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Please, DONT add a bandit-indicator in this patch

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KOS is just the safest and most practical way to stay alive and this will be the defacto state until they add some kind of negative aspect to being a player killer. I met a random player in the cherno grocery store yesterday. I had the drop on em with an enflield, but like the idealistic spaz I am, I asked if they were friendly before opening fire.

"yeah buddy, just here for food!" he replied. He didn't aim at me and I moved on past him. 10 seconds later I took a rifle blast in the back. My fault of course, I should have killed him or not revealed myself. Fact remains though, there is no benifit to being a good guy and no drawback to being a bandit.

Until they change that, it's KOS.

Mabye it could be as a positive spin for being a good guy would be a karma style system aka humanity. The higher the humanity the better the loot possibilities? Therefore people wouldn't be as inclined to be a bandit.

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I LOL at all the bandits crying "realism" <sarcasm> yeah this game is so realistic. </sarcasm>

Deal with it!

Edit: Also, I'm part of that 1% that won't shoot people ever :)

Can you please explain why you like this change? Thanks.

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Mabye it could be as a positive spin for being a good guy would be a karma style system aka humanity. The higher the humanity the better the loot possibilities? Therefore people wouldn't be as inclined to be a bandit.

There is a difference between being a bandit and a griefer. Why would you punish the bandits that way? It's a valid type of playstyle even though it's "evil".

I think that players need a selfish reason to not kill other people on sight. Maybe that would involve abilities like Rocket has previously mentioned. Like if you've got a gunshot wound you will need help from a player with a certain ability. That would require you to talk to other people in the game until you find that person.

Changes like this would not hurt either side of banditry/survivors nor immersion.

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It will take day Z back to how it was before they removed the humanity system. What is there to explain?

I did not play during that time so I have no idea what you are hinting at. I've seen some players saying that it made "deathmatching" even worse though. Since it created two sides being constantly at war with eachother.

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please.... instead what we have is FFA, no holds barred, kill everything. People KoSing then people who hate getting KoS so much that they just start to KoS, hell I almost went to the darkside myself a month ago. Bastard I saved from dying took my gun out of my backpack and shot me with it AS i was giving him a transfusion. Humans are fucking pathetic. Anyway It's like someone else has said. There's nothing wrong with them bringing it in, if they don''t like it they'll remove it. I'm sure if you bitch enough they'll listen and change eventual. All these games that get constant updates have changes made because of people bitching.

Survivors SHOULD be fighting against bandits. Except killing a bandit doesn't stop their banditry. They'll just respawn and go back to their same ways. Forcing players to just kill other players because they'll get killled doesn't a good game make. I'm a firm believer that this game isn't strictly PvP(a super minority @_@). But like I said, I'm someone who doesn't kill people :) I wouldn't play Counter strike, Unreal, CoD, or anything else like I play this game. And I won't play this game like I play those games.

You say you've seen people say it was worse back then, but there are plenty in this exact thread that say otherwise. I'm not even going to bother quoiting them because this is your thread, you have eyes.

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please.... instead what we have is FFA, no holds barred, kill everything. People KoSing then people who hate getting KoS so much that they just start to KoS, hell I almost went to the darkside myself a month ago. Bastard I saved from dying took my gun out of my backpack and shot me with it AS i was giving him a transfusion. Humans are fucking pathetic. Anyway It's like someone else has said. There's nothing wrong with them bringing it in, if they don''t like it they'll remove it.

See, I agree with you in some ways. I dont have a problem with there being a way to spot bandits/survivors on sight. I just want the cosmetic change to be something like the bloody clothes I mentioned in my first post. The looting of a fresh body would make you bloody and unless you wash yourselves people might see/assume youre a bandit.

When items magically appears on you because you kill somebody - that removes some of the immersion. I know that immersion might not mean a lot to you (since its just a game, like previously stated) but it means a lot to me. This sort of change would get you your costmetic change while it would not ruin the immersion for the people that like it. How's that a bad idea?

I'm sure if you bitch enough they'll listen and change eventual. All these games that get constant updates have changes made because of people bitching.

There is really no need to be insulting like that. We are having a discussion. It doesnt make us mortal enemies. I play the game just like you do. I am always friendly and never KoS even though it has happened to me several times.

Edited by JulieMeyers

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It's more a statement on h how any game gets changes made.Vocal community bitches, company changes something. I've seen it like crazy Since I started playing League of Legends 2+ years ago. I'm not trying to insult you, I could've easily just as said 'complain' I suppose, I'm pretty vulgar. sorry :)

Edited by internetTAB
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I am not a bandit, and will never kill another player without reason. If they are really a risk to me, I just avoid them. I do not surport this addition, it will make the game easier and its too easy already.

