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About stripesreaper

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. stripesreaper

    Where to get version 1.62.95724?

    Thanks a bunch. :)
  2. I'm trying to google, but I only get one result which isn't the actual patch when I type in: "Arma 1.62.95724" I'm currently using 1.62.95417 The server I've been to is now denying connection from me and is shown as a red x as it seems to have the version 1.62.95724 now.
  3. stripesreaper

    How to zero the SVD Camo

    It's not 225m, 300m, 500m, 700m, 900m and 1000m. The arrows, not counting the big one on the top, are as follows: 200m, 400m, 600m, 800m, 1000m
  4. stripesreaper

    To the =SoM= clan.

    Hey, you two on the radio tower with Ghillies, SVDs, NVGs and the sorts; Good job on ALT F4ing immediately after you get shot at. Just wish I had a DMR or an FN FAL AN/PVS4 and not a simple rifle. Too bad you wont even bleed to death because of your buddy, though hopefully you will spawn on a server with a squad on the airfield, since you're already on top of the radio tower. Scum clan.
  5. stripesreaper

    Weak Radio Signal

  6. stripesreaper

    Killed 7 people today, and wounded 4, no DCs

    There's nothing like the thrill of killing other people, especially in close quarters combat. Stop being butthurt.
  7. There are no bandits; everyone pretty much kills each other, except for the dumb ones.
  8. How do you know how you would behave in a zombie apocalypse? Pretty sure you'd be looking out for yourself if you knew people could just kill you and take your items; its not like they need another person to feed, and its not worth the risk to become acquainted with someone that has a fucking gun.
  9. The fact that your server is regular -- and you're obviously a sniper -- speaks for itself.
  10. stripesreaper

    NVG's Don't work with M24?

  11. stripesreaper

    Your Worst Betrayel Story

    Ofcourse you did.
  12. stripesreaper

    Your Worst Betrayel Story

    Making fun of someone's appearance? Geez, post your picture; I'm sure you're absolutely charming! Often people who post this kind of shit have low self esteem problems. :thumbsup:
  13. stripesreaper

    NVG's Don't work with M24?

    What do you mean binoculars work with the m24? Rofl. You pull out your binoculars and then look through the magnified scope? Pretty sure that doesn't work.
  14. stripesreaper

    Green Mountain - Share Your Stories

    Never go to Green Mountain... We don't go to Ravenho-... I mean Green Mountain.
  15. I'm an atheist with 102 kills. Come at me bro. Murdering Christians since 1990.