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Us 1544 banned after shooting at admin. (wall hacks) appranetly

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I too was banned by admin [sOTR] Big Mac on this server after friends and myself killed SOTR members. They were driving through Elektro and we blew up their UAZ.

We were then accused of hacking because I had looted an M40A3 off of a body.

I welcome his reply and explanation.

Don't be an asshole, never pick up or use hacked-in weapons, if you are not sure then wiki the weapon.

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Don't be an asshole, never pick up or use hacked-in weapons, if you are not sure then wiki the weapon.

See below.

Rocket himself said in a post "A player who spawns in the weapon and uses it can get banned, However a player who finds the weapon and uses it will not be banned since he did not break the rule" Basically he's not going to Punish a player who found something that will help him survive unless you spawned it in to give urself a unfair advantage.

Edited by DrButts

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I think it's quite clear that this admin is an abusive admin. He claims to have proof of them hacking, but we have yet to see this proof. Wanna know why? Because there isn't any.

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Honestly, if you're not banned by BattlEye just go play somewhere else. If that admin kicks people who are killing him, stealing his stuff - why would you want to go back on there anyway?

Vote with your feet.

The sense of entitlement on this forum is ridiculous.

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The sense of entitlement on this forum is ridiculous.

What you mean from the admins directly breaking the rules set out by Rocket. they could always fuck off and host another game if they don't want to do what they AGREED to do

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Honestly, if you're not banned by BattlEye just go play somewhere else. If that admin kicks people who are killing him, stealing his stuff - why would you want to go back on there anyway?

Vote with your feet.

The sense of entitlement on this forum is ridiculous.

As a server admin you must not:

You are not permitted to ban players for killing yourself or clan members.

You are not permitted to shutdown your server when your killed.

You are not permitted to shutdown your server when you lose a vehicle.

You are not permitted to kick or ban for smacktalk.

You are not permitted to ban for suspected cheats or exploits of a non-server-disruptive nature, including but not limited to ghosting, unverified cheating, duping and similar, UNLESS you have solid evidence, IE logs.

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See below.

See below.

I don't give a rats ass, if your using a hacked-in weapon you are not only making the admins life harder but also in some cases having a clear advantage over other players, eg, as50 + thermal scope, if you do not understand or want to play within the boundarys created by rocket then go and fuck off.

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I don't give a rats ass, if your using a hacked-in weapon you are not only making the admins life harder but also in some cases having a clear advantage over other players, eg, as50 + thermal scope, if you do not understand or want to play within the boundarys created by rocket then go and fuck off.

Then by your own words you should "go and fuck off" since Rocket has made it quite clear what offenses warrant a ban and what do not. Some admins seem to be unable to play within those boundaries.

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I don't give a rats ass, if your using a hacked-in weapon you are not only making the admins life harder but also in some cases having a clear advantage over other players, eg, as50 + thermal scope, if you do not understand or want to play within the boundarys created by rocket then go and fuck off.

And by banning a player for the simple act of carrying a hacked weapon you do not understand or want to administrate within the boundaries created by Rocket. Therefore, you can also 'fuck off', as you so nicely put it.

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I don't give a rats ass, if your using a hacked-in weapon you are not only making the admins life harder but also in some cases having a clear advantage over other players, eg, as50 + thermal scope, if you do not understand or want to play within the boundarys created by rocket then go and fuck off.

Which is exactly why illiterate children who have not graduated High School should not rent and operate DayZ servers using their parents credit cards.

This is a ramptant problem and I hope you, and server admins like you, get blacklisted for life :).

Edited by jatobi
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I don't give a rats ass, if your using a hacked-in weapon you are not only making the admins life harder but also in some cases having a clear advantage over other players, eg, as50 + thermal scope, if you do not understand or want to play within the boundarys created by rocket then go and fuck off.

i think you just made a twin edged blade right there as they have kinda said picking up hacked weapons etc is NOT illegal and will NOT get you banned!

only spawning them in will!!.

so you actually whimp about people using a hacked weapon they found, and then saying its okay! (cause rocket allows it)



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I haven't been back on this server however, it's a bitch when your clan runs a server and blatent hackers come in and your server empties out and those who stay lose everything. Then you get server admins like this who get pissed because they lose everything in a perfectly legal manner and just say you hack. I'm still waiting for this proof or someone to blacklist this server for breaking the rules.

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One of the biggest problems with this game....The fact that admins cannot take charge over servers they pay for. As long as this is the case, this game is doomed to be full of a bunch of teenage immature hackers that want to be little @)#%(@#%'s and then whine on the forums. It has so much potential...but if rocket himself supports hackers, and hacked weapons..... W T F!

Edited by Sadotado

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Listen assholes, I have 10 years on rocket, he quite obviously needs guidance since the "dayz rules" are far from perfect.

You maggot pukes lack basic common sense.

Come to our server where I will ban your asses again.

