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Feature Request: Dent Puller & Screw Driver

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- Tools that are needed to steal a car

- New asset would be needed for the Dent Puller

- Both the Dent Puller and Tool Box(Screw Driver) would be needed to steal a car

[stretch Goal] - Keys that are bound to a vehicle. Kill a player and take his key, just gotta find the vehicle now. Would be able to tell what model of car the key is for.

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Exactly. Can't be seen driving a post-apocalyptic zombie infested country with a dented up car, can you? Think of what it would do to your image.

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it takes away the ignition lock

Learn something new every day :)

Althought I doubt you'd need to go through that trouble for a 1980's Skoda. Heck you could probably start the ignition up with any key or screwdriver :P

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