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Implement a currency item such as gold coins.

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See if people who cooperate start trading in them and giving them an actual value in trade for items or see if people deem currency as worthless.

I think it would be worthless and I'd hang on to my beans... but if long term servers started to set up their communities here, they might use it?


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This is completely open to the player...I dont think money has much value in a post-apocalyptic setting (there being no shops).

Most players, if they dont kill eachother, use item bartering

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Coins or no coins, we either need a better (faster) system for picking things up and putting them down, or a player trade window system.

I'd vote for never using a trade window system and having an improved item management system. In this game, you can shoot whoever doesn't hold up their end of the bargain, so why bother with a trade window?

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Yes bartering will occur with new relationships between players but large groups of people might want to make some sort of currency if they can build a sustainable community on a large scale for the long term. Currently this isn't really possible as there are no shops as you say or more specifically, no benefits to staying in a town once its been cleared for the long term.

If you could perhaps barricade up towns to be more easily defended, use soil with seeds to grow food and source water from wells in the towns then it could be possible to settle somewhere as a community and the currency would start to gain value.

  'Griff said:

This is completely open to the player...I dont think money has much value in a post-apocalyptic setting (there being no shops).

Most players' date=' if they dont kill eachother, use item bartering


Yes bartering will occur with new relationships between players but large groups of people might want to make some sort of currency if they can build a sustainable community on a large scale for the long term. Currently this isn't really possible as there are no shops as you say or more specifically, no benefits to staying in a town once its been cleared for the long term.

If you could perhaps barricade up towns to be more easily defended, use soil with seeds to grow food and source water from wells in the towns then it could be possible to settle somewhere as a community and the currency would start to gain value.

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Currency already exists.

Currency is an item or idea with backed-up, solid value. The most valuable currency in DayZ is ammunition. Gold coins in the past we're considered valuable, backed by the materials actually in the coin. Currency today is still backed by something valuable, you're just trading the idea of the value rather than the item itself. Currency during an apocalypse will again be something of value. A gold coin isnt valuable unless it takes down Zeds.

This is why I loved Metro2033. They had a very realistic, post apocalyptic currency (pre-war bullets.)

This is why I thought the Fallout series was strange. Bottlecaps hold no value, and are backed by no value.

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I see no point to a monetary system. A can of beans could be worth NVG's to you one minute, and worthless the next. Gear is the currency system in a post apocalyptic world.

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Items with non useful properties have been used in societies for thousands of years as a medium for trade. Just because you don't need it or see a use for it, does not mean that one day others will not.

I love the idea of taking over a town to settle in and become founder of, and if I could do this long term with a bunch of people, I might choose to trade in gold coin, depends on the economics of other spawned items and resource. Lets RP?

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It's really simple, use cans of beans as the base currency with a bottle of water being worth two beans, everyone starts with four food dollars and I can guarantee there's more than a few of each in circulation so as a currency it should stay relatively stable.

The biggest problem is actually storage, players need to be able to safely store items in large quantities and inside buildings at that. Once we have that, I wouldn't be surprised if traders started springing up.

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For this to work you need an incentive to cleanse a town of zeds and hold it on a long term basis. You would only do this if the town gave you spawned resources in food + water.

For example if you have a rope and bucket to use the well, you can collect x many buckets of water from the well before the rope gives in, say enough to sustain 3 people there for 3 hours each. I could work a currency system into the ropes. Give me them, I let you use the well for water. With food perhaps you need seeds, give me seeds and I will give you some food.

Gold was just an idea and not a very useful one but seeds and water purification tablets/rope can be currency if it can provide a benefit, and it does by having them used in key areas to provide food and water.

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  'Horr1d said:

Items with non useful properties have been used in societies for thousands of years as a medium for trade. Just because you don't need it or see a use for it' date=' does not mean that one day others will not.


You need a way to manufacture them though and the process has to be complex enough that forgeries are hard to pull off. You can't use something people find laying around all over the place (pre-disaster money etc) as currency. Trading surplus of one supply for another one makes much more sense.

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Adding money in this game is stupid and casual IMHO.

A currency is based on trade. What is the mosta basic item anyone uses and needs? Ammo, just like Metro 2033, people could/should start trading itens for ammo.

This would be more effectively if we could brake down ammo, make ammo, empty mags, and reallocate 9mm ammos for different types of guns. currently ammo locked to magazine is not good enough.

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Well the OP suggested adding money to see what happens.

Thats fine as long as its a "see wat happens" type of deal. Just add coins to the loot table and see if people pick them up.

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I like putting bullets in players' heads. Now thats what I call trade!

No, thats called lead poisoning

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C'mon, people. That's Eastern block. Not coins, but GOLD TEETH. Some random zombies could easily have gold teeth ...

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Well the OP suggested adding money to see what happens.

Thats fine as long as its a "see wat happens" type of deal. Just add coins to the loot table and see if people pick them up.

I don't think it would add anything at all at this state if not everyone on the server agrees to go heavy role play mode.

This is a sandbox game and any item could be currency, just collect enough of them and you're rich, everyone just has to agree that it's the official currency. Team Fortress 2 has metal as currency for example which you get from smelting two weapons.

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I only like the idea of currency IF there are ways to use that currency AND its a stackable item. Right now we are incredibly limited with space, so there is only so much "money" you can have at one time. How much is a can of beans worth? Two whisky bottles? Cool. How about that bus you got working? 100 bottles? ... How will I carry that many? If the currency system was only for between players, cool. But its got to be practical and none of the items in the game right now are practical for currency after a certain amount.

My idea is that currency should be implemented after the ability to take over towns and spawn NPCs is in the game. :)

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I'm all for the idea of a trade window, currency not so much, having a central currency can become an issue and places more value on the items rather than the use of the item itself (AKA people will hoard).

I like that items don't really have a set value at the moment and that it depends on the survivors immediate needs as to how much value they place on the items they need to trade.

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When I say currency, yes any item can be used even broken bottles but this currently does not have much use at all.

An idea was seeds. Seeds would allow you to settle in a town if it had a soil plot as you can just grow food there constantly if you had the seed supply and the town had a well.

Gold coins could work if there was a leader board based also on collecting them, otherwise there is no real incentive outside of heavy role play.

Allowing players to make their own shop and set their prices in the form of any current item in game would be good too. The possibilities are endless for this game and settling in a town and trying to come up with incentives for people to gather in communities for mutual survival is what I am trying to get at here. These communities can of course be turned upside down by player behaviour, I just thought it would be cool to try and recreate a civilisation and see how long I can work on maintaining it before it falls. That way, we might see RP things like the communist and nazi fractions AK metro 2033 or specific clans and fractions forming.

Totally player driven!! No one is forcing you to use or do any of this stuff, but come into our town and dont listen to our rules and its bang bang time for you!

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