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WalkerDown (DayZ)

Rare spawn > It doesn't works

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The current concept of hi-grade/military spawn being a rare spawn (for balancement purpose) cannot works with the current game mechanic (perma world), so the balancement (if any) is exploited by itself.

I try to explain better: if it was a single "game round", you would have only few ppl owning a rare weapon/tool ... but in a permanent world, the spawn are being added to the users that already have them, and they increases exponentially with time (days... weeks.. months..), ending (theorically) with anyone having the "top gear", since when you kill someone you going to loot his stuff.

In other words: you have the (example) 0.1% of finding an item because of a spawn + you have the 0.1% of finding the same item killing the player who found it before ... these numbers increases in a sort of pyramidal scheme day by day: 0.1% spawn + 0.1% * players.

The only way to prevent it, is to place a sort of "top" number for the rare spots.. in example: there must be only 1000 NVG in the whole game, after that number is reached, no more NVG's are spawned in the loot... but then you gonna face a moltitude of other possible problems (ie: ppl owing some rare stuff but no playing the game anymore and stuff like this).

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They should just make bodies killed by 50cal's, frag grenades, SAWs, satchel charges, and the RPG disappear immidiately. This would make sense to me, as their really wouldn't be anything of much use on the body after taking a hit or two from any of these weapons.

Or give the gear a % chance based on weapon used to kill the player to turn into "useless scrap" making the looting of bodies less fruitful and riding the game of high end gear. Obviously the more powerful the gun the higher the % chance is to break/destroy items in the targets inventory.

Edited by Maroite
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So if people go afk forever then what?

I'm sorry I do not think you have thought this through so well.

Also weapons should not be rare ammo should.

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I see what you are getting, at but the solution doesn't work very well.

Ammo should get more scarce for the higher up weapons... if they actually get the bug fixed next patch. Also duping items bug getting squashed will make things a little more level on the playing field. Eventually.

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Interesting point you bring up. Indeed this random spawn system is somewhat selfdefiant on the rarity of certain items.

Of course there is also another big issue you might want to take into consideration when thinking about it.; doubling of items (accidental or on purpose) is possible in the current state of the mod. This also adds to an inflation on rare items (of course I'm not even talking about hacks being able to spawn about anything, that should be left out of the premise for arguments sake. Any system can be corrupted at some point)

Edited by tickle_me_jesus

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