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i honestly approve of this, it should lower the chances of me getting a bullet in my head just for being spoted by the guy with a lee enfield when i was going to be friendly anyway

the only friendly encounter with another player i had so far was when a guy was looking for whoever shot at him, i came up from behind, but 2 things stoped him from shooting me down

1.) i had a crossbow and no pistol, he was looking for someone with a firearm

2.) when he saw me, i was saluting, proving i was friendly, so he saluted back, and we went on our seperate ways without conflict

so all i can say is: this will help us alot, not only will CoD kids be revealed, allowing us to get rid of them, but we wont have to worry AS MUCH about the random guy with no bandit hat on running tword our turf with a M4A1

only way i see past this is to be a jerk with gurnades and blow up a building, making it fall on a player, the way i see it, how will the killer be determined?

as for internetTab, i really feel your pain, why arnt there more people like you (and me) around on Day Z, i have no idea

Edited by Yukimare
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i honestly approve of this, it should lower the chances of me getting a bullet in my head just for being spoted by the guy with a lee enfield when i was going to be friendly anyway

Would you not agree that this will remove a bit of immersion from the game? This is certainly not the only way to make the indication. It might be a good for a "test" to see if any kind of indicator would be good but you get what I am saying, right?

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Glad to see it back.

The game used to be a lot more fun when you would meet someone & size each other up before (and if) guns were drawn.

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Would you not agree that this will remove a bit of immersion from the game? This is certainly not the only way to make the indication. It might be a good for a "test" to see if any kind of indicator would be good but you get what I am saying, right?

Problem is, we already had the bandit skins, and we tested removing them completely. Guess what? That combined with removal of global chat has STRANGLED this game. Go look at the threads. I'm willing to bet I can find at least five in the last two days where the basic responses were 'yeah, no one bothers helping anyone in this game. There's no point'. Simple fact is, removal of bandit skins has allowed CoD kiddies to run rampant. They've converted everyone to being bandits. Why? Because when you kill a survivor enough times, he becomes a bandit. And that survivor has no way of knowing if someone would be friendly or not.

Range of voice chat: 80 metres. Range of most assault rifles: 150 metres.

This is no longer about 'realism' or 'immersion'. The respawn mechanic itself is what has caused this. Once you die, you remember what you died to. And for most new guys, and even a fair amount of older players, that is bandits. Or people who just blatantly backstab to be cunts. And once you die to them enough, you stop trusting anyone, ever.

Maybe bandit skins will remove a little bit of 'immersion' for you.

And? Who fucking cares.

I'm part of the Regulators. We try to help people. but if I see someone with a bandit skin saying 'heeey, I need a blood transfusion! Please help!' I'm going to ignore him, or drop him.

If I see a survivor doing the same, I'll offer help. Why? Because if he's been a cunt and destroyed the last five people who tried to help him, then it will show in his bandit skin. And personally, I think that helping this game shift away from the KOS mentality that 80% of the community hates is worth losing some 'immersion' in the vocal minority.

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...You could tell if someone looked dodgy in realife by the way the act and because we can't see this in game, a visual indicator is needed.

Since the skins were removed orginally the game lost all co-op because the co-op players just shoot on sight now because they got sick of being killed anyway.

Bandits will be pushed to being confined in places, otherwise bigger groups of survivors will kill them, just like when the mod started.

Exactly, characters / toons in this game give off ZERO mannerisms which is no way like real life. I also don't think it wouldn't be a bad idea to have handheld radios or something for chatting with others if one wanted to for a sort of pseduo global chat option. Give it the option to have a few channels or turn it off if ya want or toss the looted radio in a stream, er whatever if you don't want to hear it. As a survivor I don't see a problem with someone spawing with such a item. After all wouldn't someone try to get some information from somewhere?

Kill on sight is the norm for most players right now and thus I avoid everyone these days. . . So I don't find indicators to be that much of a issue. And I don't have a issue with it being a arm band, headgear, nametag er something. I think a total uniform tranformation might be a bit over the top. But on the other hand I would like to see a bit more clothing options too, but I don't think they should be a priority.

Anyway when I get bored I go back to what I call this current state of affairs with DayZ or what I derogatory call BEAN WARS in Electro. But I have survived for long periods in the woods days - weeks. . . *sighs* it just gets stupidly boreing after awhile. And while you might laugh at this; oddly enough getting pissed at rabbits and chaseing them with a axe er hatchet is quite challenging and time consuming. Yes yes, I can hear myself already yelling at the computer "Come back here you little bastard!" Still the only thing that has gotten me killed was when I change my routine - but most times I do that because I'm bored outta my mind.

BTW those of you who like those GPSs? Those wouldn't work in a apocalypse either. . . Yea yea I know satellites. . but those satellites require at least one operational ground station to stay accurate threw periodical updates. Yea you can forget the internet too, since your computer messages will need boosters to over come the resistance in wire and interfaces for any fiber optics routing. . . Cell phones ha those will be gone too they have at best a 3 mile range. . . <<< All these things need power so once the powerstations go down and the backup batteries go dead that's it for those items and many many more.

