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Trading Post, volunteers required

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I'm seriously thinking of setting up a trading post on DE6 and I'm looking for volunteer Mercenaries to help police the trading post.

Mercs will get kitted out with some standard gear if you haven't got it already, maps, compass, hunting knife, matches, weapons etc.

There will be a rotation so everyone can go hunting/raiding outlying towns, villages and cities for loot and to help others (not bandits).

Eventually this will be much easier with one or two cars or a bus.

Mercs will also get to keep anything they find that isn't a dulplicate of what they have already. Rare items such as NVG will go to the community, hopefully everyone will eventually get NVG's.

As a Merc your job first and foremost is to help police the camp, prevent theft, and look as menacing as possible to deter ambushers and to keep the area safe for trading. But on rotation, you will be kitted out with all the best gear to go raiding.

Medics will also be required and will need to carry everything needed to help our own team and possibly help others too (not bandits).

You will be carrying small amounts of ammo but mostly medical gear such as epi-pens, meat, bandages and even.... Anti-Biotics?

How the trading will be done.

I think mostly it will be done on a drop in basis, but for special items maybe a notification on our forum, then an armed escort if it's especially valuable.

So that's the plan, I just need around 10-15 volunteers to help get it started.

What I'm looking for:

maturity, you must be able to keep guard and take orders from a senior officer. Keep a level head but also work on your own.

Trust is also going to be a big issue, any theft from within will lead to immediate and severe punishment, and possibly a server ban too.

You must speak English, you can speak any language as a first or second language, but you must be able to speak English.

Being able to navigate can help, but it's not essential if someone else in the party can do this.

If you are interested then follow my signature link or this link:


sign-up on the forum, make one post about why you think you'd make a good mercenary and I'll be in touch.

Teamspeak is essential, so you'll need a microphone, preferably one with a headset to prevent echo and feedback!

If you are interested please also let me know what time you are available to play regularly.

Thanks for reading.


Server: DE6 - currently poorly, should be running properly in the next day or two

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Where would you like to set up this camp?

Also, do you already have some people to start with?

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Its nice to see you doing some role-play.

BTW, where is the camp going to be?

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I wont mention any more details on here, for more info please visit our forum and sign up to be a merc.

@GK_buba yeah there's a few of us already (4 for certain, and up to 7 now and again).

We obviously are looking for people who can and will put in the hours, the hours can be whatever you want, but they must be as regular as possible.

@Bayers, thats a secret! For now at least.

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Thanks for that MasacruAlex, yeah mics are essential, as is the ability to use teamspeak.

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I like the idea, would be interesting seeing it in action. You should do some in game recording and share it with the community when you get this going. :)

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Recording is a certainty at some point, there will be creases than need ironing out, and once thats done, sure, there will be some good youtube videos.

does anyone have what it takes? We really need your help.

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Excellent idea. I had thought of this numerous times but couldn't think of it working without some sort of mexican stand off/hostage exchange. Good luck. Look forward to seeing how it works out.

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Not that i would steal anything from you but im pretty sure a server ban on someone for stealing is not allowed or even ok. Stealing and killing is part of the game it happens.

It sounds really cool and gives more reason to play the game and another goal. Maybe a good idea would never let anyone trade straight from the area where everything is stored but instead have your mailmen take the trading items to an area of your chosing. this way they never know where the trading location is. Also like i said you should really find out about server bans for theft as im pretty sure that you cant ban someone from a server for that,i could be wrong though.

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Call me naive but stealing from the community will probably never happen, getting a winchester in the face and getting stripped of all your items should be a deterrent enough.

I think will a little management an patience it could work very well.

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What server do you play on? Because Im interrested, the only thing that bothers me if you are playing on servers with rules I disagree with. Such as seeing people name from afar or being able to see your dot on the map and even other people. I play on veterant server obviously.

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I put up a post on your forum Dazbobaby.

Sounds like a fun experiment to get on board with.

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fantastic idea but how are you apying the mercs, i'd trade my sniper riffle and a bunch of ammo for some Matches and possible painkillers ;)

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@Buba Welcome aboard m8e

@Sminky, matches and painkillers are plenty-full if you know where to look.

you'll get paid in getting some goodies, weapons and ammo for starters, then essential items like hunting knives, binoculars, map, compass and anything else like medical supplies.

Other items may com along that might be handed out from time to time... specialist weapons and ammo and anything else that rocket and the team can throw at us.

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Still waiting about which server you are going to do it on... or at the very least, what kind of server rules.

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How are you going to identify the people who are 'working' for you in the trading post? I don't see how you can differentiate from a guard and a general person.

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@ daedric We dont run a veteran server, but map location is off.

As for seeing names... thats going to be essential for this to work.

Our server is down for maintenance but it's DE6

how do we differentiate mercs and general public, Mercs will need to add a small tag to their profile, so when you hover over someone their name is visible. Plus Mercs will be within the confines of the trading post, others will be outside.

  'daedrick said:

What server do you play on? Because Im interrested' date=' the only thing that bothers me if you are playing on servers with rules I disagree with. Such as seeing people name from afar or being able to see your dot on the map and even other people. I play on veterant server obviously.


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I'd like to volunteer! but just for the heck of it punishment shouldnt be there especially some sort of ban from the server! maybe they could be hunted instead? its so easy to just ban them ya know...

If you guys are at an american server hit me up!!! Id love to volunteer! i dont wanna sign up though hahaha

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There needs to be some kind of punishment otherwise it'll all fall apart.

Banning might not be THE way to go, but it's an option.

No bad deed goes unpunished.

BTW our server is European: DE6

Good pings though.

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So far we have 3 and maybe a forth, plus the 5 original guys, we could do with another 10 and then we can get stated.

Any more takers?

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Dude, now this is how to adapt to the world of DayZ! Awesome stuff! Not some fake crap forced to make people play nice, but real organization and team work. Does DE stand for Delaware? Denmark? I'm still kind of in loner mode right now, but I will look you up when I feel like grouping up with people.

Good luck! And, watch out for those pussy server hoppers!

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