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So, how is Arma II?

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Hmm, sounds interesting, I'm not so interested in the social aspects I kinda just want to get into intense CQC firefights, but with the whole 'having to find food, water, bandages, morphine and weapons" kinda thing. Know anything like that? :P!!

You and me both. See, the fire fights in DayZ are amazing because you have the potential to lose everything. It actually is somewhat of an adrenaline rush, plus there are so few fire fights compared to other games, that it doesn't get stale.

why would you ask and not just fucking try it?

so far multiplayer wise I prefer project reality which is strictly PvP, some other arma 2... well a lot actually, seems to be PvE. It aint great, domination is dull due to the AI.

If you go project reality, get in a squad and try and learn from the others, there is a steep learning curve.

Well, I suppose the reason I haven't tried it is because I was looking more for input first...since there are a shit ton of different mods out there for Arma II. I figured the base game probably isn't that similar to DayZ, so I was hoping people would recommend some mods so I don't have to go downloading and installing all sorts of different ones just to find the one that suits me the best.

Edited by a. james

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