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Why punish bandits?

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The sniper will have food and water on him, but not infinate. If you kill 5 people in Elektro, chances are very slim anyone will want to go there when you have to loot the place later.

Any player whis is gearing up will be a problem later on. And since some of us poor bandits also have to start over at some point, we don't live forever, it can't be impossible for others. If you're looting a city at night firing your Lee Enfield like an idiot, don't hate on the sniper with the NVGs who can clearly see you.

The last thing was directed at the NW arfield, I doubt that people go there for Makarovs. And since when is every bandit a sniper? I'm a bandit and I run around with my silenced M4. I go to the airfield to restock my gear and if I see people afterwards, I kill them before they kill me.

It's actually pretty simple in DayZ. If you see a guy you don't know, chances are he will try to kill you sooner or later, so you might as well give him a hard time doing so.

Then I wasn't referring to you, I was referring to the mentioned snipers. Don't inject opposite scenarios into mine, that takes what I said out of context and derails everything for everyone :|

any other "stuff" to do?

once you stop being a failure and make that transition to end game player, you realize that there is nothing to do other than get the highest kill count among your friends

That is your lack of imagination. There are threads about people who play as medics, threads about people counter sniping. Threads about people solely looking for hacked/duped camped sites and wiping them out. You can have a lot of fun in the game without purposely killing undergeared/ non threats. Saying you killed someone because they were a potential threat is "Cowardly behavior". You and I know that if you weren't camping on that hillside just to kill people, they wouldn't be a threat. Go fight other bandits in high loot yield locations, like NWAF. Go break the servers records for most zombie kills. You're choosing to be a dick by sitting there killing undergeared players for the kill count, it would be fine if it was for loot, but despite any excuses you try to come up with. We know it wasn't.

Edited by Barronism

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if you stay on one server wont find anybody to counter snipe, if you server hop you dont know where the people are around you and theres a big chance ull get shot in the back. (as you can tell from the threads on the forum)

you shoot a sniper rifle to kill zombies youre going to be out of ammo in 10 minutes. also the guy is most likely going to log out, or sneak around to shoot you in the back.

any other "stuff" to do?

once you stop being a failure and make that transition to end game player, you realize that there is nothing to do other than get the highest kill count among your friends

Tell that to Dr. Wasteland. :P

Edited by Diggydug

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Most of threads are NOT ANTI PVP....they are anti PKing. Banditry is fine. My understanding when i came into this was DayZ was a tactical shooter with an emphasis on survival and co-operation. It is veered far from that. The Gaming Community Has Spoken!!!!


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Then I wasn't referring to you, I was referring to the mentioned snipers. Don't inject opposite scenarios into mine, that takes what I said out of context and derails everything for everyone :|

Derailception! :o

The snipers still have to worry about the same things as bandits up north. The guy with the Makarov and the Hatchet isn't a direct threat, but after ten or twenty minutes that can change drasticly.

My problem is that everybody hates on the snipers and tries to protect the poor newbies. While it may be boring as hell to wait for hours in a bush, I saw plenty of low gear players slaughter each other while they tried to heal someone else or something. The guys just starting out aren't holy, and many of them were probably top gear and died and want to get back to that level as fast as possible.

Tell that to Dr. Wasteland. :P

I'm pretty sure he and his buds never got attacked by those "high end" gear guys while they were healing them. Can't say that about the newly spawned players.

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Derailception! :o

The snipers still have to worry about the same things as bandits up north. The guy with the Makarov and the Hatchet isn't a direct threat, but after ten or twenty minutes that can change drasticly.

My problem is that everybody hates on the snipers and tries to protect the poor newbies. While it may be boring as hell to wait for hours in a bush, I saw plenty of low gear players slaughter each other while they tried to heal someone else or something. The guys just starting out aren't holy, and many of them were probably top gear and died and want to get back to that level as fast as possible.

I'm pretty sure he and his buds never got attacked by those "high end" gear guys while they were healing them. Can't say that about the newly spawned players.

They're attacked by those "high end" gear guys that they're not helping though. Is a guy who won't EVER attempt to kill you competing with you and a potential threat later on down the road? Hardly.

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They're attacked by those "high end" gear guys that they're not helping though. Is a guy who won't EVER attempt to kill you competing with you and a potential threat later on down the road? Hardly.

So everyone in Cherno and Elektro is a peaceful person who just wants to shoot zombies and nothing else? Sure, except when it's a recently killed PVP player who just needs his 20 minutes to restock and go for you again. Remember, bandits spawn on the coast too, and they will sooner or later start to kill you.

