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Skalisty Island - Sanctuary and Trading Post

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I would love to see the currently redundant Skalisty Island (http://www.dayzdb.com/map#4.134.123) turn into something of a friendly hub and market place.

Maybe have some sort of a ferry that could transport you from the mainland to the island, where discharging firearms would be prohibited, either by physically being unable to shoot (Stalker style) or have NPC guards that open fire on any lawbreakers. There would have to be some sort of AA measure too, to stop brazen helicopter attacks.

People could go to the island to trade items or offer brawn for missions or simply go there to recruit clan members or people with like-minded intentions. You could even create some sort of auction house style noticeboard that enabled you to post items willing to be traded etc etc.

Of course this wouldn't function so well on under-populated servers and no doubt the ferry if it existed would be a major target for griefers and snipers, but this could all be solved with some clever non-game-breaking NPC guards.

There could even be a function to allow a certain amount of players to spawn in as 'Guards' and have access to gear usuable only on the island, to prevent the use of NPCs at all..

Of course the idea needs to be properly fleshed out, and I know others have suggested similar - but I think a location such as Skalisty Island would be perfect. What do you guys think?

Edited by uberwolfe
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Even know we don't have any lore I think having NPCs on such an island would be plausible in a storyline.

But people always quote a post by Rocket saying how it will be up to the players to make the world safe. So i'm not sure he'd ever implement such a feature.

Edited by Afgoo
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  On 8/3/2012 at 5:17 AM, Afgoo said:

Even know we don't have any lore I think having NPCs on such an island would be plausible in a storyline.

But people always quote a post by Rocket saying how it will be up to the players to make the world safe. So i'm not sure he'd ever implement such a feature.

You're probably right, maybe enable a certain amount of players to spawn as 'Guards' with special gear usable only on the island?

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  On 8/3/2012 at 5:19 AM, uberwolfe said:

You're probably right, maybe enable a certain amount of players to spawn as 'Guards' with special gear usable only on the island?

Yeah that's a thought, I just don't know enough about Rocket's boundaries to say whether or not it could happen. Although, if server-hopping is somehow changed I could definitely see like a player-run trading post. Skalisty Island would definitely be a good location for a friendly area. How it would be regulated would be tough to decide. Regulation in terms of the allowance of guns being out, in backpacks, or not present. Maybe, it could be such a trusted situation that traders could give the farrier their weapon. Like a valet?

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  On 8/3/2012 at 5:28 AM, BrettHarrenton said:

No :emptycan:

Care to elaborate?

I've been playing DayZ since day 1 and really crave some sort of place like this...

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Before making any sort of ridiculous suggestion as this,

think if it relates to REALISM

This game is mainly about REALISM, and what would REALLY happen should a zombie apocolapyse happen.

So think about REALISM.




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Yeah, this will never happen in terms of Rocket actually limiting your ability to discharge firearms in certain areas. Nor do I see there being a specific place on a map where you can go to trade. The whole point of the game is its a sandbox. So if someone decided they wanted to make Skalisty a trading post they could, but only so long as they could maintain order and prevent it from being the Wild West. I don't disagree with the argument that there needs to be better accessibility in terms of trading, but that shouldn't be at the cost of limiting player interaction (i.e. killing people). Direct communication needs to be improved in the game, so that players within a few hundred meters of each other can have the possibility of communicating. Whether that's via in-game text or actual voice, it doesn't matter. Whatever the actual limit is on direct communication right now it is ridiculous. It's something like 50 meters. You're never going to find anyone on the map when you're typing or shouting ingame and the nearest tree is your only audience. Other than that, actual player interactions need to be improved as well, but that mostly has to do with the absolutely god awful UI in this game. If someone who wasn't schizo made the UI, the in-game interactions wouldn't be nearly as clumsy and painful as they are currently.

Edited by Kurian

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  On 8/3/2012 at 5:37 AM, Smacked said:

Before making any sort of ridiculous suggestion as this,

think if it relates to REALISM

This game is mainly about REALISM, and what would REALLY happen should a zombie apocolapyse happen.

So think about REALISM.




