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Helicopter Endgame!

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So my friend and I have all the top gear, and we've been playing for a while(since Apriil-ish). Soon I'll have to stop playing because life just doesn't let up. So we spend about a hour getting stuff together to repair a heli that my friend found in the south of chernarus tonight(obviously spawned there). During which some random hacker came up fixed it (but emptied the fuel with the fixing hack), then my friend shot him. Then we had to kill 2 more players with our L85s who had what I might call "medium" gear level stuff: ALICEs, NVGs, M4A1 CCO and M24 if I remember correctly. We finally put about a quarter of fuel into the heli (approx. 10 jerrys) and I started the engine. It warmed up and just as we left the ground (this is in a valley btw, with trees forcing me to go straight up) someone started shooting at us. I knew I had to get out of there quick, so I titled it to the side and front. BAM half a barrel role not 50m off the ground. Half because I turned back over the same way. Got it up in the air and sped off. Think the heli took about a dozen rounds to the body and was fine. Then we to the NE airfield for fuel/safety/food (I killed a goat :P). Went cruzing around the north, passed up the NW airfield, and went to Zelenogorsk to pick up another friend. Got to the coast and got shot at by a player in Elektro, one of my gunners was able to kill him. We went up north, nobody at Stary Sobor, nobody at the NW airfield aga-- GUNFIRE, NORTH SIDE!! We were shot at, and whoever shot us had an LMG most likely or just good aim. Anyways 2 of us were bleeding, so we fled to bandage and eat. Then went back and nobody shot anymore. Decided to do our own endgame since I won't be getting on as much (unless someone would like an awesome helicopter pilot...[CLANS??] PM if you want a pilot, I just want to do it for the fun of flying, then you can kill me after I land it back your base I dont care) so left gunner tried parashooting out- didn't work, died on impact with the ground :( *RIP Lucien*. Then I took the heli into the air control tower with my right gunner still on board. *RIP getshot & Skirata*

So that was my endgame, you might think you can top it but to me, this was a frickin' awesome way to end playing dayz for a while.

PS: anybody want some Mountain Dew cans? PM with title "MDew" and we can set up a trade (remember I have multiple L85s, there will be no double crossing)

Might post a video on youtube in the future, buts its going to be in horrible quality...until next time....

Edited by Skirata

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What a headache that was to read.

That bettaaa?

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Oh my god why did i read that?


I think nobody will let you fly his helicopter...

Edited by Yusho

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Trade? What do want to trade for?

Just kidding about the trade, if you want a mountain dew I can just give it to you

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