All thats left is basic radio communication (shortwave for long distance communication) and the only reason why is because they generally require the least amount of resources to operate - at least until a major part goes poof or the operator is unable to maintain it!

So to those of you who say 'real' this or 'real' that better start getting it though your heads there is very little ONE person or even a SMALL group of people can do.

Edited by Who cares?
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Would you not agree that this will remove a bit of immersion from the game? This is certainly not the only way to make the indication. It might be a good for a "test" to see if any kind of indicator would be good but you get what I am saying, right?

Immersion and realism are 1000000000% different. I could have a visual indication of a players humanity and still effortlessly get immersed in a game.

Honestly I agree that it shouldn't be needed and is kind of out of place. But since 99% of the gameplay in this is super COD shot kill mega death rape fest, I think it's needed to help build a trusting community until a more permanent alternative is put in place.

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Immersion and realism are 1000000000% different. I could have a visual indication of a players humanity and still effortlessly get immersed in a game.

Honestly I agree that it shouldn't be needed and is kind of out of place. But since 99% of the gameplay in this is super COD shot kill mega death rape fest, I think it's needed to help build a trusting community until a more permanent alternative is put in place.

Everybody keeps saying "COD-kids" like it's some universal way of helping them getting their arguments across. Well, guess what - players will ALWAYS kill you on sight and they will do it because it's fun even though there is an indicator.

It's actually really ironic. Soon enough this game will just be an uglier version of Call of duty, since people seem to want all of those standard fps-game stuff in there. Kill messages? Check. Blue team vs red team? Check. (scarfs vs hoods)

Soon enough we will have a k/d and it'll say m-m-m-monsterkill once you kill somebody. Immersion? Fuck that shit. It's a game. Durr.

Edited by JulieMeyers

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I'm really glad to see this coming back. Hopefully there will be at least SOME friendly interactions with strangers in DayZ again now.

A quick question though - does a survivor in camo gear look any different from a bandit in camo gear? Or do you have to keep the default clothing to be recognisable as a survivor?

Also, the way that the bandits that usually hang around making 'QQ kid' posts in threads about deathmatching are all crying in here is hilllarious.

Edited by mZLY

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So to those of you who say 'real' this or 'real' that better start getting it though your heads there is very little ONE person or even a SMALL group of people can do.

Sigh. Yet another player who cant see my point. Tell me why you are satisfied with this change when it COULD be done in a more realistic manner? I really dont get it. Once this game does have those magic changes you'll soon get an M9 because you killed 5 zombies. It just pops up there. Immersion? Durr hurr. Who needs that. Its a game, right?

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I'm really glad to see this coming back. Hopefully there will be at least SOME friendly interactions with strangers in DayZ again now.

A quick question though - does a survivor in camo gear look any different from a bandit in camo gear? Or do you have to keep the default clothing to be recognisable as a survivor?

Also, the way that the bandits that usually hang around making 'QQ kid' posts in threads about deathmatching are all crying in here is hilllarious.

I have friendly encounters in this game all the time. All of them might not be so fruitful but it's still friendly. Griefers will still be griefers. Snipers killing newbies from the hills wont be affected at all since they wont even walk down to loot.

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Maybe bandit skins will remove a little bit of 'immersion' for you.

And? Who fucking cares.

Great. We need more people like you in this game. Really ironic since you are the guy saying "cod kids". How about you read my first post and then think about what forum we're in.

Edited by JulieMeyers

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I have friendly encounters in this game all the time. All of them might not be so fruitful but it's still friendly. Griefers will still be griefers. Snipers killing newbies from the hills wont be affected at all since they wont even walk down to loot.

Cool (yet completely irrelevant) story, bro.

This will help a little bit with the trust issues that the entire community has developed. It has nothing to do with griefers.

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Cool (yet completely irrelevant) story, bro.

This will help a little bit with the trust issues that the entire community has developed. It has nothing to do with griefers.

Griefers are who people refer to as cod-kids. Those high-tier weapon wielding dudes killing people for no reason other than for their own amusement.

Does being a bandit mean being a cod-kid to you? What if everybody just ran around and loved the hell out of eachother in this game instead? That would sure be exciting.

When you kill somebody, you should get a skin so that you look like Bane from Batman. And if you kill even more people you gain demonic wings and you shoot fire from your eyes. That will stop the cod-kids for good.

Edited by JulieMeyers

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What are you talking about?

The bandit skin is to alleviate the trust issues that this community has developed. Griefers are an unrelated issue.

Fixing the artifacting won't stop griefers either, so Rocket shouldn't bother?

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Isn't that pretty much how it would be in real life? You think in a real zombie apocalypse I'm going to have an indicator that pops up if I'm a killer? No, you're going to assume everyone you come across is dangerous and not to be trusted...

Well, I cannot see most people killing unarmed people with a sniper rifle 400 meters away just for fun, and then not even checking the corpse in a real apocalypse either.

Edited by Timppa

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