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So everyone in Cherno and Elektro is a peaceful person who just wants to shoot zombies and nothing else? Sure, except when it's a recently killed PVP player who just needs his 20 minutes to restock and go for you again. Remember, bandits spawn on the coast too, and they will sooner or later start to kill you.

watch out man, these forums... they dont like common sense

Edited by Buffjesus
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I'm not saying sniping is a dirty deed, not at all, it's when you consider everyone an enemy and your only reason is an assumption.

Remember, survivors spawn on the coast too, and they will sooner or later leave Cherno and be on their merry way.

If you have nothing better to do than sit there and snipe people because you don't trust them, when you could just go further north where it's much wiser to assume everyone is willing to murder your ass, then I'm sorry. :(

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I'm not saying sniping is a dirty deed, not at all, it's when you consider everyone an enemy and your only reason is an assumption.

Remember, survivors spawn on the coast too, and they will sooner or later leave Cherno and be on their merry way.

If you have nothing better to do than sit there and snipe people because you don't trust them, when you could just go further north where it's much wiser to assume everyone is willing to murder your ass, then I'm sorry. :(

people on the coast out number the ones up north 10:1

youll find one person at stary every so often, people at the barracks stay inside so you cant shoot at them, NWAF ATC / fire station are easy kills usually but are very rare to come across.

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people on the coast out number the ones up north 10:1

youll find one person at stary every so often, people at the barracks stay inside so you cant shoot at them, NWAF ATC / fire station are easy kills usually but are very rare to come across.

If you have nothing better to do than sit there and snipe people because you don't trust them, when you could just go further north where it's much wiser to assume everyone is willing to murder your ass, then I'm sorry. :(

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Players are just playing the game they have now. The game is still very alpha-esque. Bandits who are playing solely for kills are probably out of challenges in the game. Once you get to a certain level it seems "survival" isn't much of an issue. I think there are a number of things that can improve the game and will decrease the shoot on sight ettiquette, but these things are a long way off. Its up to Rocket and company to get their shite together and impement it. Don't think that will happen though. Iv'e become somewhat pessimistic about this games future, despite its increasing popularity.

When I start a new life, if I start in Cherno or Electro Ill hit it quickly and leave and head north. The looting North might take longer but you can get fully kitted out this way. But most new players don't have the patience to do this. It also makes it hard for them for a while (as Ive experienced) not to run out of food or water. Especially if you don't have map + compass + GPS so you can navigate adequately.

Edited by sostronk
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I'm not saying sniping is a dirty deed, not at all, it's when you consider everyone an enemy and your only reason is an assumption.

Remember, survivors spawn on the coast too, and they will sooner or later leave Cherno and be on their merry way.

If you have nothing better to do than sit there and snipe people because you don't trust them, when you could just go further north where it's much wiser to assume everyone is willing to murder your ass, then I'm sorry. :(

I'm not saying sniping is fun, never used a sniper rifle in my last 3 lives because it bores me. But people who want to play as a sniper shouldn't be painted as devils when they're just doing what they like to do.

And north isn't safe at all, me and many other people make sure of that. We have our gear and we will kill anyone who isn't part of our group. I do it for fun, others do it to protect their loot. And don't forget that you don't run into people that often, except the idiots firing their high caliber guns at night in Stary, I really like those guys.

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I'm not saying sniping is fun, never used a sniper rifle in my last 3 lives because it bores me. But people who want to play as a sniper shouldn't be painted as devils when they're just doing what they like to do.

And north isn't safe at all, me and many other people make sure of that. We have our gear and we will kill anyone who isn't part of our group. I do it for fun, others do it to protect their loot. And don't forget that you don't run into people that often, except the idiots firing their high caliber guns at night in Stary, I really like those guys.

I'm all for playing how you want, as long as it's not purely to do asshole things, as most of these people tend to have hacked/duped gear, but meh now I'm stereotyping and will end it at that.

My point about the sniping assholes (not all snipers are assholes) is exactly because it's more dangerous. They want a challenge? Go into territory where people are kitted out and also with blood on their minds.

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I'm all for playing how you want, as long as it's not purely to do asshole things, as most of these people tend to have hacked/duped gear, but meh now I'm stereotyping and will end it at that.

My point about the sniping assholes (not all snipers are assholes) is exactly because it's more dangerous. They want a challenge? Go into territory where people are kitted out and also with blood on their minds.

You forget that there's no infinite ammo anymore, so the snipers can't sit there for the rest of their lives. And the Elektro hill snipers get killed pretty often, first thing after respawn I do is get some kind of firearm, walk around the big cities and ambush those guys from behind, and I'm probably not the only one.

And what is an "asshole thing" exactly? When I'm in Cherno with my AK I just found, I'm pretty sure any of the holy survivors will kill me without hesitation, some might consider this an "asshole thing" too.

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