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White-hat Hacker?

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So I was on a server a bit ago and things were going pretty well. A friend found a bike up the road from where I was, and I went to check an ATV spawn in a popular-ish area and it was surprisingly there. So we got it repaired and started heading away from the shore.

Soon after departing, we suddenly heard people saying "We see you..." so we took off. They started firing from wherever they were like mad. My friend on his bike was hauling ass out of there when he got teleported to a random location. He instantly logged off thinking he was about to be hack-killed. However, shortly after as my other friend and I on the ATV were still driving away, we heard a voice that kept following us. When we stopped on a hill, a guy appeared telling us that our other friend should log back on so that he could teleport him back to us and also give the bike back. So I hesitantly told my friend to log back in, trusting the random hacker guy, and he pulled through.

He teleported my buddy back to us and he told us that "[he] took care of the hackers." He even spawned us another ATV and then let us be on on way. I suppose that the people firing at us must have been hacking or something, and that the hero hacker intervened?

Either way, what do you guys think of what happened? I'm not going to say the name of the server to protect the guy's privacy that helped us out... I wonder if he was a server admin. Who knows?

TL;DR Do good hackers exist? Or do server admins hack to police their servers?

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There are known cases of White Knight Hackers. Albeit they're seen pretty much as the Dark Knight, they do help fighting other hackers at least, even if they break the rules.

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Just as bad as the rest to be honest, hope they are all banned

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Yes there are good hackers. It's like the meta game of dayz now hackers vs hackers. They get bored of killing the entire server so they kill each other.

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Good hackers do exist, but I'm sure the devs don't see it that way.

Good hackers still distort the eco-system that regulates players relative strength in DayZ - some hackers give out free equipment (a friend of mine got given every tool in game, an ATV and an AS550 + M4A1 CCO SD) but even by being "friendly" and "generous" all they are really doing is breaking the balance that encourages players to work together. When you know people walk around with automatic weapons and 12 clips of silenced ammunition you know the only thing they're going to do with it is hunt other players.

Due to the fact it's a persistant hive a "good hacker" on one server could potentially break the balance on an unlimited more servers just by how big an influx of high-end loot is injected into the game, making it much harder to balance for legitimate players. I used to play a Third-Party MMO style mod for HL1 known as Master Sword, and for a long time most of the new, higher end developed areas were impossible for legitimate players because they were built with the assumption of having best loot in-game and an unrealistic level of skill attainment. Afterwards it was revealed the players who were calling for the new high end content had cheated for most of their abilities/items.

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White Hat Hackers aren't new.

Though it's debatable how much better they are than their counterparts. Personally I'd just chalk your luck up to fortune and roll with it. In general this "white hat" hacker isn't going to fix the problem, and is still a maverick. If anything one could argue he's stepping up the game.

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Personally with the current hacker problem, these good hackers are a good thing in my book. As long as they don't go all two face on ya, they are fine.

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I have been a white-hat most the time I spent working on scripts and such. (Never on DayZ or mainstream games) Some people don't realize what black and grey hats get from their hacking. They can become rich with e-whoring and other way. Those hackers just want money, but when it comes to black hat gamers. They just want to ruin everything so they can piss everyone off. I can't wait till this game is standalone. I was teleported into a building and shot in the head losing my best gear I ever had.

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I've met quite a few server admins that resort to hacking themselves, to keep their servers cleans of the douche hackers that ruin everyone elses fun.

Edited by Pegz

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