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Found Soldier Clothing

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I found some Soldier Clothing, description says its some kind of British Soldier clothing, is this something that was hacked in?

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Never seen it, assuming its hacked in but could be wrong

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They have a low spawn rate of spawning in the gear of millitary vechiles , I think :) post a pic please If it's legit im interested in it =]

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Can't believe those are actually legit, didn't wear one other day thinking it was a hacked item. Damn.

Nice find btw.

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Can't believe those are actually legit, didn't wear one other day thinking it was a hacked item. Damn.

Nice find btw.

theyre hacked only camo / ghillie are legit clothing changes atm

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theyre hacked only camo / ghillie are legit clothing changes atm

This is correct.

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No, its not hacked it. But it is incredible rare.

These people need to be banned from the forums and every dayz fan forum. The last thing we need is people pretending that hacked stuff that never spawns is completely legit.

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These people need to be banned from the forums and every dayz fan forum. The last thing we need is people pretending that hacked stuff that never spawns is completely legit.

Lol? Dude, you have no idea what you're talking about, in previous updates there was soldier clothing, and I've also seen other topics where someone claims the clothing to be legit. How was I supposed to know that it wasn't legit? Seriously man, grow up. Even if it was hacked gear, it doesn't matter, Rocket clearly says here:


This rumour has no basis to it whatsoever.

Using a hacked vehicle/weapon will identify you during database analysis, and your character may receive special logging attention in the database, but you will not receive a ban without creating them yourself.


Now go away and stop being a douche.

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Lol? Dude, you have no idea what you're talking about, in previous updates there was soldier clothing,

You don't have a clue what you're talking about; every single one of your points proves your immense stupidity, in the above quote you seem to think because it was in a previous patch it's still legit in the current patch, this is fallacious reasoning, previous update does not equal current update.

and I've also seen other topics where someone claims the clothing to be legit.

If some people told you Scientology was legit would you beleive them too?

How was I supposed to know that it wasn't legit? Seriously man, grow up.

If you don't know then don't post that you do know, then say "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT" when someone corrects you, you're legitimising hacks, spreading bullshit and now have the audacity to play the victim. My gosh.

Even if it was hacked gear, it doesn't matter, Rocket clearly says here:http://dayzmod.com/f.../46844-hackers/

So you found a loophole to making use of hacked gear, and argue that's ok since you won't get banned for it even though it is hacked. No wonder the game is full of hacked and duped gear.

Now go away and stop being a douche.

Please follow your own advice, this community will be a better place if you do. Thanks.

Edited by That Cat
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You don't have a clue what you're talking about; every single one of your points proves your immense stupidity, in the above quote you seem to think because it was in a previous patch it's still legit in the current patch, this is fallacious reasoning, previous update does not equal current update.

If some people told you Scientology was legit would you beleive them too?

If you don't know then don't post that you do know, then say "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT" when someone corrects you, you're legitimising hacks, spreading bullshit and now have the audacity to play the victim. My gosh.

So you found a loophole to making use of hacked gear, and argue that's ok since you won't get banned for it even though it is hacked. No wonder the game is full of hacked and duped gear.

Please follow your own advice, this community will be a better place if you do. Thanks.

Where does it say in the patch updates "Soldier clothing has been removed"? It doesn't, thus meaning people do not have a clue if it is hacked or not.

The point is, is that I THOUGHT I knew but in this case, I did not. I apologise if I was wrong but theres no need to be a massive dick about it "Oh this kid should be banned, etc etc" - You say that the community doesn't need people like me, when infact, it doesn't need people like you who constantly be dickheads to other users.

When did I even state that hacking was okay? I did not, I'm simply saying that if this user DID decide to put the clothing on, he would not get banned for it.

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That Cat and Xeno both of you are perfect examples of just how messed up the DayZ community is, if you guys want to compare dick sizes use private messages because no one else cares about how stupid you claim the other to be, you want to be helpful? Just give a straight up answer. No offense to the both of you I'm just tired of seeing stuff like this on the forums.

Edited by Jarvis29
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recently found soldier clothing in a tractor, too didnt put it on, but was very confused as to if it was hacked in or not

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*Cough* Dupe it *Cough* Just kidding, but seriously that's a lucky find.

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That Cat and Xeno both of you are perfect examples of just how messed up the DayZ community is, if you guys want to compare dick sizes use private messages because no one else cares about how stupid you claim the other to be, you want to be helpful? Just give a straight up answer. No offense to the both of you I'm just tired of seeing stuff like this on the forums.

I agree with you. I'll stop now.

If you want a straight up answer: Its a lucky find, possibly hacked. I would wear it if I were you, but theres always a risk of getting banned, even though Rocket said you couldn't be banned I've still heard of people getting banned for picking up hacked items.

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This thread is proof that we need an official source of ingame items.

And no, a wiki shouldn't be that source.

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I wouldn't exactly call them "hacked", but they are not currently on any drop tables, so whoever has them was either running a private server or used a script to force a skin change. There is no item like the Ghillie suit or camo clothing, it requires a database change or script force to change into one of these skins at the moment. Two playerskins in DayZ are in the game but don't drop:

"Soldier1_DZ" which is the british soldier skin seen above

"Rocket_DZ" which is a british soldier skin with a red beret

Edited by Entaro

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That Cat and Xeno both of you are perfect examples of just how messed up the DayZ community is, if you guys want to compare dick sizes use private messages because no one else cares about how stupid you claim the other to be, you want to be helpful? Just give a straight up answer. No offense to the both of you I'm just tired of seeing stuff like this on the forums.

Telling people off for telling other people off, ha the hypocrisy.

Answers were given but he didn't like what he heard so he decided to attack me personally for it, I could care less what either of you think of me but trying to legitimise hacking is just fucking retarded. He's on my ignore list now so buy into his trolling all you want.

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