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Can i use my controller for DayZ?

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I have an off-brand xbox style controller that i use to play other fps games on my pc, can i use it for dayZ as well?

if anyone knows please share your wealth of knowledge. :)

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inb4 you get a lot of "WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU DO THAT?!"

But seriously, firefights are out of the question when using a controller. Your accuracy will be reduced immensely.

Not sure if you can even use it, though.

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You can use it by downloading softwares that binds your keys to the controler, but why? O.o

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Technically you can. You can bind it so that vehicles use the controller. For everything else forget it. Your aim will be so impaired you won't last 5 minutes.

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no. not unless theres a way to select items in your inventory other than clicking them with a mouse.

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I dont think people realize that there's some people that game almost exclusively on consoles. When you've played with an xbox controller for 6 years and hardly game on PC, you'll be alot better at aiming with a controller. Stop acting like anybody that uses a controller automatically sucks.

I've used a controller a while back but you'd have to still use the keyboard/mouse for things like inventory.

One thing i'll say is...I always liked a controller cuz it has a trigger for shooting...not a fan of clicking on someone.

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I dont think people realize that there's some people that game almost exclusively on consoles. When you've played with an xbox controller for 6 years and hardly game on PC, you'll be alot better at aiming with a controller. Stop acting like anybody that uses a controller automatically sucks.

I've used a controller a while back but you'd have to still use the keyboard/mouse for things like inventory.

One thing i'll say is...I always liked a controller cuz it has a trigger for shooting...not a fan of clicking on someone.

And if you had used Mouse and Keyboard for 6 years you would know that they are much better!!

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I dont think people realize that there's some people that game almost exclusively on consoles. When you've played with an xbox controller for 6 years and hardly game on PC, you'll be alot better at aiming with a controller. Stop acting like anybody that uses a controller automatically sucks.

I've used a controller a while back but you'd have to still use the keyboard/mouse for things like inventory.

One thing i'll say is...I always liked a controller cuz it has a trigger for shooting...not a fan of clicking on someone.

If your referring to me then you can fuck off. I've used both Xbox controllers and WASD controls for years. I was helping the guy out by telling him that in this game keyboard and mouse is the way forward.

Have fun getting shot to bits while you fumble around with your Xbox controller.

Edited by Fraggle

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If your referring to me then you can fuck off. I've used both Xbox controllers and WASD controls for years. I was helping the guy out by telling him that in this game keyboard and mouse is the way forward.

yeah, you've used BOTH extensively...you decided WASD is obviously the better style for you (and most people, I get it). This guy obviously said he uses the xbox controller for every other FPS pc game and wants to use it for Dayz which is possible...if he doesn't like it he can always switch to mouse.

btw, I use mouse/keyboard as well, I was just saying I tried the controller and there's hardly anything wrong with it.

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Compare Minecraft PC controls to Minecraft for the Xbox controls. Yes, there probably IS a way to do it m, but I suggest you don't if you want fluid control of your character.

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People are so ignorant. A swap between a 360 controller and keyboard and find myself using a controller more often.

I've used both my whole life and i just like laying down on my couch with a controller on my big tv better.

I can do everything with my 360 controller you can do with your keyboard. Navigate menus and swap gear whatever.

The only time i switch to my keyboard is to type which comes up rarely because i use a mic.

There's a program called pinnacle game profiler which is really amazing. You could map a whole keyboard to your 360 controller if you wanted.

It comes with a 30 day trial. I'll link you too a arma 2 profile which has everything you could want. I then customized that to play flawlessly with dayz. Yes yes using a mouse will always be more efficient at aiming then a controller, but i've killed plenty of people in firefights perfectly efficient with my thumbs. http://pinnaclegameprofiler.com/forum/showthread.php?20886-ArmA-2

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just to update everyone i have been using the controller quite effectively for a few weeks now and the aiming is pretty much the same as with the mouse because i do play a lot of both pc and console gaming, but thanks for all the advice! sorry if some of you got flamed over it.... >.>

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