kills the fun"

You do know that the game this mod is set upon is one of the most realistic(commercial) games out there.

what is special about this mod is the realism and the fact that you dont see an assault rifle in every house,(I have played for some time now and I havent seen a single assault rifle(however lots of winchesters/lee enfields)

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I noticed that after each update' date='the mod gets even more nerfed;i mean:less loot,not mags reloading,no more winchester mags :D,and more "gay" realism that really kills the fun

As a bandit,i really don't see a reason to go north anymore,since there are no more valuable items or bonuses and especially no survivors to entertain me ! but only tin cans :D

As far as i'm concerned,this mod needs some kind of secondary goals to keep it alive,because right now it's just a walking simulator.


I completely agree. I use to have a desire to go north, mainly because of the higher probability of better weapons and a vehicle, but no I just stick around Elektro killing zombies and the occasional rouge player.

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I noticed that after each update' date='the mod gets even more nerfed;i mean:less loot,not mags reloading,no more winchester mags :D,and more "gay" realism that really kills the fun

As a bandit,i really don't see a reason to go north anymore,since there are no more valuable items or bonuses and especially no survivors to entertain me ! but only tin cans :D

As far as i'm concerned,this mod needs some kind of secondary goals to keep it alive,because right now it's just a walking simulator.


Try to set yourself some more goals in the game. There is a lot to do even if you're stacked up to the neck with gear. You could raid towns, you could go hunt wildlife, or even set up an ambush on other survirors and bandits.

The "gay" realism is what makes this game interesting IMO. It's not meant to be easy and probably not a game for everyone.

Qazdar' date=' you're a moron.


Take it easy, no reason to get personal because someone has a different view than yours.

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OMG! why it's turning into personal attack post ?

I am just expressing my opinion and i'm sure that many have the same feeling :D

When i say Gay realism,i mean a realism in which a part is realistic and the other is not just to nerf it :D (for example all those healing and first aid mechanics from a side, but 15 bullets to kill guy from another side).

Ofcourse,i am not asking for an easy game,but more enjoyable one ... and motivating.

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I don't know what everyone is complaining about drop-rates for. Two nights ago, me and three other survivors raided a military camp and found an AK-74m, MP5, two smoke grenades, and an M1014 ammo. Later we hit deer stands and found a G17, more AK's, a M4 with an ACOG on it and ammo for it. I think that the drop rate being lower gives you more to do, because you have to check more locations for gear and food and water.( Though you get hungry and thirsty far too fast in DayZ i'll start a thread about that later.)

After you get a decent amount of gear and ammunition you can survive in the wilderness for quite some time, granted you found some animals to butcher. I feel their should be wild game that spawns in the woods honestly, like Deer and Elk. I realize that Zombies are an integral part of Day Z but i generally sneak past them, i've been living for 2 whole days now, and only had to kill 12 of them, though my squadmates have 100+, Maybe i'm just more cautious than other players.

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While i will agree the game needs more stuff to do to keep it going, at the same time this is alpha and clearly will be getting more things to do as time goes on. If you dont like whats happening in game now maybe leave and check back in a few months. Also using the term "gay" to describe somthing the way you did makes no sense and really shouldnt be used, just makes you look like a troll. Also saying that the game is being nerfed sounds pretty dumb and makes you seem more like a troll. So if you are serious then it sounds like you may not like the game your playing and should check back every once in a while, but honestly i think its a troll post trying to piss people off.

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more "gay" realism

Stopped here' date=' because I know the rest of your post is [i']stupid(the word you meant to use) as well.

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Ok,i edited the first post to make it more serious ... since we are doing something really really serious here !

Just say something useful instead of watching the wise's finger while he's showing the moon !

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The difficulty runs hot and cold with each update. Dont worry, the balance will be found.

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Dunno what you could possibly mean about nothing valuable in the north. Learn how to cycle loot and then you can leave stary with M4's, DMR's, and other awesome items/weapons. We cycle the loot so much on SLC we have to rely on survivors to loot our storage tents there so that we have room to put stuff. I think a single tent has like 6 AKS' in it.

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I'm so sorry griff that I had to be the one with the harsh reality. Been part of too many games ruined by bears. You cut them down or let them slowly infect and destroy.

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Yeah,to be frank there are two things that,imo, made things a bit "too much":

1 - Bodies disappearing very quickly;

2 - Losing mags after connecting.

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It's seems that really no one in this day and age understands just how far from completion the beginning an alpha build actually is. Rocket is not a moron and knows what he is doing but at the same time wants to try new things as well as find balance for the things already in the game. This has been in alpha for a month, you need to take a step back and relax, it could be 1-3 years or so before this is actually done.

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If everyone starts using "alpha excuse" to end disucssion,then i don't see why this forum is good for other than thanking devs.

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If everyone starts using "alpha excuse" to end disucssion' date='then i don't see why this forum is good for other than thanking devs.


But it's not a excuse. It's fact.

The mod is in Alpha. It's the stage where you add things in, take them out and test every crazy idea you have to see if they work.

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Yes,i fully agree and i am saying what i think about it :D

I also think that devs should work more on content to bring it to beta state before fine tuning it.

It would make more sense.

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