swert 0 Posted May 24, 2012 Basically there is a game getting released tomorrow called Iron Front Liberation 1944. It uses the same engine as ARMA II, but it is a WW2 game complete with tanks, planes ,WW2 weaponry, and scenery/environments. I am excited about Iron Front's release, but I was curious as to whether or not it would be possible to have a version of Day Z specifically for Iron Front. http://ironfront.deepsilver.com/en/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shooer 2 Posted May 24, 2012 There is also the Invasion 44 mod for ArmA 2 that is the western front as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
swert 0 Posted May 24, 2012 Yes, I was trying to figure out if they are by the same devs. The names of the Mod and the retail release are very similar so I would assume that it is the same team. I would be fine with Day Z for either honestly.Edit: It's not from the same team. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
salty (DayZ) 39 Posted May 26, 2012 Developing the same mod for two different games would just be silly and redundant. Rocket already has his hands full, i'm sure. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oktyabr 53 Posted May 26, 2012 I suspected that it was based on the same engine but where did you find confirmation of this? I looked and couldn't find it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rocket 16567 Posted May 26, 2012 IronFront is not modable.And DayZ has a pretty narrow focus, for the moment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hoak 27 Posted May 28, 2012 Swert's suggestion has veracity and compelling prospects. The biggest limitation however is not mod support on Iron Front: Liberation 1944, as it's perfectly capable of running Day Z virtually box stock and working with existing ArmA II Day Z servers -- but the fact that Day Z uses ArmA II art assets that would require permission from BI to run on another title in this manner.A cross-title mod has a lot to offer all parties concerned: BI, Deep Silver, Day Z's Developer(s), and Fans of all three games -- so it wouldn't be out of the question for BI to want to see how far Day Z's success might go and grant cross-title exclusive use of some assets for exclusive use on a cross-title mod with Iron Front. This could also set an important precedent in licensure of BI's engine that may interest prospective Developer/Publishers.Day Z's Developer(s) may also be interested in expanding their mod to use art assets unencumbered by licensure to 'future proof' Day Z for the eventuality of keeping the door opento commercial prospects. The bottom line, while it may be a long shot, it's certainly a something all three parties should seriously explore as it has prospects of being a win/win/win for all concerned, achieving something not only unique but beneficial to all at virtually no cost to anyone...Δ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16190 Posted June 27, 2012 Hello allIFL not moddable?As easy as Arma to mod? no. But not modable? Shame on you. Just work with the devs.Hoak has the general right idea, but I doubt IFL will see Zombies any time soon.Lingor looks like the most likely candidate at the moment.rgdsLoK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jblackrupert 308 Posted June 27, 2012 No mods allowed in Iron Front unless you kiss their butts and they approve it.The claim it's a contract issue between them and Bohemia but thats probably complete bull. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16190 Posted June 27, 2012 hello there,Nope, you need to go read the statements on the forums. Several mods are in progress with dev help.No bottom kissing needed. They just need to make sure the proposed mods do not contain code/content is stolen/malicious/had no approval and also to a certain extent dont infract certain German laws.It's not ideal but far from a total halt to modding.Also why would they lie about it? It just hampers them to have the Bis contract the way it is.rgdsLoK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
7-75 callaghan 43 Posted June 27, 2012 Liberation 1944 was originally a mod for the arma series. So same starting point as DayZ, only not as popular. I tried it, and honestly I don't think it is justified as a separate release, should have been a DLC.No point in splitting the DayZ community like that either. All the creative types are experienced ArmA 2 modders, the new guys contribute less, so better to keep it as one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jblackrupert 308 Posted June 28, 2012 Also why would they lie about it? It just hampers them to have the Bis contract the way it is.rgdsLoKBecause they would have lost sales if they told everyone the deal with modding up front.Do you honestly believe a modding team failed to read the contract and didn't noticea significant portion of it states that they have to approve eveything before it's released?The whole Bohemia wants to protect the engine from hackers is a load a hogwashif that were true eveything on Armaholic would have to go through the same vetting process.The Project Reality team was up front about the fact that anyone wanting to create contentfor that would have to go through a process of having their work checked and go through a voting process for it to be integrated into the PR mod.The reaction to the PR announcement was pretty much 50/50, chances are the IF devsdidn't want to scare off the against crowd so they stayed quiet about it until after the first week sales died down. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites