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DayZ Tutorial: How to get geared up quickly

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I made this video for the purpose of helping new players with the game. Many of my friends played the game and gave up nearly after 1 hour due to the fact they couldn't find a gun and it was extremely boring/aggravating for them! I decided that I would make a tutorial video to help teach people how to play the game a little better! I to struggled in the beginning and nearly gave up until I noticed common themes and looting patterns within the game! I hope this helps you guys, I added a bit of comedy into due to the fact its a 16 min video so look forward to that! Enjoy!


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Or install some hack.

Oh yeah, that's a GREAT way to gear up... <_<

Or just wait for some nub with a hack and kill them... I like that way.

Good video to the OP though.

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Oh yeah, that's a GREAT way to gear up... <_<

Or just wait for some nub with a hack and kill them... I like that way.

Good video to the OP though.

Could be...

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The video was good but I disagree with re-spawning every time you get a bad spawn, and I definitely disagree with server hopping to get loot.

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The video was good but I disagree with re-spawning every time you get a bad spawn, and I definitely disagree with server hopping to get loot.

Well, respawning for a "good spawn" isn't as easy as it used to be unless players want to just run in and get killed. Can't just "Respawn" anymore unless your legs are broken. As for server hopping, I kind of agree, but it has its own risks. You may logout in a safe, empty firehouse on one server and log in on another with 4 camping bandits looking for a can of beans. It DOES have its own risk. Not that I use it.

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As I said in the video or if I didn't I will say it now. I do myself sort of disagree with server hopping but I believe at times it is necessary to do in order to get things like a map and a compass. Some things in the game like a map and a compass can take hours to get and minutes to get. But once you have them it makes getting around 10x easier especially for a new player who will get easily frustrated with this. I've been there haha

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it can take hours to get geared up outside of the coast, running from place to place. And ecen if you stay on the coast cherno/electro have the most spawns per zed. Unless you have lots of time to blow, why not suicide until you are close to a major city?

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What if you don't have a map and don't know where you are?

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What if you don't have a map and don't know where you are?

If you're trying to find your spawn... do what xBiGRiG said, THEN you can figure out where you are on the map here: http://dayzdb.com/map


You can try to find some landmarks of some sort then find them on that map, relative to where you are.

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@7:40 "M 1-911" ... lol that made me chuckle... its a nineteen eleven son! one of the greatest pistols ever made... why its call the 1911 you ask? well my good chap, that's the year it was made.

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5 high value residential spawns in SE cherno... i tend to stay away from those apartment buildings becuase the hospital there is highly frequented, and the industrial area there with tall buildings is prime for snipers. The residential spawns are better because they're away from the church, supermarket, and firestation making them much safer to look for gear. Also you can find ghillies and camo in those buildings quite often. I usually leave cherno with map, matches, axe, knife, compass, watch, enfield, 1911 and more than enough food and liquid to last a while.

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Edit: ah I watched to the end and take it all back.

But you explained I suppose.

And the word you were looking for at Balota was "hangars"


Edited by HMS

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I hate people like you that claim peace and betray them.

I mean, yeah, it's part of the game, but really. That's just in my opinion, the gayest thing that you can do.

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I hate people like you that claim peace and betray them.

I mean, yeah, it's part of the game, but really. That's just in my opinion, the gayest thing that you can do.

He saw a guy on the roof holding a bigger gun - a gun he wanted. Guy on roof asks him if he is friendly and he says yeah sure (whatever lol) please don't shoot me. "I come in peace" lol.

The other guy should have warned him then shot him the moment he got too close.

I mean what the hell was he supposed to do if he is not playing a friendly? Say no? Do you see the problem? If he says no he is dead. If he remains quiet he is probably going to get shot as well. So might as well play along. He didn't try to befriend the guy first or anything. Just a small reassurance that everything is fine before the inevitable BLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAM!

Asking other people if they are friendly is a very amateur way of dealing with strangers in DayZ. If you want to find out whether someone is friendly or not you will have to observe them for a while. Simply asking and then taking their word for it is just not a very smart move.

It is true, there are some (many) people who find joy in betraying others in various and sometimes pretty scum-baggy ways. I don't think OP is one of those guys. Remember, he made a video to help new players?

Complaining about people who do this will not make you a better player, nor will it prolong your survival. Adjusting to them however, will.

Besides, only day 1 players are friendly in Chernogorsk. They get smarter. Eventually...

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Go find a tent somewhere in cuba bay and walk out with full gear and as50.

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Go find a tent somewhere in cuba bay and walk out with full gear and as50.

Great idea, my 18 day character decided to check Guba, I see a red Lada on the coast, next moment - headshot. There are clan members guarding their camps you know.

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Thanks for the thread. I love to camp the apartments in Cherno. No no no. I dont camp like a pussy with barret from the northern hill. I camp with AKM hiding behind the corner. Ah... That was such a pleasure to waste a group of three with AKM on full auto while they were going downstairs in one of the buildings.

Thanks again. I hope more people will come to loot the block after watching your video.

Edited by void_false

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Server hopping is terrible. Never server hop. And killing yourself to get a better spawn? Taking away from the game. I spawned at Krutoy Cap and made the longer journey to Balota to get up with a friend. It was worth it. I did the traditional loot route for Elektro and came away with decent loot.

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