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What city am I in

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So, I'm in a city and I want to leave soon to go elsewhere, however I would like to know what city it is so that I can have a general idea of where I should head to find the next city. There's an old tank monument and one supermarket.

Thanks guys :)

P.S. apologies if I have posted this in the wrong section.

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If there is a tank on a chunk of concrete like a statue, it's Cherno... to your east will be Elektro, and you your west, Balota.


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Chernogorsk. The noobfight town. Get out of there after gathering some basic stuff, or you will see what I mean with Noobfight. :o

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Just log off and on again. Your location will be shown in the right bottom of the screen.

Edited by Vault_12
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Cherno, want some advice? Get to the shoreline and CRAWL buddy. Crawl along the waterline until you're out of that mod-forsaken city.

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I don't know what you guys are talking about, I've been wrecking face in this city, just want to leave; getting bored.

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I don't know what you guys are talking about, I've been wrecking face in this city, just want to leave; getting bored.

Clearly on an very under populated server. Try that on a 50 player sausagefest and see where you end up. I bet you don't get within 500m of the city limits without being sniped by some "fully sick leet CoD dood" hiding in the bushes 1km away.


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Cherno has been eerily quiet lately, even on full population 70 player servers. Perhaps the tide is changing?

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Berezinho have the tank monument in front of market, use this site (http://dayzdb.com/) and go to map, so helpful.

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Okay, so I just spotted a guy on a rooftop and I got my head blown off, so I guess I'll have to start again ^^.

It's a damn shame, it took me ages to get the stuff I had, especially seeing as you don't start with a pistol anymore, so I have to spend another 3 hours prone and stealthed up to get some equipment

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If you stealth through Cherno, you're doing it wrong. Just run through and lose the zombies in the many buildings that you can enter.

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If you stealth through Cherno, you're doing it wrong. Just run through and lose the zombies in the many buildings that you can enter.

I didn't know about this O_O, I feel stupid now for spending literally about 4 hours prone crawling aggroing no zombies

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I didn't know about this O_O, I feel stupid now for spending literally about 4 hours prone crawling aggroing no zombies

don't feel stupid; you're playing the game as it should. losing zombies in buildings is an exploit, and you should feel bad for doing it.

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I didn't know about this O_O, I feel stupid now for spending literally about 4 hours prone crawling aggroing no zombies

Yeah, zombies go back to being "idle" as soon as they lose direct line of sight. Run and duck around a few buildings or fence lines and you will lose them quick-smart.


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