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Listen assholes, I have 10 years on rocket, he quite obviously needs guidance since the "dayz rules" are far from perfect.

You maggot pukes lack basic common sense.

Come to our server where I will ban your asses again.

What a bad ass.

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Listen assholes, I have 10 years on rocket, he quite obviously needs guidance since the "dayz rules" are far from perfect.

You maggot pukes lack basic common sense.

Come to our server where I will ban your asses again.

All your servers should be blacklisted for this post.

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You guys still post on here? When you are going to take a hint that nothing is going to change. You are still banned, and nothing is going to happen. As far as proof goes, you kids are not going to see once piece of it. Why? Hackers would love to know how people can find their hacks and try to go undetected. Since we knew you guys were hacking from day 1 on this server it was only a matter of time before we had enough evidence to justify the ban. I suggest you guys take whatever hacks you kiddies found on youtube or whatever and go on another playground.


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It's like you have down's syndrome or something.

You knew we were hacking from day one? We were on the server for less than ten minutes.

I've never seen someone so unimportant go on a power trip over something this retarded. I feel bad for you.

Edited by DrButts

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You guys still post on here? When you are going to take a hint that nothing is going to change. You are still banned, and nothing is going to happen. As far as proof goes, you kids are not going to see once piece of it. Why? Hackers would love to know how people can find their hacks and try to go undetected. Since we knew you guys were hacking from day 1 on this server it was only a matter of time before we had enough evidence to justify the ban. I suggest you guys take whatever hacks you kiddies found on youtube or whatever and go on another playground.


Report this server in SERVER REPORTING section and put in a ticket to support. I vote blacklisting after this.

Edited by Devil's Advocate

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"edit" I read the rules regarding being an admin and owning a server. I understand why, but there should be a an easier way for admins to defend themselves from liars who claim to be banned from servers for things that admins are not allowed to do, but in reality are simply hackers.


It must be hard to own a public server.

These rules are awkward. How does a server admin have to bow down before anyone at all?

If an admin chooses to ban over a nerdrage, then so be it, choose another server.

How can it be that every admin has to fight every damn ban he gives out to prevent being blacklisted and the entire server being rendered null to anyone playing on it?

Hackers should be dealt with, and admins should act adult when shot in the head. If you want to be a player among the players, expect to be best in combat.

What are these threads, they scare me even more to play DAYZ at all. What if I end up killing someone who happens to be an admin?

Ofcourse I can LOL and pick a new server, nobody cares right?

But how is it possible that admins have no control over their own paid server? How is this possible that some whiny little jerk can take down an entire server by just posting here? It's in the rules? Admins cannot ban hackers who are thought to be hackers, chat about hacking and are banned before they do any damage.

It seems to me that hackers have a much easier life than Admins.

Admins constantly need to provide proof, whilst a hacker only has to lie about it.

just my worried two cents here.

Edited by Dantevortex

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Listen assholes, I have 10 years on rocket, he quite obviously needs guidance since the "dayz rules" are far from perfect.

You maggot pukes lack basic common sense.

Come to our server where I will ban your asses again.

Are you intentionally trying to portray yourself as a stuck up dickhead?

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Listen assholes, I have 10 years on rocket, he quite obviously needs guidance since the "dayz rules" are far from perfect.

You maggot pukes lack basic common sense.

Come to our server where I will ban your asses again.

lol...wow...you have a bit of a superiority complex. Good thing you have done nothing to earn anybody's respect. Age sure doesn't earn you shit for respect. The one who is lacking in common sense is you. Follow the rules or be blacklisted. THAT is common sense.

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-Snipped for size-

^You make an excellent point.

Both parties need to calm down, Those that got banned, move on in your life seriously, you got banned from one server, in an alpha of a mod. its not the end of everything

Admins, Cool down a bit, You say you have ten years on Rocket, but you're acting like a 12 year old who thinks he shouldn't have to justify his actions "just because" You are an admin of a HIVE server, you DO have to justify your bans as part of the agreement that you made when you submitted your server to join the Hive. Otherwise you do risk blacklisting, by joining the Hive you put your clan and its holdings in risk inherently by allowing public access. If someone hacks, ban them, if they contest, provide log proof, if they call false, who cares? its your word against his. At least you have provided some form of proof.

That's MY 2c

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The rule saying that you cannot remove people from your server for picking up/using a scripted in/hacked weapon needs some refinement. If someone is told that the item they have is not intended to be in the game, and they continue to use it, they should be removed from the server. If they return with it, they should be permanently removed from the server. The current rule set favors scripters/hackers, not intentionally, but it does regardless. Playing DayZ today is a crap shoot, that is the main reason I don't play and only help out doing Admin stuff when I can.

TL;DR: Warn player that the item is not legit, they don't drop it, kick them, they return with it ban them.

Edit: SA's like this one doesn't help either. Acting like a 12 year old and raging all over the place.

Edited by AADiC

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