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Your Worst Betrayel Story

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I met up with a guy named tony along the beach just east of electro, neither of us had weapons yet and he was instantly willing to communicate and wanted to stick together.. we approached power plant at cherno and entered the front doors.. there was a dead player, i looted him and proudly proclaimed "i got a kobra!". There was also an m1911 on the body that i left for tony... cuz we were working together. Tony was having trouble seeing the m1911 so i told him how to position himself so he could loot the body...


Tony shot me in the back :(

GG tony, hope ya enjoyed the kobra lol

PS this aint a QQ thread, be a good sport... I wanna hear the best stories of you getting betrayed, its funny

Edited by UsuallyFriendly

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son of a bitch flew our chopper into a power line

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I was playing with a mate of mine. We were walking through cherno and heard gunfire. A guy ran out who had a M4A1, and was pretty kitted out. We both only had side arms. He gave us both food and water, and gave us a spare map he had so we could find our way inland. My friend over TeamSpeak said he was planning on killing him and taking his gear, but I told him this guy seemed alright. We got into some zombie trouble, and found ourselves up on a roof, the three of us shooting out with an army of zeds (bout 20). My friend said on TeamSpeak he was going to shoot the other player, and again I told him not to. He then proceeded to shoot our new buddy in the leg, breaking it, and then claimed it was bandit fire. To our amazement, the player started unloading his gear, his pack, gun and everything onto the roof. "What are you doing?" my friend questioned, he replied with "Thanks for your help guys, this gear is better for you than it is for my dead body", and ran and jumped off the roof into a sea of zombies. I felt so dirty

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I was in cherno saw 2 guys in the store unarmed so i run in ans ask if their friendly they say yes we don't have guns.We chat for a bit i give them a spare map and food they give me blood and then they both corner me in and proceed to axe me. This happend about 2 weeks ago. Since i have not died from another player. Not counting hackers.

Edited by unitus77

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I was playing with a mate of mine. We were walking through cherno and heard gunfire. A guy ran out who had a M4A1, and was pretty kitted out. We both only had side arms. He gave us both food and water, and gave us a spare map he had so we could find our way inland. My friend over TeamSpeak said he was planning on killing him and taking his gear, but I told him this guy seemed alright. We got into some zombie trouble, and found ourselves up on a roof, the three of us shooting out with an army of zeds (bout 20). My friend said on TeamSpeak he was going to shoot the other player, and again I told him not to. He then proceeded to shoot our new buddy in the leg, breaking it, and then claimed it was bandit fire. To our amazement, the player started unloading his gear, his pack, gun and everything onto the roof. "What are you doing?" my friend questioned, he replied with "Thanks for your help guys, this gear is better for you than it is for my dead body", and ran and jumped off the roof into a sea of zombies. I felt so dirty

Your friend is a dick.

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I managed to find my friend after running around chernarus for hours. I minimized the game and took a look at the map to know where we should head next. I reopened the dayz window and clicked on it, but I didn't notice my crosshair was pointing right at the face of my friend. Well, it really took me some time to explain that. I looted his corpse and ran towards a nearby building. Then instant karma hit me: I opened the door and it crushed my legs. I had no morphine with me.

Edited by Timppa

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My group and I were at Devil's Castle, heading towards Berezino from NWAF. We were just taking a small break in there, I was alt-tabbed checking vehicle spawn locations. One of the guys in our group had been getting really annoying, and someone else was calling him out on it. He got really quiet for like 5 minutes, but only one person in our group noticed.

As I'm looking at vehicle spawns, I suddenly hear over the mic "Who's shooting?!" "Oh god I'm dead" "What's going on?!" I quickly alt-tab back in to see our quiet, enraged group member casually strolling into the castle tower gunning down my last squad mate. I open fire with my M16 and empty an entire clip into him, while taking shots. He goes down and I think "Woho I got him! At least I'm ali--" *Notices -11k blood* "Goddammit"

Edited by Sephka

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My friend and I were scavenging the supermarket in elektro for food, cause we needed some. obviously. Anyways, he has a crossbow, 1911, and a czeck backpack, and i have an AK, alice pack, and revolver. e's ging through the items in the back with me, when he says "Hey buddy, i'm gonna go close this door." I say ok. the back of a supermarket has four sets of doors that need to be closed.

So I go out front right after that and something catches my eye. Jesus! its another player! He's crouch running behind the shelves, i can barely see him! I yell "Nate, there's another player in the store!" All of a sudden the guy behind the shelves jumps up and begins a mad dash straight toward me! I panic, hesitate momentarily, before i finally manage to sight down my AK and put the sights right on his chest. BAM! 9 shots to the chest, close range, and the bastard drops! I yell out to Nate "I got him dude! He's dead!" Then I inspect the body. Czeck backpack, we already have that...1911, that's familiar...crossbow, it can't be...

I look at the blood spurting from the corpse, then look at the bottom left corner of my screen.

Nate was killed. goddamnit

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I was running with a few guys I met from school IRL. I ran into trouble, broke my legs in chernogorst. The others were on a different server because of the bandits. I got "Sorry mate, cant risk it."

I survived. Just.

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That guy looks retarded, he is what I imagine the average 4channer looks like in the rare case it isn't a fat ass.

Making fun of someone's appearance? Geez, post your picture; I'm sure you're absolutely charming! Often people who post this kind of shit have low self esteem problems. :thumbsup:

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Making fun of someone's appearance? Geez, post your picture; I'm sure you're absolutely charming! Often people who post this kind of shit have low self esteem problems. :thumbsup:

Posting my face on a forum filled with 4channers

No thanks I allready ate pizza today.

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I was in a barn once and a guy came running towards it unarmed with some zombies trailing him, being a friendly I shot them for him and gave him a gun I had no ammo for, incase he had some for it or happened to find some, so at the very least he could defend himself. As I was sending him off I accidently shot a Lee and here came the zeds, he took off with a bunch chasing him and I went back into the barn and shot the few after me, and then at that point I see another unarmed guy running around with zeds chasing him so over direct I tell them both to come in the barn with me and Ill mow down the zeds. They both do and 20 or so zombies later everything is clear and as me and the first guy I gave the gun to start checking the dead bodys the other guy, whos life I just saved, finds an axe and proceeds to muder us both wihile our backs turned :P

Silly mistake on my part :P

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Making fun of someone's appearance? Geez, post your picture; I'm sure you're absolutely charming! Often people who post this kind of shit have low self esteem problems. :thumbsup:

I agree, the dude looks like a total creeper, I have no problem posting my pic though... and yes I know I need to shave, lol.

and its not so much his appearance that bugs me, I think it was the arms flailing and yelling into the mic.... still a creeper.



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I was in chernarus then i went to ... <_< oh well .. to make story short i met this guy .. we were friends for like 220 minutes .. then .. I Shot him in the face to take his beans. Thats the worst betrayel i been. :facepalm: Maybe not the best story.

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I found a guy in Elektro that I was about to finish off with my AKM, he was screaming friendly. He had a hatchet, so I didn't really think he could do much to me in the event of betrayal. I asked if he needed blood, he said yes. It was probably the most obvious trap I had ever fallen into when he simply allowed me to give him blood then proceeded to kill me with his hatchet. >.>

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The worst thing I ever did (And I don't think it was a bad thing) was to kill someone talking with two friends of mine who looked very suspicious, I had a bad feeling about him so I said "Better safe than sorry"

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Some guy came running at me asking for help, neither of us had weapons. I got a hatchet, picked up a chemlight and led him into the dark where my friend shot him in the head.

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