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Your Shoot On Sight Threshold?

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This is for everyone who doesn't shoot on sight. Perhaps all 2 of you, it is hard to say. Where do you draw the line on shooting someone? If someone isn't being aggressive, when will you still shoot them?

Will you shoot them...

if they are acting weird?

if they don't seem trustworthy?

if they have good gear?

if they won't stop following you?

if they won't respond to you?

if they took something out of your bag?

I try to run away and hide from someone who is acting suspicious.

I will shoot someone who has a gun and won't respond.

I will shoot someone for stealing from me.

I shoot if I can tell from their voice that they haven't been through puberty yet. 100% of kids have tried to kill me when they get the chance.

My general tactic with strangers is to give them an easy chance to kill me and see if they take the bait. The trick is that I am waiting for them, and they usually die instead.

I had a guy who was running around Electro making Jaws music noises(Dun dun... dun dun...). He was acting really weird... and I wanted to shoot him but I resisted.

And I'm sure 90% of you are going to wonder why I care. You shoot people, I avoid it. We both play the game our way. I die more often then you, but sometimes really interesting things happen when you meet strangers.

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If there is no attempt at communication and they are hell-bent on following you.

That's just too much of a creepy melvin to keep around.

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I'll shoot if they have any gun and are facing me.

The only exceptions are bush wookies sitting outside Cherno/Elektro with high tier guns

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If anyone gets to close for comfort then I shoot, simple as that. If someone is looting a place before I get there, I let them pass, as long as they don't see me waiting on the outskirt.

If I see someone getting chased by a horde, I try to help them out and shoot the player in the head, saves them the trouble from dying at the hands of those monsters, and saves me ammo.

Edited by FoxHound
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I like this thread more than the every day "Kill on sight" thread. This one actually had potential of giving some more useful replies :)

I rarely shoot on sight to be honest, i will stalk players if i have the opportunity though.

I would shoot a player in the leg if he kept following me. If he kept doing it while carrying a weapon i believe i would feel threatened enough to kill him pretty quickly, but this situation is somewhat surreal.

I would not shoot someone who wouldn't respond at first. I usually try to walk away or run in this situation, but if I can't do this I will most likely try to shoot his leg and then run, or perhaps just kill him all together.

I would NEVER shoot anyone just because they had good gear though, perhaps if they had food that i required to survive, and i was close to starvation. Havn't been at this point with a player around though, so i won't know until the scenario occurs.

My first priority will always be to stalk another player, and run if I'm caught or encountered in any way. Shooting is my last way out, but I think it's what i will end up relying on most of the time, seeing as ones life is always hanging be a thread.

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I started this game with good intentions, only killing when necessary but not anymore. I shoot on sight now, No matter the gear level, intentions, threat level, they die. This game has broken me, to many times have i been killed by someone who I let run by only for him around and shoot me from behind. Heck today I met a brand new player to the game in komarov asking me what to do, I told him to wait here while I go get him supplies, I went found an axe, ran back to him, yelled 'here's johnny' and axe'd that muh'fucker in the face

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I will not shoot on sight a new spawn with just standard equipment or a player without a weapon. I generally do not 'shoot on sight', I first observe their behavior. If their behavior is hostile to me or another player with lesser weapons (especially the unarmed) I will shoot. Beyond that I have no rules of engagement every situation is different and any codified rules will be deficient.

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This is my procedure for encounters with strangers.

Short Range (bump into them in the woods or just not paying attention)

At this point they must have little interest in a fight, they aren't shooting yet.