I don't see how it's ridiculous.. And since you like the word REALISM so much, maybe you should apply it to morphine fixing broken legs, getting hungry and thirsty every 20 minutes even after a full meal, finding sniper rifles in residential barns etc etc.

I don't see how my SUGGESTION breaks this realism - in fact it would add to it if done properly.

Edited by uberwolfe
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  On 8/3/2012 at 5:37 AM, Smacked said:

Before making any sort of ridiculous suggestion as this,

think if it relates to REALISM

This game is mainly about REALISM, and what would REALLY happen should a zombie apocolapyse happen.

So think about REALISM.




Humans would wipe the feckers off the planet that's what would happen.

Its not like we are being invaded by an advanced alien race or something

Edited by RogueNZ
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morphine fixing broken legs, getting hungry and thirsty every 20 minutes even after a full meal, finding sniper rifles in residential barns etc etc.

We're trying. ;) It's on the 'To Be Implemented' list. Day Z does pursue realism, and it will continue to do so, I think, even to the point of possibly turning players off from the experience. As Rocket has stated multiple times, Day Z is not a game, it's an 'anti-game' that is an experiment in human behavior. Realism should be pursued, no matter what.

In realism terms, having an island safehaven that hasn't been obliterated multiple times over either by the spread of infection or by desperate bandits is unrealistic.

In gameplay terms, having a safehaven would ruin the feel of desperation that currently permeates the servers, and, in fact, devalue anything that the players can accomplish, since "Well, the NPC's can do it too.." It's really just not fun, and unimmersive.

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  On 8/3/2012 at 5:57 AM, Zetal said:

We're trying. ;) It's on the 'To Be Implemented' list. Day Z does pursue realism, and it will continue to do so, I think, even to the point of possibly turning players off from the experience. As Rocket has stated multiple times, Day Z is not a game, it's an 'anti-game' that is an experiment in human behavior. Realism should be pursued, no matter what.

In realism terms, having an island safehaven that hasn't been obliterated multiple times over either by the spread of infection or by desperate bandits is unrealistic.

In gameplay terms, having a safehaven would ruin the feel of desperation that currently permeates the servers, and, in fact, devalue anything that the players can accomplish, since "Well, the NPC's can do it too.." It's really just not fun, and unimmersive.

I completely understand what you're saying, but I don't see this as any different to being in an area zombies can't reach that is protected by the rest of your clan. The lonely and harsh wilderness is still out there, it hasn't gone anywhere it's just a short skip over the water. Having this small 'sanctuary' I don't think would alleviate that essential feeling that makes this game so awesome.

If people don't want NPCs that's fine.. let it be a free for all zone. I know enough friendlies that would be happy to defend such a location themselves.

If an apocalypse did happen, there would still be bastions of safety, in more places than everyone seems to think.

And the whole 'anti-game' thing that Rocket expressed is not as deep as people seem to think it is. Sure it's the basis and inspiration for this mod, but after all this mod is still a game and Rocket still wants you to be entertained... people are not going to play it they are not entertained, and I'm sure Rocket doesn't want people not playing...

Edited by uberwolfe

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The idea of a safe-heaven, for any purposes, has been proposed before.

Stalinsky Islands poses the perfect example of how this idea could work. There's plenty of room for base building, there's game in the forests, there's a water-well in the small town, and you are relatively safe from sniping since most of the "habitable" part of the islands faces away from the hills of the mainland.

In theory, the only thing preventing people from securing Stalinsky and making it a "stronghold" is that people can ghost in.

How do you solve this? Easy.

First, make it so every server has the "lose your stuff when swimming". Don't allow admins to choose in this. This will not only be extremely detrimental to people "exploring" the island, but also, make ships (even the really slow ones) useful and worth taking down south.

Second, make it so that it's impossible to ghost in by adding a mechanic that relocates people joining in from other servers. Possibly placing them along the coast north of the island. This will grant a sense of security that we are currently lacking because it doesn't matter how well we defend a location, people can always get among our ranks by using this exploit.

Third, organize the base and protection yourself. No need for NPCs. Auction House can't be implemented in a world where there's no common currency. Bartering will take over and people will exchange things on a need-basis. Law-enforcement is up to the people "handling" the island.

