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Infections and Colds

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In what way is it logic to you (devs) that you can get an infection starting under 36°C and a cold at 33°C. Then you can cure a cold with a heatpack or a fire and need antibiotics for an infection. What? Seriously where is the logic in this? Random possibility of getting an infection? As in 99%? Sorry for the rant, but right now I'm pretty much pissed about how I am 20 klicks away of our tents with supplies and I HAVE to get an infection within 2 seconds. I am raged. I still say it's a good mod. But if you plan to do anything you should turn these around.

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You can get infections various ways--the most common being low body temperature.

I'm not sure it's "a cold", more "you are cold" like hypothermia....infections are bacterial, which is why antibiotics helps it,and "being cold" is solved by just applying heat to warm you up.

and it's not 99%....just take better care of yourself. Think about your surroundings. If it's pouring rain in the middle of the night, no kidding you're going to catch something. The woods aren't clean, and neither are those nasty zed. They're all infected.

Edited by Baelethal
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You can't live forever bb <3

Oh I'm not goin' to die. Logged and waiting for mates. <3

Also getting a bacterial infection shouldn't be as easy as getting a cold. If you really want to go into detail here.

Edit 2: Also saying because I get low temperature once, and get infected instantly. That is as much as 100% for me.

Edited by Fr4nka

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Oh I'm not goin' to die. Logged and waiting for mates. <3


You will eventually die though. </3

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Bad luck? I've got an infection once and after your first town it's not that hard to chop some wood and light up a camp fire.

What I don't get is why 42°C are considered to be healthy.

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I agree, 42°C is serious fever.

Also chopping wood won't cure your infection.

Edited by Fr4nka

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I agree, 42°C is serious fever.

Also chopping wood won't cure your infection.

No, but it will help you keeping warm, that's my solution for staying in the woods. I've got one heatpack in my backpack just to be sure, but I rarely get too cold because of the camp fires.

And yes, 42°C is serious fever, one degree more and you're as good as dead.

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