1. Immediately take cover.

2. Direct Coms, ask clearly regarding their hostility

a. If there is movement but no response ----------------------------------> FIRE

b. No response, but no movement, wait longer

i. Still nothing ---------------------------------------------------------------> FIRE

3. Response is friendly, negotiate terms to have a safe separation

a. Refusal or silence ----------------------------------------------------------> FIRE

4. Separate and wish safe journeys

5. Stop somewhere and wait a few to see if I'm being followed.

Medium to Long Range (scouting or playing overwatch)

1. Are they in a sniping position that threatens me or my teammates? Can't risk it. -> FIRE

2. Are they running in a direction away from me or my teammates? Let go but watch.

3. Are they running towards my teammates position?

a. Alert team to take defensive position, team will alert target through direct coms to stay away.

i. Watching the target, if he listens and leaves, cool. Maybe even some friendly banter.

ii. If he continues on his path -------------------------------------------------------------> FIRE

4. Are they running towards me? Can't risk it. -----------------------------------------------> FIRE

I know these aren't the perfect or most fair set of guidelines, but it has kept me and my team safe, and kept our murders low. Following these guidelines, for the last month, we have only ever gotten 5 murders between all of us and 3 bandit kills. I don't like getting murders, but who knows if they were bandits in the making or respawning bandits. I just don't and can't know for sure.

I try my best to give the benefit of the doubt. Most altercations are completely avoided with active use of direct coms. Most people I encounter are not looking for trouble.

Edited by Dingus
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If I see someone looting a building.. I like to do what I call "the Shane" technique.

I proceed to leg the player with a double tap to one of his knees. I then wait for zombies to begin feasting, which distracts them.., giving me plenty of time to loot everything and then escape.

I don't bother shooting him while he wails on the floor either. Zeds gotta eat!!

Edited by evoxtom
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I generally only shoot if I'm being shot at first, or if I'm at the NW airfield, because honestly, up there you can't trust anyone.

Otherwise, I generally do my best to run the other way. I don't care what kinda of gear they have.

Example, I was driving a bus last night, was getting sniper fire near the coast, so instead of getting out and looking for it or trying to combat it, I just headed north.

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I die, I don't shoot on sight in any instance, there is no point. if not him some other guys going to kill me and it turns to an endless cycle. really the fun is gearing up again, so it just mean more fun for me. I want to at least get people to think before shooting. if you aren't shooting at me then your presence is of no concern. if you are I will probably just sit and wait for you to kill me.

its not fun shooting someone, my bullets are for zombies only.

Edited by Zera_Grey
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Been playing since Monday and killed my first two players earlier on. Was in cherno looking for some food supplies. Was shot at and hit by what sounded like two different types of guns. Ran away and found some cover. Couple of minutes later i see two players. One climbing a ladder while other is covering him. I took them both out as i wasnt sure whether or not it was them shooting at me.

I do play this game with the intention of not killing anyone. Have been killed a few times by other players so just thought i'm not risking it this time. Strangely i felt a little bad afterwards lol.

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once i've been very close to kill a guy who wanted my slots to take vehicle parts to a bus crushed in the church, in elektro. i tried to go away but he twice followed me saying ''come with me'' ''we fix the bus''...nice friendly guy, but i didn't give a fuck of that bus..so i was about to shoot his back..didn't do that and first time sneaking away from a friendly.

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I never purposely shoot anyone.

I accidently got my first murder when a person walked in front of me right when I shot my shotgun at some zombies... :blush:

Maybe if I meet someone who is obviously out to kill me I might shoot them but everyone I've met so far has been friendly or just ran away with their hatchet in tow (except for one person who shot me as I was saying hi :| )

But I don't mind dying because it's much more fun sneaking without a weapon and looking for items.

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If you find a survivor looting another player's corpse, do you automatically shoot them? Or only if you heard shots recently?

Lets say you died from something other than a player(zombie, falling, door). If on the way back to your corpse, you see someone looting your body. Do you feel you have a right to shoot them or its fair game since you died?

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If I see you first, I will avoid contact and you won't even know I'm there.

If you see me first and you didn't shoot me, then I will not shoot you.

If I round a corner and see someone with a gun in their hand, I will will drop and roll and then double-tap you in the face.

If you are unarmed, I will never shoot you.

