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Maiming is so fun.

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It's so much fun punishing careless players. Sometimes players don't die immediately from being shot, and just get knocked unconscious. I find this effect is a lot more common with weapons such as the Enfield.

If I see a careless player (like someone running along in the middle of the street), I'll often pop one or two rounds into him and then just move on. If they don't fall unconscious and don't die, which is very rare, I just finish the job. But this is no fun. However, if they fall unconscious, survive and manage to bandage themselves, that's the fun part. They have no idea who shot them, and even better, they'll be pretty low on blood, fainting as often as not, making any encounter with zeds or other players really dangerous.

Kneecapping is fun too, but it's a bit more risky, seeing as the player can still look around him and announce your position in the chat if he manages to spot you.

Careless players deserve to be punished. 90% of people I kill/maim are careless people.

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that is always fun along with baiting careless people, that dont bother to check around when your calling for 'help"

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I have to admit there are times where I deserve a maiming. I like you.

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Just a little creepy. I love the depth of this game though. $_$

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This is why bandits are being called socio-paths. But I like it. Kudos to you sir.

You mean....... that's considered a BAD thing...?

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Always fun to shoot the kneecaps of a survivor that is being chased by 10-20 zombies

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I do the same thing to idiots who like to throw flares in cherno but I like to finish a job. Sometimes debug forest is a lot more infuriating than fixing themselves up. But this I might start taking up since its not as douchey and they still learn a lesson.

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I do the same thing to idiots who like to throw flares in cherno

Man they are the worst. Who the hell throws those things?

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I was once being chased with another player that had teamed up with me. Too many zeds and we were running out of ammo. I saved my last 3 shots for his knees and got away walking dead style.

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the problem is, most survivors who get maimed will alt+F4. The best thing to do is always put a bullet in their head.

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