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G36C SD (camo)

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Is this gun a loot item? I stumbled upon someone who had one when I killed them but when I look at the supposed guns you can get from loot the G36C SD (Camo) isn't there so I wonder if someone used hacks? I'm not sure what all hacks are out there but I just find it funny how someone got a gun like that when it doesn't show up as a lootable item.

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Hacked gun

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No, it's scripted into the game, rocket has said he won't punish people for finding hacked weapons though, so you CAN use it.

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Could I be banned for keeping the gun? It's quite nice :3

EDIT: Ah okay Tsugan, thanks for the info. Like I said it's very nice haha and the ammo is quite easy to find for it.

Edited by TheOnlyX

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No, it's scripted into the game, rocket has said he won't punish people for finding hacked weapons though, so you CAN use it.

And how does the database know if the gun was looted from a hacker's body or not?

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Think of it this way instead:

You want to know if it's hacked because hacking destroys a game

You find out it's hacked, but won't be punished for using it

You're using a hacked item, regardless of if you made it or not.

Imo that's just as bad as hacking it. If you're that desperate for a gun I'd rather trade you one myself.

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And how does the database know if the gun was looted from a hacker's body or not?

Because they don't punish you if they find your weapon in a database scan. They simply remove it.

The punishment comes elsewhere, but only to the person that actually hacked the weapons in.

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No, it's scripted into the game, rocket has said he won't punish people for finding hacked weapons though, so you CAN use it.

This is so illogical to me. If it's not ban worthy to carry the gun it's essentially an invitation to hack because how are we to know if that individual was the one who brought the gun in. I think the policy needs to be reviewed.

Server admins can't ban people without multiple forms of proof on a server they purchased, but a hacker can spawn in a million guns and vehicles without risk. Logic?

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Think of it this way instead:

You want to know if it's hacked because hacking destroys a game

You find out it's hacked, but won't be punished for using it

You're using a hacked item, regardless of if you made it or not.

Imo that's just as bad as hacking it. If you're that desperate for a gun I'd rather trade you one myself.

dont worry too much about it, scripted guns will soon disappear. I think upon logout and login.

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