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Golden Revolver

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Clan mates had a shoot out with a guy. The guy died and it turns out he had a golden revolver.

We believe its a hacked gun and banned the player from the server.

Well, is it hacked? and is Ban justified?

Edited by specterm

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Definitely hacked. Put it on a zombie and hide the body. Then ban that guy.

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It's a weapon that isn't in DayZ, but just because he had the weapon doesn't mean he used any sort of hack to spawn it, he could have done the same as you did and got it that way. So maybe banning him is unjustified as there is no actual proof he spawned it.

Edited by Ellis!
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It is only justified if he was the one who spawned it.

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Someone having hacked weapons does not justify banning them, unless they hacked the weapons in.

It very well could have been some ignorant newbie that found the gun on a hacker.

If you have the power to ban him, why not do some research and check through the logs; instead of choosing to be ignorant.

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against server hosting rules to ban even if he did spawn it in

i know, just saying

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against server hosting rules to ban even if he did spawn it in

i know, just saying

OK.. so what is the deal here. Server reporting has a stickied thread thats posted here. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/22386-admin-abuse-what-you-need-to-know/

It explicitly says this..

2 - Understand what powers admins have. We can:

- Lock the server

- Restart the server

- Password the server

- Restart the mission in-game

- Kick or ban players

We cannot:

- Spawn in weapons and vehicles

- Remotely kill players

- Crash your game

- Roll back our servers to previous 'saves'

- Spawn nukes on top of players

- Teleport

So we cant ban a player using a hacked weapon?

Id like an official response.

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against server hosting rules to ban even if he did spawn it in

i know, just saying

Please tell me where it says you cannot ban players for spawning in weapons/vehicles? That would fall under cheating/hacking which is a justifiable banning offense.

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Well, is it hacked? and is Ban justified?

If you aren't sure if it is justified why would you hand out a ban?

Ya'know, you are an admin.. You should know the rules before hosting your own server.

Please tell me where it says you cannot ban players for spawning in weapons/vehicles? That would fall under cheating/hacking which is a justifiable banning offense.

Does he have proof the banned player scripted in the weapons? Nope.

When I first started playing I killed two guys that had MK17 TWS silenced, I had absolutely no idea they were not legit and used them until I read otherwise. Does that mean I should be banned? Nope. Does that mean I loaded them in? Nope.

Edited by zuk

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Clan mates had a shoot out with a guy. The guy died and it turns out he had a golden revolver.

We believe its a hacked gun and banned the player from the server.

Well, is it hacked? and is Ban justified?

I wouldn't bother banning him. With nuking, godmode, invisible and all the other crap you have bigger fish to fry.

He's not hurting anyone running around with a pistol, let battle eye take care of it and just be glad it wasn't disruptive.

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It's a weapon that isn't in DayZ, but just because he had the weapon doesn't mean he used any sort of hack to spawn it, he could have done the same as you did and got it that way. So maybe banning him is unjustified as there is no actual proof he spawned it.

Spawned or not, we forbid weapons that are not normally in DayZ on our servers.

I would ban.

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Why do people have this missconseption that banning ppl off their servers is such a bad thing? Its not global, they can stil play elsewhere.

If someone refuses to communicate via TS, because they can not use a global chat in the game, how they acquired a weapon then I will ban them.

If a DayZ representative tells me I can NOT ban a player for having a hacked weapon then this game is not worth playing, let alone renting a server.

Edited by specterm

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