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So How Many Have Stoped Playing DayZ?

Have You Stoped Playing DayZ?  

299 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you stoped playing DayZ?

  2. 2. If you pick no, what is your playing style?

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I've stopped but am keeping an eye on the game to see if it actually delivers what it promises. If it doesn't, I won't be back.

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stupid how more people are going with "im a survivor" when i garuntee most of em shoot on site.. -_-

Definition of survivor:


A person who survives, esp. a person remaining alive after an event in which others have died.

Edited by Rollie Pollie

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Think I have to quit, can't play at all during the day without getting killed by script kiddies. 4 deaths in 2 weeks, all 4 of them from teleport script kills.

Losing my gear to a better player or somebody who gets the jump on me or because I make a boneheaded mistake is something I can handle. Having all of my efforts destroyed in the blink of an eye by some asshole who downloaded a script isn't.

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I havn't stopped playing, but I'm not playing as much or "seriously" because there's just too much hacking atm and artifacting is annoying if you get shot at D:

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I'm on the verge of leaving. I would declare myself as mostly a bandit with a very few nice-inbetween-lifes.

The current state is just not acceptable. Hacks, Database error (duping/empty tents) and (acceptable) Alpha bugs make it hard to enjoy the good side of the game.

I don't want to bash DayZ but I hope it gets stable soon.

Also I will try out WarZ, thanks for reading ;)

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I stopped playing a few days ago after I realised that DayZ is not heading in the right direction at all. Play the 'Chernarus Apocalypse" mission on arma and you'll realise that DayZ is merely a huge deathmatch with zombies in our way.

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I still play but I don't take the game seriously. Nothing has any value anymore because of duping and skiddies and my team has camps with all the best shit stashed so going to the high loot areas is pointless. I don't even check crash sites when I see them anymore. Surviving is too easy once you realize the zombies are pointless to fight. Game is just blah.

I do admit it still remains fun when playing with friends even though we have no goal. We're a survivor group that wants to put our gear to good use helping people but everyone else shoots on sight so we may as well be bandits.

I think Rocket has created a game that can do nothing but fail at this point, but the concept of it will still live and be made into a functional game. War Z might be that game, who knows.

Edited by noiradle
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What is the true defenition of bandit in Dayz?

I will shoot anyone that poses a threat to me simply because i fear getting shot my self. Yet i see my self as a survivor.

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If you are really curious, I'm certain the devs can tell how many of the nearly 100k unique players have actually logged in in the last week/month. I doubt that well ever see that information, be it good or bad.

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Your Poll is screwy...aka, if you Vote Yes, you still have to vote in the second part..anyway

It has been almost 2 weeks since I last played. I'm keeping my eye on DayZ, hoping new features make it worth playing again.

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stupid how more people are going with "im a survivor" when i garuntee most of em shoot on site.. -_-

I must be a rare find then. Last night I was at the military camp in Bereznio, heard gun shots so I started scoping out the town. I figured they were coming from the northern most store. A little while later I see a survivor running through the area, north of the military tents, with a horde of followers. So, what do I do? I pop up out of the bush and start taking pot shots, with my rifle, as the infected that are chasing him. He runs over towards me and I pull out the G17 and fire at a few more. Now I've got 3 on me and he has none on him. Being fully aware that I am now a high value target with an M24 and a Ghillie suit, I gather up as many of the infected that I can, and I run the opposite way from the survivor.

I know, it's amazing. You can totally help someone out, WITHOUT having to fully put your trust in their hands. I gave him a 100% clear path to loot the medical tents with no infected in site. (because they were all on me) I easily ditched them on the coast and was far enough away from the survivor.

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I know, it's amazing. You can totally help someone out, WITHOUT having to fully put your trust in their hands. I gave him a 100% clear path to loot the medical tents with no infected in site. (because they were all on me) I easily ditched them on the coast and was far enough away from the survivor.

Not sure if just nice or shit aim *fry stare*

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I know its a stupid question as most that have stoped playing wont be in the forums either, unless they stick around like me for the upcoming patches...

Wow. How was the thought process of posting it anyway?

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Bad poll, because people who quit the game probably don't hang around the forums as much. To be precise though, around 800k players have quit the game.

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im still here and will be for a long time

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well i've not logged any hours for a week or so, i can't play with the artefacts even if it curable by some random string of tasks but i really can't be bothered to fuck around every time i go near a glitched entity.

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Bad poll, because people who quit the game probably don't hang around the forums as much. To be precise though, around 800k players have quit the game.

Not THAT many people have quit DayZ...

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Ouch 1/4 of votes left the game...Truth hurts but more votes would be nice to see.

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I have for the most part unless I get asked to either help someone out. I wish camo nets and hescos were added to be build in-game, as well as a checksum that stopped things from being placed in buildings

Edited by Orthus

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No option for "still playing but playing less."

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Artifacts cure:

just switch your video settings-If your on High go to low and then back again....Its a pain if you got zombies on your ass but it takes no more than 10 sec to cure.

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