If I see you shoot someone else, and your intentions are obviously nefarious, I will kill you.

(preferably before you finish killing your victim.)

Apparently the bandit skins will be making a comeback soon. (according to the Machinima interview from last the other night.)

If I see a bandit skin, I will shoot at it. ;)

Finally if you are a sniper trolling Elektro or Cherno, I will find you and kill you. It's just a matter of time.

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Call me an asshole, but I shoot on site unless they are severely under-armed, all this because of some cowardly douche at Devils Castle. I would say the story, but it annoys me -,-

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Only have mercy if they are completely unarmed. Unless they have something neat like a ghillie.

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Am I being shot at?

Yes -> Return fire or try to slip away.

No -> Attempt to contact if close range, if long range, avoid if possible.

Although I generally just avoid people, too many people don't care about socializing anymore. That and the fact that my direct chat hardly ever seems to work and has a too small range.

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All of my SOS "rules" are based on threat. Generally my list is as follows:

-Armed within 200m, especially if heading my direction

-Closer than 50m and no comm attempted

-Heading towards any camps / vehicles I have

I have a general preference to let people alone or even help them if we can strike up comms and share information, but I'm aware of my own shiny stuff being tempting.

EDIT: ANYONE laying on a hill with a sniper rifle will be shot. I'm very wary of sniper rifles due to previous experiences... :rolleyes:

Edited by blake_synel

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If they have a weapon and don't cooperate (eg. turn around to face me while armed, don't drop their weapon until I'm gone, follow me without my say so), you can sure well bet that I'm going to ventilate them with bullets ASAP.

I'll also not consider the friendly option if I KNOW I can kill without ever being seen. That's a lot of time saved on further risk and perhaps some very jittery trust. Their is no worse feeling in a game than dying after showing mercy, absolutely nothing.

I feel that the only course to take when encountering other players is to be strict and thorough. I once held up another survivor from behind at gunpoint in a general store. I told him to drop his guns, which he did, and I also checked his backpack.

I loaded with his ammo and told him to stay put. So I checked the rest of the store and wandered of to another two houses. I returned to the store soon after and to my surprise he actually waited, but he was clearly prepped at the back room ready to hack away at me with his hatchet.

Other than my advantage of range, I also had another bargaining chip to work with. I told him to carefully move around to the front so I could leave out the back and tell him where I put his ammo.

Again, he cooperated. I left his ammo under a tree, behind a house, down the road (the truth). Having already done all the searching I needed in town, I was ready to leave. I sent him out the door on his little egg hunt and made a dash the opposite way.

I wouldn't have been so nice if I was having a shit day.

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Yes to all. Well, except the part about good gear. I usually sneak up behind them, take it out of their pack, and then GTFO. Or, if they notice me, I just swing my hatchet... yes I said hatchet.

This is for everyone who doesn't shoot on sight. Perhaps all 2 of you, it is hard to say. Where do you draw the line on shooting someone? If someone isn't being aggressive, when will you still shoot them?

Will you shoot them...

if they are acting weird?

if they don't seem trustworthy?

if they have good gear?

if they won't stop following you?

if they won't respond to you?

if they took something out of your bag?

I try to run away and hide from someone who is acting suspicious.

I will shoot someone who has a gun and won't respond.

I will shoot someone for stealing from me.

I shoot if I can tell from their voice that they haven't been through puberty yet. 100% of kids have tried to kill me when they get the chance.

My general tactic with strangers is to give them an easy chance to kill me and see if they take the bait. The trick is that I am waiting for them, and they usually die instead.

I had a guy who was running around Electro making Jaws music noises(Dun dun... dun dun...). He was acting really weird... and I wanted to shoot him but I resisted.

And I'm sure 90% of you are going to wonder why I care. You shoot people, I avoid it. We both play the game our way. I die more often then you, but sometimes really interesting things happen when you meet strangers.

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I will immediately shoot people who are laying on the hill watching for people to pass by. No exception at all.

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