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Difference between Zed and Zombie?

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Kind of a noob question, but I am a noob, so... lol

Anyway, I've read a few discussions that talk about "zeds" in this game, which I thought was a slang term for zombies until I saw them both used together, lol. I'm assuming one is the mob in wearing all black, and the other is the ones with the white shirts? Are there any other differences?

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Yes I was thinking something along those lines too... but something I read talked about "zeds and zombies" in that manner, so then I started thinking they might be two different things? O_o

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Zed is just a slang term for zombies. Other people will now follow this post to say "They're not zombies! They're Infected!"

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Hmm I always thought zed was the british way of saying zombie but it has a nice ring to it.

It is. its the way of saying Z also.

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Zed and zombies are same f.ck

I saw Zed expression first time in World of living dead MMO.

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Gotcha. There's enough to confuse me in this game as it is lol! :P

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Gotcha. There's enough to confuse me in this game as it is lol! :P

Wait until you try and sort out your inventory, that'll do your head in quicker than any Zed.

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It is. its the way of saying Z also.

this is actually where the term comes from, for the letter Z the british and some other countries say 'zed' and not 'zee'.

that's why some people call the game 'day zed' instead of 'day zee'

as far as why zombies are referred to as zeds, i'm not sure if that started before the game or from the game. i'd never heard them referred to as zeds prior to dayZ

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theres are a few terms used to name zombies or infected undead. zombie, Z, Zed, deader, walker, undead, meatbags, rotters, infecteds, stinkers, inflicted, morts from latin "mortis-"

Them, virals, wormfood, lurkers, biters, roamers, sickers, slimes, uglies/fuglies .

i could go on and add more but these are a few ive ran across and maybe a couple i just made up ;)

stinkers i never have seen or heard used so theres a new one. fuglies i had to add to uglies as they can be seriously f&^king ugly.

but Zed and Zombie is one and the same. unless you are in the pulp fiction universe, then in that world Zed is dead baby, Zed is dead........

if you step back a second and think about what they do to people or how they look or how they came to be living dead.... then apply what people would describe them as in the real world i bet each one of us can come up with 5 new names.....

for communications sake, in text Zs would be best used,

if on a voip zombies is a pretty distinct word to call out, gets peoples attention, as in "ZOMBIES BEHIND US GUYS LOOK OUT!"

call them what ever you want really, i call them lost ones if im writing about them sometimes, and various other terms to keep it from getting stale ;)

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as far as why zombies are referred to as zeds, i'm not sure if that started before the game or from the game. i'd never heard them referred to as zeds prior to dayZ

I saw terms "Zed" and "Z" very often in a browser based game Die2Nite so I bet it does not start from DayZ. I would even dare to say that "Z" in "DayZ" is from "Zombie" (event though they are infected not zombies <_< ).

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Wait until you try and sort out your inventory, that'll do your head in quicker than any Zed.

The inventory is definitely frustrating at times.

PS: your forum avatar cracks me up for some reason

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Yes I was thinking something along those lines too... but something I read talked about "zeds and zombies" in that manner, so then I started thinking they might be two different things? O_o

that person clearly didn't had the slightest clue about what he was saying then :D

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I first encountered the term 'zed' in the game Killing Floor, where it is the official term for the zombies (in that case genetic experiments gone horribl wrong). The game is from 2009, and the mod that preceeded it started in 2005. However, I am not certain whether it is the source of the term.

We usually call them out as walkers, hoppers or crawlers in comms, and zombies in discussions. The word zed just doesn't sit well on the tongue, possibly because it is a monosyllable.

The difference between the zombies are by class (civilian, military and a few distinctive others). It makes a difference in their drops, and we often hunt military zombies near deer stands for ammunition.

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Zed's the british way of saying what the americans and other countries say zee so it's british slang for Zombie as it begins with zed if you were british (this is confusing me now)

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Zed.. never heard it before but for me it was kinda obvious.

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