And that's it. With those simple things you can accomplish all that you want and possibly more.

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This is the sort of crap that has led to me almost totally abandoning the suggestions forum, this place has gone to the dogs.

No to safe havens. No to NPCs, No to trading posts,

You want these things make them yourself.

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  On 8/3/2012 at 7:51 AM, Strategos said:

This is the sort of crap that has led to me almost totally abandoning the suggestions forum, this place has gone to the dogs.

No to safe havens. No to NPCs, No to trading posts,

You want these things make them yourself.

Good, if you aren't open to suggestions then F off, nobody will miss you.

This is a SUGGESTIONS forum, it is a place for people like me, to propose SUGGESTIONS.. get it?

I'm not stating that this is exactly how the game should be, I'm merely offering things that I as a player would like to see... something that would add to my experience.

Since you are clearly so self-righteous and know which direction this game should go why don't you phone Rocket and propose to lead the ship yourself?

Or at least elaborate why this "sort of crap" is clearly twisting your panties...

I'm sick of dicks like you flaming people with an honest SUGGESTION and dismissing them totally without any f*cking rhyme or reason.

Leave the game exactly as it is and watch it get stale quickly, watch some other dev make a clone that's better and then watch the player base shrink into nothing.

Have fun with you and your 3 mates (that's if you have any with your obviously lacking social skills) running around in your ghillies shooting nothing but pigs and rabbits.



1. the act of suggesting.

2. the state of being suggested.

3. a slight trace: He speaks with a suggestion of a foreign accent.

4. the calling up in the mind of one idea by another by virtue of some association or of some natural connection between the ideas.

Edited by uberwolfe
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You do know that Skalisty island is not pointless as of the most recent patch right... it is a chopper spawn site, i have had many firefights on the island recently, no need to draw more attention there untill all the choppers are snatched up :P

Edited by Gareth_Sims

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Indeed, everyone here is forgetting one thing. The chopper.

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Here's a suggestion. Use the search button.

Stop suggesting stuff that has been posted over and over and over again (sticking it on an island (that isnt useless incidentally) does not make it a new idea). And don't be surprised at the reactions you get when you do so. It's tedious as hell.

Then go and read the "Rocket Said" thread and read his statements about how he wants people to create things like this and not have them placed in the game.

While your at it try and keep your posts about suggestions instead of personal attacks, calling me a dick after that pathetic tirade is amusingly ironic.

Edited by Strategos

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  On 8/3/2012 at 9:34 AM, Strategos said:

Here's a suggestion. Use the search button.

Stop suggesting stuff that has been posted over and over and over again (sticking it on an island (that isnt useless incidentally) does not make it a new idea). And don't be surprised at the reactions you get when you do so. It's tedious as hell.

Then go and read the "Rocket Said" thread and read his statements about how he wants people to create things like this and not have them placed in the game.

While your at it try and keep your posts about suggestions instead of personal attacks, calling me a dick after that pathetic tirade is amusingly ironic.

Thanks for the suggestion, and the extensive list of suggestions that are not what I suggested.

Read most of the "Rocket Said" manifesto, all of that "people creating stuff" is incredibly hard with an average of 42 players on servers and not much persistence. Add to that the buggy interactions, dropouts, schizo GUI, and the fact that most of those players are grouping only to kill other players and it's completely impossible in its current state.

Personal attack? Not at all, merely a fitting description based on your initial pretentious argument.

Again, if you don't like somebody suggesting stuff IN A SUGGESTIONS FORUM, maybe you should do as you said, abandon it. After all, nobody will suggest anything else of value.. nothing that your obviously extremely-talented game-designer mind sees fit anyhow. Because its clear that you do know what is best for DayZ.

Edited by uberwolfe
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  On 8/3/2012 at 7:51 AM, Strategos said:

You want these things make them yourself.


People already did it successfully in Ballota airfield for example. There is a whole trading guild with guards etc. that work together for one big trading event from time to time. I actually don't know the name of the group.

Grab a pack of bodies and create such a place if you want something like that to exist.

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