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What a h**king joke...

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I'm sorry, but you bought ARMA, not DayZ.

If you are one of the many foolish folks who bought ARMA just for DayZ, you should've done your research a bit better beforehand. This is an alpha mod rampant with hackers, and it will remain that way if and until BattlEye can more effectively detect and shut down the bypass hooks.

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I think you would be very surprised to find out the age of some of these cheaters.

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you didnt spend any money on this game, you bought arma 2 to run a free mod. the hacking happened in a free mod. you will not get refunded for the perfectly valid game you bought which is not currently in alpha.

i'm sorry you got very unlucky and was killed by griefing hackers, but grow up and realise that dayz owes you absolutely nothing, stop complaining about your imaginery purchase.

you didnt spend any money on this game?

didnt spend any money on this game?

this game?

No I just got the 30$ combined operations for free... Like everyone else who plays right?

my profile pic is mfw

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Yeah shit like this happens hell I have been just as pissed as you are now but what you experianced doesn't happen that often yeah hackers will kill you and fuck up your day alot but the experiances between that bullshit will make it kinda worth it.

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Had my first hacker today too. NE airfield entrance tower. Stands there in full ghillie. Full upright, not even moving. Distance. about 5 m. I have an M4A3 CCO. I puT 10 bullets in him more or less point blank, no reaction. Nothing. Then he starts shooting. Luckily I am leaning and he only hits the wall. Another 5 bullets. No reaction. Stands still, no evasive action on his side. I disconnect.

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Yeah... my kind... someone who spend $30, about 12 hours and most of his monthly bandwidth to try a game, only to be fucked over after 5 minutes of playing and now has to sit afk with the game running until the char dies and can respawn.

Yeah I'm such a menace to this community....

You spend $30 on Arma 2: Combined Operations, not on DayZ, wich is; a FREE mod on ALPHA TESTING.

Don't whine, take the punch and learn the game. It took me quite a while to appreciate it and figure everything out...

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Yeah shit like this happens hell I have been just as pissed as you are now but what you experianced doesn't happen that often yeah hackers will kill you and fuck up your day alot but the experiances between that bullshit will make it kinda worth it.

Kinda worth it? Meh...

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I just spend $30 to play this game after hearing all the praises about it, and within 5 minutes this is what happens... wtf seriously?

I'd like to know where you heard praise for DayZ. Can't be on this forum because all I ever see is people bitching about the game. Haven't heard a good thing about it in weeks. And yet still we play...

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You spend $30 on Arma 2: Combined Operations, not on DayZ, wich is; a FREE mod on ALPHA TESTING.

Don't whine, take the punch and learn the game. It took me quite a while to appreciate it and figure everything out...

take a punch? Jeez I'd rather get punched then have my 23 days of survival stripped from me xD THAT IS TIME I DON'T GET BACK!

Money time...

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I'd like to know where you heard praise for DayZ. Can't be on this forum because all I ever see is people bitching about the game. Haven't heard a good thing about it in weeks. And yet still we play...

We play in hope of a savior. That one day a man with brown short hair will cross oceans and part the seas. He will stand a top the largest tower in chernarus and will preach his message of saving. He will erase and purify the grounds of Chernarus of those putrid hackers and will sacrifice his body and blood in order to bring AntiCheating systems to the hive. But seriously I think rocket will do something about it eventually.


Anytime now...

Oh god were alone aren't we?


No, wait its okay, have some you must be hungry.

I once heard Rocket speak to me in a dream.

But my thermometer was purple so I "I SAID DONT TOUCH MY BEANS"

Must sleep now... Hackers coming.

Go to sleep... shhhhhhhh

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Are there so many kids here that are not yet able to read ? You bought ArmA2 and that's running fine. DAYZ is a free alpha mod and you can take it or leave it. You can die or loose your char a thousand ways. There is no Save function so then it's all gone. These kids are worse than any hacker and cheater.

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Solution is to play a private server. I suspect more and more people will migrate to private servers the longer this stupid shit goes on.

Also, anyone else find the title of this thread confusing? :P

Edited by Boris_Bee

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Solution is to play a private server. I suspect more and more people will migrate to private servers the longer this stupid shit goes on.

Also, anyone else find the title of this thread confusing? :P

I think this is the only viable solution at the moment, the few private servers I have seen though simply require you to signup and you instantly get the password, maybe that small effort would be enough of a deterrent though and hackers would simply choose easier targets.

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Are there so many kids here that are not yet able to read ? You bought ArmA2 and that's running fine. DAYZ is a free alpha mod and you can take it or leave it. You can die or loose your char a thousand ways. There is no Save function so then it's all gone. These kids are worse than any hacker and cheater.

Im pretty sure the character saves on abort. Buuuuuuuuut I could be wrong. Maybe it runs scripts before you completely log in, explaining the reason you get stuck on the black loading screen. Maybe your characters run around rlly fast and collect all that stuff before your log in is complete? Seems like just saving the character on abort is too simple.. I smell a DayZ conspiracy :o

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Solution is to play a private server. I suspect more and more people will migrate to private servers the longer this stupid shit goes on.

Also, anyone else find the title of this thread confusing? :P

Yea I totally thought he ment to swear but accidently replaced the F with an H...

If thats what you ment

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I think this is the only viable solution at the moment, the few private servers I have seen though simply require you to signup and you instantly get the password, maybe that small effort would be enough of a deterrent though and hackers would simply choose easier targets.

Yet the hackers take a few hours to write a code to break the game? Ohhhh Maybe your on to something here. You sir have my beans. But if you eat them... I will find you. And I will kill you. However please let me know which server you join. But I will do the rest O.O

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You were very unlucky.

Don't give up.

I understand why you are angry, keep your language down please

lol unlucky my ass, this shit happens all the fucking time.

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So I left the game running for about 2 hours last night... contrary to what some dude on this post said about it taking 20 minutes to die in the water at night... I had suffered NO damage what so ever and the hunger barely went down. So I left the game running last night before going to bed. This morning I wake up, check the game, apparently I was disconnected from the server from being inactive. I connect to a diff server and I'm still at the full12,000 blood, with only slight discoloration with food still at green and the water icon at slightly green/brown.

Why the fuck has there not been an emergency patch to re-enable the respawn feature? If there was a problem with people abusing respawn before why not just put a timer on it or something but at least have an option to kill yourself. At this point I'm tempted to find hacks myself just for the purpose of teleporting myself back to main land or to kill myself cause this mod doesn't seem to have any fucking reasonable solution what so ever to this problem. Everytime some script tard decides to do this I need to keep the game running for hours to kill myself... wtf seriously.

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Why the fuck has there not been an emergency patch to re-enable the respawn feature? If there was a problem with people abusing respawn before why not just put a timer on it or something but at least have an option to kill yourself. At this point I'm tempted to find hacks myself just for the purpose of teleporting myself back to main land or to kill myself cause this mod doesn't seem to have any fucking reasonable solution what so ever to this problem. Everytime some script tard decides to do this I need to keep the game running for hours to kill myself... wtf seriously.

tl;dr I HATE HACKERS so i'm gonna HACK

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tl;dr I HATE HACKERS so i'm gonna HACK

Do you have any solution for me either than spending 12 hours in the game, periodically moving the mouse so I don't disconnect for being afk, until I die of thirst / starvation? .... and then hope some hack tard doesn't just do this again with the push of a button?

You're a goof, and you'll be making one of these posts too when this happens to you.

Edited by SpeedyBanana

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Are you in firing range of the coast, or can you not see land at all. I am sure someone can either help you out or shoot you to end your misery.

Put a server name and time you are on, believe it or not, there are people that will try and help you.

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